Math Is Racist

Math itself is NOT racist in any way, shape or form.

See Below for Word Problem Racism.

Word Problems, that bring in Culture and Reading Skills, now that's a different Animal.

Clearly Bob's Word Problems below speak clearly to the Hood, the Illegals and the Rednecks.

This is CLEARLY racist against the white Christian named Luke, or John, or Gay Paul.
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You realize this test was written in response to people saying normal word problems were racist because minority students weren’t familiar with the things in the word problems. Bad taste? Yes. Misguided? Yes. What people are talking about when they say math word problems are racist. No.
Bad schools are part of the Democrat Party's dystopia.
Pittsburg's schools are run by Democrat.
So, they are saying that the Democrats are racist.

The math is racist argument comes from the fact that most math related word problems in standardized tests are written in ways that most poor people can't clearly understand. It's not racism per se, but more that the people writing the questions write them from their own experiences and often include things that people who are less well off might not have any experience.

The fact that non-white people make up the vast majority of poor people makes some claim that it's racism but it's more about well off people expecting everyone to have a clear understanding of things that really only people who are well off would have any experience.

The issue isn't really racism in this case it's a lack of economic diversity In the types of questions that are included in standardized tests.
That is a worn out crock of shit.
Blacks who dominate PG County, MD with a median income 30% higher than the national average still suck at math.
Our school results here in PG County suck in general.
We can’t correct the blacks butchering of the English language because that’s racist, therefore their inability to do word math problems is racist so we shouldn’t teach anyone English or math because the blacks can’t do it. The day were all dumb n1gg3rs will be the day of equality.
The math is racist argument comes from the fact that most math related word problems in standardized tests are written in ways that most poor people can't clearly understand. It's not racism per se, but more that the people writing the questions write them from their own experiences and often include things that people who are less well off might not have any experience.

The fact that non-white people make up the vast majority of poor people makes some claim that it's racism but it's more about well off people expecting everyone to have a clear understanding of things that really only people who are well off would have any experience.

The issue isn't really racism in this case it's a lack of economic diversity In the types of questions that are included in standardized tests.

Or whites are simply vastly superior
That's it.
You realize this test was written in response to people saying normal word problems were racist because minority students weren’t familiar with the things in the word problems. Bad taste? Yes. Misguided? Yes. What people are talking about when they say math word problems are racist. No.
Oh I get it.
I've taught math for 40+ years.

Geometry.....Circles, Other Shapes, Areas......simple Formulas.
Not Racist in ANY way.
Same for Trig, Algebra, Addition, Calculus, etc.

He is my example of a bad word problem.
I'm not saying it's 'racist' I'm saying it has cultural bias.

1). Michael is playing golf. Michael scored the following on his Front 9.

3 birdies
2 quadruple bogeys
a double bogey
A Hole in One on a par 3.
and 2 Triple Bogeys.

Question: What was Michaels score compared to Par?

This question is unfair.
If the test is designed to add positive and negative numbers, which it is, then this question failed.
The math is racist argument comes from the fact that most math related word problems in standardized tests are written in ways that most poor people can't clearly understand.

Please provide an example

Sample question...

Winchester's trust fund affords him upon completion of Math 101 he shall be granted the ability to buy low and sell high. Which is more? High or low?
15mph is a ¼ mile per minute.

20 seconds is ⅓ of a minute.

One mile is 5280 ft.

Divided by four for a ¼ mile equals 1320 ft.

Divided by three for 20 seconds of loading time equals 440 feet of lead...or almost a football field and a half.

Marvin lives. I couldn't make that shot with a pistol and I practice. Juan only sprays and prays, holds his gun sideways and only has a 2" snub-nosed because it looks cool.

They will "fix" this perceived racial inequity by lowering standards. Lower standards naturally result in lower performance. The converse is also true.
Did you read the article?
It's not logical for them to wish all races to get equal scores in all subjects. I am great at math but not so good at basketball.
The article. Did you read it?
The real reason for the disparity is not the math, it's the upbringing and lack of two-parent households.
Cool. :113: So how about that article, tho?
Or whites are simply vastly superior
That's it.

I'm wicked smart BECAUSE I'm white? I could've not read those 10,000 books? Or never brought home a C on my report card cause my parents would have made me suffer for failure? All I had to do was be white? This is bull$H!T! My latest tool, given to me is a strap of metal bent 90 degrees opposite at both ends. It's meant to go against the wall and pull flooring tight. MY friend gave it to me as he is moving so I brought him to my truck, opened a certain tool box, threw my new tool into said tool box while I made giant "gulp" sound. But then my friend is white. Where was I? Oh yea, I'm wicked smart because I'm white. Who wants to know how to build a pyramid?
I'm wicked smart BECAUSE I'm white? I could've not read those 10,000 books? Or never brought home a C on my report card cause my parents would have made me suffer for failure? All I had to do was be white? This is bull$H!T! My latest tool, given to me is a strap of metal bent 90 degrees opposite at both ends. It's meant to go against the wall and pull flooring tight. MY friend gave it to me as he is moving so I brought him to my truck, opened a certain tool box, threw my new tool into said tool box while I made giant "gulp" sound. But then my friend is white. Where was I? Oh yea, I'm wicked smart because I'm white. Who wants to know how to build a pyramid?
You sound drunk. None of this makes sense.
The math is racist argument comes from the fact that most math related word problems in standardized tests are written in ways that most poor people can't clearly understand. It's not racism per se, but more that the people writing the questions write them from their own experiences and often include things that people who are less well off might not have any experience.

The fact that non-white people make up the vast majority of poor people makes some claim that it's racism but it's more about well off people expecting everyone to have a clear understanding of things that really only people who are well off would have any experience.

The issue isn't really racism in this case it's a lack of economic diversity In the types of questions that are included in standardized tests.

Please prove you theory using this equation:



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