Marxist Moscow´s genocide of the Protestant Christians " THROUGH THE Marxist GATE Documentary" Hitler was evil and a demon, but Stalin was the Devil


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Marxist Moscow´s genocide of the Protestant Christians " THROUGH THE Marxist GATE Documentary" Hitler was evil and a demon, but Stalin was the Devil himself. ... one for sure the world need Nuremberg N2 , this time for Moscow´s and all other Marxists

yeah most americans dont understand that Hitler looked like a saint compared to stalin. Churchill,FDR and Ike were all traiters to america,they palled around with that mass murderer.

Patriot George Patton tried to tell his superiours after wwII was over,that their job was not finished yet,that while they could,they should go after Russia and conquer them while they still had the chance.He knew communism was the far greater enemy but his superious would not listen,thats what they killed him because he was speaking the truth and our corrupt government of course made a deal with the communists.they had to shut him up fast and they did.

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yeah most americans dont understand that Hitler looked like a saint compared to stalin. Churchill,FDR and Ike were all traiters to america,they palled around with that mass murderer.

Patriot George Patton tried to tell his superiours after wwII was over,that their job was not finished yet,that while they could,they should go after Russia and conquer them while they still had the chance.He knew communism was the far greater enemy but his superious would not listen,thats what they killed him because he was speaking the truth and our corrupt government of course made a deal with the communists.they had to shut him up fast and they did.

actually Churchill knew about Marxism and Moscow´s crimes against humanity , yes he invited Moscow into heart of Europe but he planned to fix it

The shit Stalin did made the Nazis look like the JV team.
yeah most americans dont understand that Hitler looked like a saint compared to stalin. Churchill,FDR and Ike were all traiters to america,they palled around with that mass murderer.

Patriot George Patton tried to tell his superiours after wwII was over,that their job was not finished yet,that while they could,they should go after Russia and conquer them while they still had the chance.He knew communism was the far greater enemy but his superious would not listen,thats what they killed him because he was speaking the truth and our corrupt government of course made a deal with the communists.they had to shut him up fast and they did.


Conquest, R. (1970). The nation killers: the Soviet deportation of nationalities. London: Macmillan.
Merten, U. (2015). Voices from the gulag : the oppression of the German minority in the Soviet Union. Lincoln, Nebraska: American Historical Society of Germans from Russia.
Pohl, J. O. (1997). The Stalinist penal system : a statistical history of Soviet repression and terror, 1930-1953. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland.
Sinner, S. D., & Germans from Russia Heritage Collection. (2000). The open wound : the genocide of German ethnic minorities in Russia and the Soviet Union, 1915-1949 and beyond. Fargo, ND: Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, North Dakota State University Libraries.
Viola, L. (2007). The unknown gulag : the lost world of Stalin's special settlements. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press.


Sinner, Samuel D. "The German-Russian Genocide: Remembrance in the 21st Century".
Sinner, Samuel D. The Open Wound: The Genocide of German Ethnic Minorities in Russia and the Soviet Union, 1915-1949 and Beyond. Fargo, ND: Germans from Russia Heritage Collection, North Dakota State University Libraries, 2000.

External Links

We'll Meet Again In Heaven (YouTube)
The German-Russian Genocide: Remembrance in the 21st Centuryby Samuel D. Sinner
The Open Wound: The Genocide of German Ethnic Minorities in Russia and the Soviet Union, 1915-1949 and Beyond by Samuel D. Sinner (GRHC at NDSU)
Ethnic Cleansing in the USSR by J. Otto Pohl (GRHC at NDSU)
The Stalinist Penal System by J. Otto Pohl (GRHC at NDSU)

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