Mass shootings drive gun control

Otis Mayfield

Diamond Member
Sep 17, 2021
All is quiet at the moment.

As soon as there is another big mass shooting, everyone and their aunt starts calling for gun control.

Mass shootings drive gun control. True?

And if it is true, you can reduce the call for gun control by reducing the amount of mass shootings.
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All is quiet at the moment.

As soon as there is another big mass shooting, everyone and their aunt starts calling for gun control.

Mass shootings drive gun control. True?

And if it is true, you can reduce the call for gun control by reducing the amount of mass shootings.
Biden is causing so much shit to go wrong I don't know if they'll ever get around to staging more mass-shootings.
All is quiet at the moment.

As soon as there is another big mass shooting, everyone and their aunt starts calling for gun control.

Mass shootings drive gun control. True?
I think they do, but only temporarily. This is perfect example of a few A-holes possibly screwing things up for everybody, including normal conscientious gun owners.
I think they do, but only temporarily. This is perfect example of a few A-holes possibly screwing things up for everybody, including normal conscientious gun owners.

I agree.

The saying "This is why we can't have good things," comes to mind.

But if we can reduce the number of mass shootings, we can reduce the call for gun control.
Liberals are going after guns no matter what. Not all mass shootings are equal. They only care about certain shooters.

It's a real small number of leftists who want gun control no matter what. So small that they'll never pass any legislation.

It's after a mass shooting that everyone and their brothers start calling for gun control. That's when real gun control legislation can get passed.
It's a real small number of leftists who want gun control no matter what. So small that they'll never pass any legislation.

It's after a mass shooting that everyone and their brothers start calling for gun control. That's when real gun control legislation can get passed.
You are mistaken. Ask them what they consider 'common sense' gun control, they will give you a list. Then ask them if that was done, will we never hear from them again? Don't take my word for it.

Gun grabbers never quit, they will just keep chipping away. Oppose all of their silly demands. If they want gun control they need an amendment. Mass shootings are just one of their excuses to attempt to circumvent our rights, for our own good, of course.
All is quiet at the moment.

As soon as there is another big mass shooting, everyone and their aunt starts calling for gun control.

Mass shootings drive gun control. True?

And if it is true, you can reduce the call for gun control by reducing the amount of mass shootings.

This is the thing…..

mass public shootings in 2019?


total killed?


330 million Americans

Deer in the U.S. kill 200 people each year.

Lawn mowers kill between 90-100 each year.

Bathtubs kill 350 people a year.

knives are used to kill over 1,500 people every year.

So mass public shootings are the rarest of rare events. But, unlike the other 10,258 gun murders in 2019, the news covers mass public shootings with massive coverage…to scare normal people into thinking they are always at risk.

People know instinctively if they stay out of bad neighborhoods……these would be places the democrat party have controlled for decades………the odds are they won’t run into gun violence.

It is hard to push gun control with normal crime that is confined to well defined, tiny areas that normal people don’t experience….so the left pushes the random mass public shooting because people think it can reach them in their own lives.
The media never goes into the background of the mass shooter. They are almost always politically liberal or maniacs or both. They buried the story of the Vegas shooter faster then they buried the body. The Columbine kids were doped up with prescription behavior modifying drugs and the Va. Tech was a Korean born maniac.
Anti-gunners will always come up with a reason to ban guns. Outright abolition is the ultimate objective.
The media never goes into the background of the mass shooter. They are almost always politically liberal or maniacs or both. They buried the story of the Vegas shooter faster then they buried the body. The Columbine kids were doped up with prescription behavior modifying drugs and the Va. Tech was a Korean born maniac.

It comes out over time. Law enforcement takes its time investigating.

The Vegas shooter killed like 58 people and wounded 411 by shooting into a crowd of 20,000 concert goers with an AR15 fitted with a bump stock.

It was discovered that he had lost 1.5 million dollars by gambling at the casino. This gave him a grudge against the casino.

He was suicidal, knowing he wouldn't survive his crime.

Some of the 411 wounded would be paralyzed, suffer organ failure or become disfigured.

How do you stop someone like the Vegas shooter? I don't think he was crazy. I think he was really, really angry. Up until he started shooting, he didn't commit a crime.

Suicide prevention maybe? Anger management?
It comes out over time. Law enforcement takes its time investigating.

The Vegas shooter killed like 58 people and wounded 411 by shooting into a crowd of 20,000 concert goers with an AR15 fitted with a bump stock.

It was discovered that he had lost 1.5 million dollars by gambling at the casino. This gave him a grudge against the casino.

He was suicidal, knowing he wouldn't survive his crime.

Some of the 411 wounded would be paralyzed, suffer organ failure or become disfigured.

How do you stop someone like the Vegas shooter? I don't think he was crazy. I think he was really, really angry. Up until he started shooting, he didn't commit a crime.

Suicide prevention maybe? Anger management?
There's no way to catch them all.
With all the resources of the FBI they couldn't (or wouldn't) issue a statement about the motive of the Vegas shooter. If he lost a million dollars gambling and blamed the casinos why open fire on a country concert? The media inadvertently spilled the beans when they referred to the concert as a "Trump rally" so logic would indicate that Paddock's motivation was political. Something else didn't seem right when the Vegas swat team was out to lunch at the time and the FBI didn't bother investigating possible accomplices. Lots of money floated around Vegas and the last thing the casinos wanted is the stigma of a mass murder so it's possible that the Feds pocketed the dough and left.
Mass shootings drive gun control. True?

At the Federal level, it’s been more than 25 years since the last significant firearm regulatory measure was enacted; there have been scores of mass shootings during that time with no action or response from Washington.

At the state level, only seven states have enacted AWBs; again, after decades of mass shootings the great majority of states have taken no legislative action.

Indeed, ‘gun control’ is a creature of the right – a hot-button political wedge issue contrived by conservatives to energize the base and attack opponents with lies about ‘bans’ and ‘confiscations.’
As soon as there is another big mass shooting, everyone and their aunt starts calling for gun control.
‘Calling’ for ‘gun control’ and actually enacting firearm regulatory measures are two completely different things, one having nothing to do with the other.

And again: it’s conservatives who make an ‘issue’ out of ‘gun control,’ with slippery slope fallacies, demagoguery, and lies.
‘Calling’ for ‘gun control’ and actually enacting firearm regulatory measures are two completely different things, one having nothing to do with the other.
And again: it’s conservatives who make an ‘issue’ out of ‘gun control,’ with slippery slope fallacies, demagoguery, and lies.
This is a lie.

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