Zone1 Martin Luther King Jr. Speech Civil Disobedience and obeying Just vs. Unjust laws


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
When Dr. King gave his famous “I Have A Dream” speech, from which every right-wing republican has memorized one sentence, he was hated by fifty percent of white America, and at the time of his murder, seventy-five percent of all Americans hated his guts. Some went so far as to say he bought his death on himself. Now the same people or their descendants want to lecture blacks about what King stood for, and it’s defined by this: “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” But the truth is that King did not stop talking after August 28, 1963.

Funny, you care about slaves long dead, but care nothing about the black slave labor in Africa right now.

View attachment 829931
Funny, but I didn't see anything about slavery and slaves long dead or slave labor in Africa in his OP. Are you going for an intentional thread derail troll post immediately on Post #2, or perhaps you are getting ready for your own insightful thread. Hopefully you will not start it here, as this one seems to already have a topic:

Martin Luther King Jr. Speech Civil Disobedience and obeying Just vs. Unjust laws​

Those who disobey laws they dislike should be prepared to face punishment. We cannot have people deciding which laws they have the right to disobey.
Those who disobey laws they dislike should be prepared to face punishment. We cannot have people deciding which laws they have the right to disobey.
I admire people who commit civil disobedience as a result of honestly held beliefs as long as they are willing to take the consequences for their actions, I view Mohhamed Ali as such a person.

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