Mathematical Proof of Atheism's Lie


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
The insuperable statistics of polypeptide synthesis forever doom atheist nihilism to the dustbin of ignorant pretension.

Human hemoglobin consists of 574 amino acid residues, in levorotary form, bonded with peptide bonds, as opposed to non-peptide bonds. Out of 20 different amino acids, this sequence has a probability of naturalistic synthesis of 1/20 to the 574th power, times 1/2 to the 574th power, times 1/2 to the 574th power. This result is no different from zero.
It was created not formed from water dripping on rocks.

The science gets much, much worse for arrogant atheists pretending to rely on *science*.

Humans have thousands of proteins, the largest of which is titin. It is 33,450 amino acids in length.
So take 1/20 to the 33,450th times 1/2 to the 33,450th, times 1/2 to the 33,450th.

Richard Dawkins has stated that anything with a probability of 1 in 10 to the 40th is 'impossible'. His words.
Again, what is 1/20 to the 33,450th? For just ONE protein....


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Proves God cannot create a human out of the ether

Its takes millions of years to build the complexity of life
The insuperable statistics of polypeptide synthesis forever doom atheist nihilism to the dustbin of ignorant pretension.

Human hemoglobin consists of 574 amino acid residues, in levorotary form, bonded with peptide bonds, as opposed to non-peptide bonds. Out of 20 different amino acids, this sequence has a probability of naturalistic synthesis of 1/20 to the 574th power, times 1/2 to the 574th power, times 1/2 to the 574th power. This result is no different from zero.
It was created not formed from water dripping on rocks.

The science gets much, much worse for arrogant atheists pretending to rely on *science*.

Humans have thousands of proteins, the largest of which is titin. It is 33,450 amino acids in length.
So take 1/20 to the 33,450th times 1/2 to the 33,450th, times 1/2 to the 33,450th.

Richard Dawkins has stated that anything with a probability of 1 in 10 to the 40th is 'impossible'. His words.
Again, what is 1/20 to the 33,450th? For just ONE protein....
You are doubting and you're reaching out to atheists for help. The rude remarks you get for your efforts will serve to re-strengthen your faith.

Don't challenge science, it was long ago established that science and faith based beliefs can't be discussed together.
The insuperable statistics of polypeptide synthesis forever doom atheist nihilism to the dustbin of ignorant pretension.

Human hemoglobin consists of 574 amino acid residues, in levorotary form, bonded with peptide bonds, as opposed to non-peptide bonds. Out of 20 different amino acids, this sequence has a probability of naturalistic synthesis of 1/20 to the 574th power, times 1/2 to the 574th power, times 1/2 to the 574th power. This result is no different from zero.
It was created not formed from water dripping on rocks.

The science gets much, much worse for arrogant atheists pretending to rely on *science*.

Humans have thousands of proteins, the largest of which is titin. It is 33,450 amino acids in length.
So take 1/20 to the 33,450th times 1/2 to the 33,450th, times 1/2 to the 33,450th.

Richard Dawkins has stated that anything with a probability of 1 in 10 to the 40th is 'impossible'. His words.
Again, what is 1/20 to the 33,450th? For just ONE protein....
Typical anti-evolution straw man. The assumption is that the human hemoglobin has to be fully formed before it can be useful. Sorry but it evolved its complexity:

Origin of complexity in haemoglobin evolution

Evolution of Hemoglobin and Its Genes

Seems to me creating the universe and every thing in it in a single act is a deed worthy of an omnipotent being. Imperfect men envisioned a universe where God has to continually tinker and smite to make it work right.
The creation of all is beyond our abilities to phantom at this time because we do not know what built it in the first place and neither do the religious of the planet know anymore than the scientist.
I saw no mathematical formulas in the OP...I did see a word problem but no formulas..Here is a good example.

The Mathematical Analogy in the Proof of God's Existence by Descartes

Jean-Marie Nicolle, in Mathematics and the Divine, 2005

4.2. The analogy with the sphere​

In his fourth set of replies Descartes maintains the constant analogy between theological truths and mathematical truths. Concerning the inscribed triangle in a semi-circle, he comes up with three additions: 1 – Pythagoras' theorem is not about a substance while the cogito is about a substance; 2 – if you admit Pythagoras' theorem, you must admit that this property belongs to a right-angled triangle, while you may clearly and distinctly understand soul without body, and vice versa; 3 – if you know the essence of the right-angled triangle without knowing Pythagoras' theorem, however, you cannot deny the existence of a proportion between the base and the sides, and you cannot deny the proportion expressed in Pythagoras' theorem. With these three points, Descartes insists on the difference between essence and property, and he insists on the necessary link between an essence and its properties.
Descartes introduces a new mathematical analogy inspired by Archimedes' work on the sphere. Indeed, Descartes defined God as “causa sui”. Arnauld reproaches him for not distinguishing the cause and the effect. Nothing can be, at the same time, its own cause and its own effect. Descartes replies that on the basis of such an argument atheists would not admit God as a first cause for they would require another efficient cause different from God himself. Descartes compares Arnauld to an imaginary Archimedes who, after having proved the properties of the sphere on the basis of an analogy between sphere and rectilinear figures inscribed in it, would have refused to consider the sphere as a rectilinear figure with infinitely many sides (Cf. Archimedes, About sphere and cylinder, I, 24). In other words, if he would have maintained the specific difference between rectilinear and curvilinear figures, Archimedes wouldn't have been able to use his exhaustion method and wouldn't have succeeded. This reply means that the passage to the limit is permitted in mathematics and therefore it's permitted in metaphysics as well. Descartes is not anticipating the infinitesimal calculus before Leibniz here, but he shows that the same proof, when it doesn't concern the essence of the objects, is as good for the limited as for the unlimited. This analogy between theology and Archimedes' work on the sphere legitimises, once more, the mathematical analogy in the ontological proof of God's existence.
the op would have to provide a substance present that is not conducive to a formula for physiology to exist present in physiology to prove physiology is not a natural substance - being natural can not rule out its evolutionary development that would be possible with or without an intervention by a deity.

not to mention the spiritual content of physiology that is not even mentioned that if created by a single deity for every living being and not the same would be a limitless undertaking prohibitive to any rational consideration. though is a natural metaphysical occurrence.

op needs something other than a desert religion if they intend science to prove their point.
The complex folding of polypeptides does not easily lend itself to probability analysis, but it obviously adds profound complexity to the simplistic nonsense prattled by Darwinists.
How do compounds know when to fold and where when they are forming by *random mutation* and *silly selection*? Some proselyte of Darwin please explain to everyone in detail. You'll probably be on my Ignore List so I can't read what you type, thankfully. I've wasted too much time on tripe in the past.
"Go from the presence of a foolish man."
The complex folding of polypeptides does not easily lend itself to probability analysis, but it obviously adds profound complexity to the simplistic nonsense prattled by Darwinists.
How do compounds know when to fold and where when they are forming by *random mutation* and *silly selection*? Some proselyte of Darwin please explain to everyone in detail. You'll probably be on my Ignore List so I can't read what you type, thankfully. I've wasted too much time on tripe in the past.
"Go from the presence of a foolish man."
This is typical of your usual tactic that involves spam posting. You open thread after thread where you mindlessly cut and paste from various blogs and when your cutting and pasting is challenged, you run for the exits.
You are doubting and you're reaching out to atheists for help. The rude remarks you get for your efforts will serve to re-strengthen your faith.

Don't challenge science, it was long ago established that science and faith based beliefs can't be discussed together.

The complex folding of polypeptides does not easily lend itself to probability analysis, but it obviously adds profound complexity to the simplistic nonsense prattled by Darwinists.
How do compounds know when to fold and where when they are forming by *random mutation* and *silly selection*? Some proselyte of Darwin please explain to everyone in detail. You'll probably be on my Ignore List so I can't read what you type, thankfully. I've wasted too much time on tripe in the past.
"Go from the presence of a foolish man."

physiology is a metaphysical substance that has a spiritual content to guide its progression, from the beginning -


a visual example of physiologies ability to transform itself from one being into another accomplished by its spiritual content that transfers itself from the initial being into its new creation.

ignorant are those that ignore - to make nefarious assumptions, the desert religions.
The insuperable statistics of polypeptide synthesis forever doom atheist nihilism to the dustbin of ignorant pretension.

Human hemoglobin consists of 574 amino acid residues, in levorotary form, bonded with peptide bonds, as opposed to non-peptide bonds. Out of 20 different amino acids, this sequence has a probability of naturalistic synthesis of 1/20 to the 574th power, times 1/2 to the 574th power, times 1/2 to the 574th power. This result is no different from zero.
It was created not formed from water dripping on rocks.

The science gets much, much worse for arrogant atheists pretending to rely on *science*.

Humans have thousands of proteins, the largest of which is titin. It is 33,450 amino acids in length.
So take 1/20 to the 33,450th times 1/2 to the 33,450th, times 1/2 to the 33,450th.

Richard Dawkins has stated that anything with a probability of 1 in 10 to the 40th is 'impossible'. His words.
Again, what is 1/20 to the 33,450th? For just ONE protein....

Sorry, but nothing in this demostrates conclusively that humans were created by a divine being.

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