
Great movie
Low budget but a strong message

Won Best Picture
I love how they talked back then.
"I just called a girl this afternoon, I got a real brush off ya see, some woman I didn't even wanna call and she gave me the brush!"
The first version was on TV with Rod Steiger and Nancy Marchand.

The first version was on TV with Rod Steiger and Nancy Marchand.

View attachment 470457
Ha... I had no idea this was a remake!

What is also interesting to me when I watch old fims, is the differences in not only culture of the time... but circumstances.
In the movie we see the vulnerability of the middle class. A time before collective bargaining, therefore no pensions and also before Social Security and medical benefits for the elderly became more than just a token. The elderly were passed around the family to be taken care of. And therefore also, the family unit was much stronger. You knew someday you would also have to be taken care of.
A time when people thought it was important to look your best. I remember in my youth, when we went out for dinner... it was a production. Dad wore a suit and tie, and Mom wore her best dress, hat and gloves. Not saying that is better or worse, just different.
I never understood what the critics saw in the movie. It's a lame plot with good acting. I always liked Ernie Borgnine. His portrayal of the sadistic stockade Sgt. in "From here to Eternity" was better.
An oldie but a goodie. Been many years since I saw this. Probably 20 or more years.
It is funny how back then, when showing Italians, they are always eating spaghetti! :D

How do you make a great movie out of a simple story about everyday people doing what people do everyday.
It starts with a great script, great direction, and great acting. The last line in the movie sort of sums it.

You don't like her. My mother don't like her. She's a dog and I'm a fat, ugly man. Well, all I know is I had a good time last night. I'm gonna have a good time tonight. If we have enough good times together, I'm gonna get down on my knees and I'm gonna beg that girl to marry me. If we make a party on New Year's, I got a date for that party. You don't like her? That's too bad!
I never understood what the critics saw in the movie. It's a lame plot with good acting. I always liked Ernie Borgnine. His portrayal of the sadistic stockade Sgt. in "From here to Eternity" was better.
"Marty" was popular because audiences identified with Marty and Clara, an overweigh ugly middle aged guy and a shy plain Jane who fell in love and rejected the advice of family and friends for a chance at happiness.

Movies like "Marty", "Kramer vs Kramer", "Whose Afraid of Virginia Wolf", etc are movies about everyday people dealing with real world problems. Some people want to see real people doing real life things. Others seek escape into a fantasy world of heroes and villains.

Different Strokes for Different Folks.
The first version was on TV with Rod Steiger and Nancy Marchand.

View attachment 470457
Ha... I had no idea this was a remake!

What is also interesting to me when I watch old fims, is the differences in not only culture of the time... but circumstances.
In the movie we see the vulnerability of the middle class. A time before collective bargaining, therefore no pensions and also before Social Security and medical benefits for the elderly became more than just a token. The elderly were passed around the family to be taken care of. And therefore also, the family unit was much stronger. You knew someday you would also have to be taken care of.
A time when people thought it was important to look your best. I remember in my youth, when we went out for dinner... it was a production. Dad wore a suit and tie, and Mom wore her best dress, hat and gloves. Not saying that is better or worse, just different.
Yes, I too enjoy the culture presented in old movies, particular stuff like dress, driving a car, eating dinner, and casual conversation but we have to remember that movie makers then as now are creating a fictionalize world meant to entertain, not to inform. What I do not like about the old movies, is that they tended to be too rigidly in following social norms. However, I think we have gone a bit too far the opposite direction today. Something in between would be better.
An oldie but a goodie. Been many years since I saw this. Probably 20 or more years.
It is funny how back then, when showing Italians, they are always eating spaghetti! :D

How do you make a great movie out of a simple story about everyday people doing what people do everyday.
It starts with a great script, great direction, and great acting. The last line in the movie sort of sums it.

You don't like her. My mother don't like her. She's a dog and I'm a fat, ugly man. Well, all I know is I had a good time last night. I'm gonna have a good time tonight. If we have enough good times together, I'm gonna get down on my knees and I'm gonna beg that girl to marry me. If we make a party on New Year's, I got a date for that party. You don't like her? That's too bad!

I think everyone could relate to Marty.
Being pressured by friends and family on who is worthy to date.
An oldie but a goodie. Been many years since I saw this. Probably 20 or more years.
It is funny how back then, when showing Italians, they are always eating spaghetti! :D

How do you make a great movie out of a simple story about everyday people doing what people do everyday.
It starts with a great script, great direction, and great acting. The last line in the movie sort of sums it.

You don't like her. My mother don't like her. She's a dog and I'm a fat, ugly man. Well, all I know is I had a good time last night. I'm gonna have a good time tonight. If we have enough good times together, I'm gonna get down on my knees and I'm gonna beg that girl to marry me. If we make a party on New Year's, I got a date for that party. You don't like her? That's too bad!

I think everyone could relate to Marty.
Being pressured by friends and family on who is worthy to date.

Probably so. However, a lot people are looking escapism in a fantasy blockbuster filled with with booming sound, special effects, and a thrill a minute as the hero overcomes the impossible to save the world, not my kind of movie but to each his own.
I've got a bunch.

Deep Rising

House on haunted hill

Last man on earth

Tango and Cash


Six Days and Seven Nights

Speed Racer


Mystery Men

Broken Arrow
I love how they talked back then.
"I just called a girl this afternoon, I got a real brush off ya see, some woman I didn't even wanna call and she gave me the brush!"
The movie, Marty is remarkable for it's lack of glitz, glamor, star power, action, comedy, or drama. And the story is nothing remarkable. Two middle aged ugly duckling find love in the big city. Yet it won 8 Academy Awards.

I think the one line that best represents the theme of the movie is " You don't like her. My mother don't like her. She's a dog and I'm a fat, ugly man. Well, all I know is I had a good time last night. I'm gonna have a good time tonight. If we have enough good times together, I'm gonna get down on my knees and I'm gonna beg that girl to marry me. If we make a party on New Year's, I got a date for that party. You don't like her? That's too bad!

I believe the move was so successful because it touched the heart of many people in the audience who identified in some small way, with Marty or Clara, people that had never found real success in love who were willing to go against family and friends for a chance at love.

Marty's importance goes well beyond the quality of the film. Before Marty with it's meager $300,000 budget, low budget, quality movies were rare and those that got critic's attention and made money were very rare. Here are just a few of the quality low budget films that followed Marty, Faces, The Innocents, Rocco and His Brothers, A Raisin in the Sun, The Servant, Jules and Jim, Monty Python And The Holy Grail. Lisa and David, and of course Rocky.
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Probably so. However, a lot people are looking escapism in a fantasy blockbuster filled with with booming sound, special effects, and a thrill a minute as the hero overcomes the impossible to save the world, not my kind of movie but to each his own.
I agree. Just because a movie is not your kind of movie doesn't make it a bad movie. I have no interest in most blockbuster, high adventure movies but I can remember when I loved them. The type of movies people like have a lot to do with where they are in their life and by that I don't just mean age. After my daughter's very messy divorce, it was years before she could sit through a love story. Knowing something about a person is a good idea before recommending movies or books to them.

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