Mattis Secret Visit to Afghanistan Attacked by more than 40 rockets


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is troubling as it points to leaks within the DoD.

President Trump, it is way past time to sweep the Obama left overs from your administration! You are endangering America by not doing so!

James Mattis Was Just TARGETED In Vicious Attack, Look Who's After Him

40 to 45 rockets hit the airport, less than 2 hours after Mattis was right there! Thank God, Mattis was out of harms way by the time the rockets hit. In fact, no U.S. personnel were injured.

Three people allegedly involved in the attack were killed by Afghan special forces, according to an Afghan Interior Ministry spokesperson.

Mattis has already spoken, saying “an attack on an international airport anywhere is a criminal act by terrorists.” He said it’s designed to “go after innocent people to make some sort of statement…”

I’m very troubled by the fact that Mattis’ visit was unannounced. So how did the attackers know he was going to be there?​
You don't know if the leaks came from the DOD. It also could've come from the Afghan military.
You don't know if the leaks came from the DOD. It also could've come from the Afghan military.

I am simply assuming that we did not give EXACT timing to the Afghanistanis.

We shouldnt.

We should only give possible time frames and do sweeps after each one for radar locks and weed the bastards out some.
You don't know if the leaks came from the DOD. It also could've come from the Afghan military.

McCain...probably McCain :rolleyes:

Actually though I tend to agree with you, you can't trust anyone over there
McCain...probably McCain :rolleyes:
Actually though I tend to agree with you, you can't trust anyone over there
As long as our military aircraft cannot do wet starts any more, I think we can mostly trust McCain to not fuck everything up.
how dare they try to kill Mad Dog?

now it's personal!
This Afghanistan war is like the Vietnam war. Don't know when to quit and leave.
This is troubling as it points to leaks within the DoD.

President Trump, it is way past time to sweep the Obama left overs from your administration! You are endangering America by not doing so!

Not surprised that Jimmie blames Obama for these attacks. Not the actual assholes who attacked Mattis and killed all of those people.

Or the Afghan insiders who apparently did leak the information

The Taliban claimed responsibility for the strike, as did ISIS. But two Taliban commanders told NBC News that they had “insiders” in Afghanistan’s security bureaucracy that had informed them of Mattis’s impending arrival.

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