Masks DO NOT WORK says CNN reporting on a NEW YORK TIMES article about a bunch of medical studies. None of them work. It was all politics.

Where has it been proven?

You were shown studies that show they help.

You were explained the mechanics of how masks work to reduce spread.

In response all you have are baseless assertions that it’s not so and you imagine yourself to have proven something?

You live on the fucking moon.

Studies from 2021. Later studies PROVE that they don't.

I love how you retards refuse to look at anything done past 2021.

Like I said, you anti science religious nutjobs are all alike.
Where has it been proven?

You were shown studies that show they help.

You were explained the mechanics of how masks work to reduce spread.

In response all you have are baseless assertions that it’s not so and you imagine yourself to have proven something?

You live on the fucking moon.
If they worked, why did fauci call for doubling up masks? Hahaha did you get your biscuits?
So when we got to a hospital, they have masks on all the you are telling me they are all infected and trying not to spread their virus to us?
There is some kind of a nonsensical thought there by your post, but hospitals practice wearing mask to help keep from spreading infections, whether they have asymptomatic infections or the patient does. If this is too hard to understand, that‘s too bad.
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Nope. Seems yours is questionable
Has to be you bubba. I’m not the one who pretends he’s smarter then every medical research facility in the world. That’s a sure sign of being an idiot.
Studies from 2021. Later studies PROVE that they don't.

What studies and how can they possibly prove that studies from 2021 are invalid?

Do you just expect everyone to just take your empty word for it or are you going to put up support?

Like I said, you anti science religious nutjobs are all alike.

No dummy, religion would be taking as gospel what nutbags like you baselessly assert.
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There is some kind of a nonsensical thought there by your post, but hospitals practice wearing mask to help keep from spreading infections, whether they have asymptomatic infections or the patient does. If this is too hard to understand, thats too bad.
Bacterial, go read the mayo link I posted stupid fk
Bacterial, go read the mayo link I posted stupid fk
I doubt you even read it yourself. You bozos are easily confused. Isn’t the discussion around covid, a viral respiratory infection ? Hence the word VIRUS.
When idiots like you expose your stupid, yeah.

Since you’re stupid’s you get a stupid question
I hope you didn’t make those statements with the intent of anyone understanding you. You an illegal ?
I doubt you even read it yourself. You bozos are easily confused. Isn’t the discussion around covid, a viral respiratory infection ? Hence the word VIRUS.
Correct! Wow. Now how is it different than bacteria and masks?

Viral infection they say keep hands away from your ugly puss
Has to be you bubba. I’m not the one who pretends he’s smarter then every medical research facility in the world. That’s a sure sign of being an idiot.
Oh no, I think anyone is smarter than someone who admittedly won’t think for himself. That’s you gurl
Yep, you? If you do explain what
Why should I ? I’ve been explaining every thing to you and it doesn’t take. For one thing, you aren’t that smart compared to medical research facilities. Secondly, you’re a troll, MAGA Bore-on.
Why should I ? I’ve been explaining every thing to you and it doesn’t take. For one thing, you aren’t that smart compared to medical research facilities. Secondly, you’re a troll, MAGA Bore-on.
It's all about trust. Fauci and the CDC failed us. The Progs in the media and their politicians did not help. There was more concern to getting rid of Trump. Deaths means nothing to the real godless cult known as the Progressive Socialist Communist Party.
Why should I ? I’ve been explaining every thing to you and it doesn’t take. For one thing, you aren’t that smart compared to medical research facilities. Secondly, you’re a troll, MAGA Bore-on.
Everything but the difference between virus and bacteria. Snooze

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