Martha is just a scapegoat for the Mind Controllers


Senior Member
Nov 30, 2003
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North Missisippi
Should Martha go to jail? Hell Yes!!!!!!!! She violated both the spirit and the words of our laws. The verdict was correct. Now, let's see how many "more" WorldCom executives and even if one or two Enron executives pay a proportionate price for their crimes against honest hardworking Americans? I'm waiting for all those truths to come through, aren't you?
Why do you call her a scapegoat, then you go on to agree that she broke the law and should see prison time? She did the crime and now she'll do the time. She IS NOT bearing the blame for others.
Originally posted by jimnyc
Why do you call her a scapegoat, then you go on to agree that she broke the law and should see prison time? She did the crime and now she'll do the time. She IS NOT bearing the blame for others.

No, but she's a WOMAN who dared do what men do all of the time. Therefore, OFF WITH HER HEAD!!!!!!
Exactly, AtlantaWalter. She is also a hardcore Democratic Party supporter. A double whammy with this sexist, partisan administration!!!!!!! I think she conspired and profitted from it. I think there are thousands more with different political connections that did far worse and I am awaiting their verdicts even though many have never been as much as charged with a crime. We'll see how all this filters down.
Yet you still didn't answer why you can't comprehend the definition of a scapegoat. I guess it just sounded pretty. :rolleyes:
She is guilty, jimnyc. She was convicted by a jury of her peers and that's enough for me. My point is to identify the disparities with this conviction and exemplify the tenacious and over-reaching propensities of the partisan judicial branch that we have as they ignore the much more serious crimes of their party contributors. Maybe not now, maybe not ever, but I think the history books need to include some of these little niceties that Republicans tend to enamour one another with, don't you?
Originally posted by Psychoblues
She is guilty, jimnyc. She was convicted by a jury of her peers and that's enough for me. My point is to identify the disparities with this conviction and exemplify the tenacious and over-reaching propensities of the partisan judicial branch that we have as they ignore the much more serious crimes of their party contributors. Maybe not now, maybe not ever, but I think the history books need to include some of these little niceties that Republicans tend to enamour one another with, don't you?

Sure, let's include Republicans in that manner in our history books, God knows they're the only party to do anything at all underhanded.
"She was convicted by a jury of her peers and that's enough for me" (quote Psychoblues)

One of the members of the jury was an african from the dark continent...I don't think he would be Martha's peer and certainly not mine.
I trhink the jury was selected with approvals from both the defense and the prosecutors. Many were excluded in the process. Your reference to the "dark continent" is both revealing and confusing. Please verify?
Originally posted by Psychoblues
I trhink the jury was selected with approvals from both the defense and the prosecutors. Many were excluded in the process. Your reference to the "dark continent" is both revealing and confusing. Please verify?

I have difficulty equating a black male from Africa with a white female born in the US as peers. They were both born and raised in vastly different environments and have different beliefs and views of the world. About the only thing they have in common is that they both currently reside in the United States and both are human.

If you have access to the Wall Street Journal website, they have a scorecare for the various corporate scandals. Quite a few big cheeses have been indicted or are under investigation.

The Enron investigation has proceeded quite competently to date. Jeffrey Skilling was recently indicted on 40+ accounts. He is the person who has any goods on Ken Lay. I doubt he will fall on his sword for Lay.

Ebbers was also indicted last week. I suspect he will receive a far harsher penalty than Martha if convicted (and I believe he will).
Hasn't happened yet, wonderwench. As I implied earlier, I'm awaiting, like a good jury, the information. I still think Martha is a scapegoat, nonetheless.
Originally posted by Psychoblues
Hasn't happened yet, wonderwench. As I implied earlier, I'm awaiting, like a good jury, the information. I still think Martha is a scapegoat, nonetheless.

So who is it that you think really sold her stock? If it wasn't her that sold her shares in Imclone, who was it?
You are so freaking dense, jimnyc. Re-read the thread, space cowboy. You are just too anxious to nail me but you are looking rather foolish on this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got a ticket not long ago for passing on the shoulder. I asked the cop why should I get a ticket when 10 other people did the same thing. He asked me if I did pass on the shoulder to which I replied yes. He then said do the other 9 make you any less guilty ?
Originally posted by Psychoblues
You are so freaking dense, jimnyc. Re-read the thread, space cowboy. You are just too anxious to nail me but you are looking rather foolish on this one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't be angry because you don't even realize what you're typing. Why not take some medication? I know lots of elders who take medication ro remain lucid.

Martha Stewart is not a scapegoat by any means unless she took the fall for something someone else did. You know fancy little words, you just aren't bright enough to know when to use them.

Hang in there, 'Ol timer.
Thanks, jimnyc. I'll hang with you or without you. It's my destiny. Martha is being ostracized due to her polical beliefs, contributions and because she is being made an example of, in my honest opinion. She's guilty as hell and should be punished, I admit that and have from the beginning. But I'm still waiting for the other shoe to drop and see at least some sort of rectification for the millions that have suffered under the abuses of the WorldCom, Enron, etc. to materialize. Martha's $40,000 ain't shit in the grand scheme of theft of the major corporatists or do you believe differently? It's an A$$CROFT thing, don't you know?
Originally posted by eric
I got a ticket not long ago for passing on the shoulder. I asked the cop why should I get a ticket when 10 other people did the same thing. He asked me if I did pass on the shoulder to which I replied yes. He then said do the other 9 make you any less guilty ?
you should have demanded he ticket the other ones!
Martha seems to be completely unaware of how the public view her. Apparently she decided she would have a better chance of beating the charges with a jury. She felt 12 jurors with side with her as opposed to going before a out of touch is she? Just a tad perhaps?

I have never been a Martha has nothing to do for my lack of interest in peanut butter cookies or curtin sewing...I think she built a fine empire for herself...but greed always follows close by...and remember that ole saying? Be kind to the ones on your way up, they will be the same ones you will see on the way down...
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