Mastercard wants o identify you by your heartbeat ,veins


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Mastercard Wants to Identify You by Your Heartbeat, Veins
Payment provider Mastercard announced this week that it is developing various technologies that will allow it to identify customers by their strides, heartbeat, and vein patterns.

It's ok we told you the left would beg to have the camera stuck up their arse no problem. Leftist love the gov. keeping them safe.
Will dey be able to tell when you've died?

Easily. I'll be driving my Subaru and a tire warning light will show on the dash. A couple minutes later a voice on the radio will inform me that the left front tire has low air pressure and I'll find an e-mail when I get home. When I get within 200 miles of a maintenance check a message shows on the touch screen. Big Brother is watching!

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