Marsha Blackburn: "Save the Incandescent Lightbulb!"

This is an out of date debate. LED bulbs rock. They're initially pricey (though the price is plummeting)....but last about a generation, consume far less energy and are instantly on. You can even get them in different colors. Or if you're willing to spend more, in customizable colors.

I love them.
You light your fireplace with LED lights? I'm talking about ambience and effect.
LED's are efficient as light but for effect and glow it takes an actual element of physical fire which is exactly what incandescents produce. Whether you like or recognize that or not would be your prerogative or your business but the issue is fascists dictating the obsolescence of choice. That is a very dangerous thing.
People who take their freedom for granted and don't see this need to wake up.

You light your fireplace with incandescent bulbs?
I just explained the physics to you in simple, easy-to-understand specifics and you ask a question like that?

I light my fireplace with fire. I don't use incandescent bulbs. Perhaps thats why I haven't run into any of the issues you have.
Incandescents produce the same physical effect as fire. You can't replicate that effect with LED's or fluorescents any more than you can do the same for your fireplace fire.
Should we outlaw actual fire in fireplaces because of AGW concerns?
That seems improbable
You light your fireplace with LED lights? I'm talking about ambience and effect.
LED's are efficient as light but for effect and glow it takes an actual element of physical fire which is exactly what incandescents produce. Whether you like or recognize that or not would be your prerogative or your business but the issue is fascists dictating the obsolescence of choice. That is a very dangerous thing.
People who take their freedom for granted and don't see this need to wake up.

You light your fireplace with incandescent bulbs?
I just explained the physics to you in simple, easy-to-understand specifics and you ask a question like that?

I light my fireplace with fire. I don't use incandescent bulbs. Perhaps thats why I haven't run into any of the issues you have.
Incandescents produce the same physical effect as fire. You can't replicate that effect with LED's or fluorescents any more than you can do the same for your fireplace fire.
Should we outlaw actual fire in fireplaces because of AGW concerns?

Incandescents don't flicker. Fire does. As for the quality of light, LEDs are utterly malluable. You can get them at pretty much any Kelvin you want.
It's the glow. Apparently you can't appreciate the distinction and that's OK. Again, your prerogative. But to impose that inability to distinguish on those who can is nothing less than fascism.
You light your fireplace with incandescent bulbs?
I just explained the physics to you in simple, easy-to-understand specifics and you ask a question like that?

I light my fireplace with fire. I don't use incandescent bulbs. Perhaps thats why I haven't run into any of the issues you have.
Incandescents produce the same physical effect as fire. You can't replicate that effect with LED's or fluorescents any more than you can do the same for your fireplace fire.
Should we outlaw actual fire in fireplaces because of AGW concerns?

Incandescents don't flicker. Fire does. As for the quality of light, LEDs are utterly malluable. You can get them at pretty much any Kelvin you want.
It's the glow. Apparently you can't appreciate the distinction and that's OK. Again, your prerogative. But to impose that inability to distinguish on those who can is nothing less than fascism.
"The glow"
Please be more specific
You light your fireplace with LED lights? I'm talking about ambience and effect.
LED's are efficient as light but for effect and glow it takes an actual element of physical fire which is exactly what incandescents produce. Whether you like or recognize that or not would be your prerogative or your business but the issue is fascists dictating the obsolescence of choice. That is a very dangerous thing.
People who take their freedom for granted and don't see this need to wake up.

You light your fireplace with incandescent bulbs?
Do you like post-20th-Century popular music and its offshoots?

Depends on the music. My tastes tend to be pretty eclectic. Why?
Do you not acknowledge the impact American music has had on worldwide music since early in the past century?

If you have a point to make, can you just make it?
I want to make sure we're clear on the subject. What sound would you say has been the most instrumental (pun intended) to influence that post 20th-century music?
I just explained the physics to you in simple, easy-to-understand specifics and you ask a question like that?

I light my fireplace with fire. I don't use incandescent bulbs. Perhaps thats why I haven't run into any of the issues you have.
Incandescents produce the same physical effect as fire. You can't replicate that effect with LED's or fluorescents any more than you can do the same for your fireplace fire.
Should we outlaw actual fire in fireplaces because of AGW concerns?

Incandescents don't flicker. Fire does. As for the quality of light, LEDs are utterly malluable. You can get them at pretty much any Kelvin you want.
It's the glow. Apparently you can't appreciate the distinction and that's OK. Again, your prerogative. But to impose that inability to distinguish on those who can is nothing less than fascism.
"The glow"
Please be more specific
If you can't recognize the distinction I can't help you. It's parallel to aroma.
Just for anyone who wants a good laugh

Save The Incandescent Light Bulb U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

House Rep Marsha Blackburn (TN) is sponsoring a bill (HR 91) to save the incandescent lightbulb.....


Really, this is real. She believes Obama's energy standards are going to lead to the incandescent lightbulb disappearing and not being available to middle class Americans. She lists this as one of her top 7 priorities for her current term in Congress.

What's up for next year Marsha? "Save the Fax Machine"? "Save the Dial-up Modem"? "Save the Pay Phone"?

This is an out of date debate. LED bulbs rock. They're initially pricey (though the price is plummeting)....but last about a generation, consume far less energy and are instantly on. You can even get them in different colors. Or if you're willing to spend more, in customizable colors.

I love them.
You light your fireplace with LED lights? I'm talking about ambience and effect.
LED's are efficient as light but for effect and glow it takes an actual element of physical fire which is exactly what incandescents produce. Whether you like or recognize that or not would be your prerogative or your business but the issue is fascists dictating the obsolescence of choice. That is a very dangerous thing.
People who take their freedom for granted and don't see this need to wake up.

Last I checked government has the power to regulate Commerce Among the States. Are we in the States?

Maybe you should quit your whining and make your own light bulbs and run them with your own power generation plant. There's no need for fierce independents like yourself to rely on others.
Just for anyone who wants a good laugh

Save The Incandescent Light Bulb U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

House Rep Marsha Blackburn (TN) is sponsoring a bill (HR 91) to save the incandescent lightbulb.....


Really, this is real. She believes Obama's energy standards are going to lead to the incandescent lightbulb disappearing and not being available to middle class Americans. She lists this as one of her top 7 priorities for her current term in Congress.

What's up for next year Marsha? "Save the Fax Machine"? "Save the Dial-up Modem"? "Save the Pay Phone"?

This is an out of date debate. LED bulbs rock. They're initially pricey (though the price is plummeting)....but last about a generation, consume far less energy and are instantly on. You can even get them in different colors. Or if you're willing to spend more, in customizable colors.

I love them.
You light your fireplace with LED lights? I'm talking about ambience and effect.
LED's are efficient as light but for effect and glow it takes an actual element of physical fire which is exactly what incandescents produce. Whether you like or recognize that or not would be your prerogative or your business but the issue is fascists dictating the obsolescence of choice. That is a very dangerous thing.
People who take their freedom for granted and don't see this need to wake up.

Last I checked government has the power to regulate Commerce Among the States. Are we in the States?

Maybe you should quit your whining and make your own light bulbs and run them with your own power generation plant. There's no need for fierce independents like yourself to rely on others.
That's not a practical solution since I don't have access to the necessary technology and material. It would be much simpler to not impose fascist dictates in the name of appeasing morons in the first place.
Just for anyone who wants a good laugh

Save The Incandescent Light Bulb U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

House Rep Marsha Blackburn (TN) is sponsoring a bill (HR 91) to save the incandescent lightbulb.....


Really, this is real. She believes Obama's energy standards are going to lead to the incandescent lightbulb disappearing and not being available to middle class Americans. She lists this as one of her top 7 priorities for her current term in Congress.

What's up for next year Marsha? "Save the Fax Machine"? "Save the Dial-up Modem"? "Save the Pay Phone"?

This is an out of date debate. LED bulbs rock. They're initially pricey (though the price is plummeting)....but last about a generation, consume far less energy and are instantly on. You can even get them in different colors. Or if you're willing to spend more, in customizable colors.

I love them.
You light your fireplace with LED lights? I'm talking about ambience and effect.
LED's are efficient as light but for effect and glow it takes an actual element of physical fire which is exactly what incandescents produce. Whether you like or recognize that or not would be your prerogative or your business but the issue is fascists dictating the obsolescence of choice. That is a very dangerous thing.
People who take their freedom for granted and don't see this need to wake up.

BTW, I hate to break it to you, but your typical fire place has a fire at 1000 F. Your typical incandescent bulb runs with filament at 5000F. So you're full of fucking crap.
Just for anyone who wants a good laugh

Save The Incandescent Light Bulb U.S. Congressman Marsha Blackburn

House Rep Marsha Blackburn (TN) is sponsoring a bill (HR 91) to save the incandescent lightbulb.....


Really, this is real. She believes Obama's energy standards are going to lead to the incandescent lightbulb disappearing and not being available to middle class Americans. She lists this as one of her top 7 priorities for her current term in Congress.

What's up for next year Marsha? "Save the Fax Machine"? "Save the Dial-up Modem"? "Save the Pay Phone"?

This is an out of date debate. LED bulbs rock. They're initially pricey (though the price is plummeting)....but last about a generation, consume far less energy and are instantly on. You can even get them in different colors. Or if you're willing to spend more, in customizable colors.

I love them.
You light your fireplace with LED lights? I'm talking about ambience and effect.
LED's are efficient as light but for effect and glow it takes an actual element of physical fire which is exactly what incandescents produce. Whether you like or recognize that or not would be your prerogative or your business but the issue is fascists dictating the obsolescence of choice. That is a very dangerous thing.
People who take their freedom for granted and don't see this need to wake up.

Last I checked government has the power to regulate Commerce Among the States. Are we in the States?

Maybe you should quit your whining and make your own light bulbs and run them with your own power generation plant. There's no need for fierce independents like yourself to rely on others.
That's not a practical solution since I don't have access to the necessary technology and material. It would be much simpler to not impose fascist dictates in the name of appeasing morons in the first place.

Personal responsibility, called, it is. GET ACCESS.
Do you live in a cave? The feds have had a rolling ban of Incandescent bulbs going on for the past few years. They started on the 100 and 75 watt ones, and then hit the 60 and 40 watts last year.
Do you live in a cave? Only traditional inefficient incandescent bulbs have been banned, new high efficiency incandescent bulbs as well as rough service incandescent bulbs are available in all wattages.

The Right are the most ignorant boobs on the Earth!

buy 100w incandescent bulb - Google Search

They aren't the same. They don't have the quality of light that the old ones did - and they are far more expensive. The latter is precisely why regulations were put in place to benefit the companies that make light bulbs. Old incandescent bulbs were a cheap commodity, and are now replaced by more expensive specialty bulbs. Once the new ones become commoditized, the regs will change to get rid of them and require consumers to purchase a more expensive solution.

This is exactly how the Prog-Big Government-Crony system works.
Are you really that stupid? Both the LED and the flourescents save a good deal of money when you figure in the energy use and longevity.

You are a blithering moron. Flourescent lights are ugly. LED are marginally better, but still lack the aesthetics of classic incandescent. You may prefer them - and are free to do so. But don't force your taste on others.

Nobody should be forced to purchase products they don't want because government do gooders think they should.

Know what bulbs give off really nice light? Those GE Reveal incandescent bulbs. Very nice.
Why is it any of your business?
tragedy of the commons.

That is Horse Pucky.

The real tragedy is your complete and utter lack of knowledge regarding private property and income, market forces, and individual liberty.
Just because you dont understand it doesnt mean it's wrong.

Oh, I understand. You're a collectivist stooge.

So, let's play your game:

- How big is your house?
- What kind of car do you drive?
- Do you eat meat?
- Do you have any recreational vehicles?
My house with required energy efficient insulation? My vehicles with fuel economy and emission standards?

And whether or not I'm a " collectivist " has nothing to do with the application of the tragedy of the commons towards incandescent light bulbs. You clearly dont understand the concept.

How big is your house? If it's not a Tiny House, then you are an utter hypocrite for using more resources and driving up the prices for other people (your logic, not mine).

I do understand the concept: you are spewing collectivist busy body bilge and cannot stand for anyone to make choices that are different than your own. It must suck to be So Insecure that you cannot handle DIVERSITY.
tragedy of the commons.

That is Horse Pucky.

The real tragedy is your complete and utter lack of knowledge regarding private property and income, market forces, and individual liberty.
Just because you dont understand it doesnt mean it's wrong.

Oh, I understand. You're a collectivist stooge.

So, let's play your game:

- How big is your house?
- What kind of car do you drive?
- Do you eat meat?
- Do you have any recreational vehicles?
My house with required energy efficient insulation? My vehicles with fuel economy and emission standards?

And whether or not I'm a " collectivist " has nothing to do with the application of the tragedy of the commons towards incandescent light bulbs. You clearly dont understand the concept.

How big is your house? If it's not a Tiny House, then you are an utter hypocrite for using more resources and driving up the prices for other people (your logic, not mine).

I do understand the concept: you are spewing collectivist busy body bilge and cannot stand for anyone to make choices that are different than your own. It must suck to be So Insecure that you cannot handle DIVERSITY.

If you want to waste energy go for it, no law stopping you from doing so. Just plug the hair dryer in and keep it running all day.
Are you really that stupid? Both the LED and the flourescents save a good deal of money when you figure in the energy use and longevity.

You are a blithering moron. Flourescent lights are ugly.

In your opinion. Millions use them, so a lot of people disagree with your opinion. You conservatives sure are a whiny bunch.

As usual, you miss the point. If other people want to use LED and Flourescent bulbs, then Bully for Them. Why do you feel the need to force your preferences on others who wish to use Incandescent Bulbs? Do you only feel secure in your choices when everyone agrees?

For the same reason why catalytic converters are required on cars. I guess you missed that point, eh?

B'loney. Incandescent bulbs don't hurt anyone.

But this exercise is a good example of how you Proggies only feel comfortable in packs and groupthink.

Which do you think generates more pollution and greenhouse gases, and has a higher lifetime total cost: A standard 60 watt incandescent light bulb, or a 20 what LED that has the output of a 60 watt light bulb and last longer? Think long and hard before you answer.
In your opinion. Millions use them, so a lot of people disagree with your opinion. You conservatives sure are a whiny bunch.

As usual, you miss the point. If other people want to use LED and Flourescent bulbs, then Bully for Them. Why do you feel the need to force your preferences on others who wish to use Incandescent Bulbs? Do you only feel secure in your choices when everyone agrees?

For the same reason why catalytic converters are required on cars. I guess you missed that point, eh?

B'loney. Incandescent bulbs don't hurt anyone.

But this exercise is a good example of how you Proggies only feel comfortable in packs and groupthink.
They dont wastefully use a limited common commodity?

Why is it any of your business? If someone is willing to pay for their own electricity, what skin is it off your pointy nose?

Do you REALLY want to live in a society where everyone else gets a veto on your personal consumption?

Do you truly fee that it is not silly to spend more on electricity than it absolutely necessary? You would prefer to send that money to your electricity provider, money you would otherwise save for your own purposes? What person in their right mind thinks that is the rational thing to do?
As usual, you miss the point. If other people want to use LED and Flourescent bulbs, then Bully for Them. Why do you feel the need to force your preferences on others who wish to use Incandescent Bulbs? Do you only feel secure in your choices when everyone agrees?

For the same reason why catalytic converters are required on cars. I guess you missed that point, eh?

B'loney. Incandescent bulbs don't hurt anyone.

But this exercise is a good example of how you Proggies only feel comfortable in packs and groupthink.
They dont wastefully use a limited common commodity?

Why is it any of your business? If someone is willing to pay for their own electricity, what skin is it off your pointy nose?

Do you REALLY want to live in a society where everyone else gets a veto on your personal consumption?

Do you truly fee that it is not silly to spend more on electricity than it absolutely necessary? You would prefer to send that money to your electricity provider, money you would otherwise save for your own purposes? What person in their right mind thinks that is the rational thing to do?
I'd rather have the freedom to decide how I spend my money than to have fascist, mindless, Gruberite sheeple tell me.
You are a blithering moron. Flourescent lights are ugly.

In your opinion. Millions use them, so a lot of people disagree with your opinion. You conservatives sure are a whiny bunch.

As usual, you miss the point. If other people want to use LED and Flourescent bulbs, then Bully for Them. Why do you feel the need to force your preferences on others who wish to use Incandescent Bulbs? Do you only feel secure in your choices when everyone agrees?

For the same reason why catalytic converters are required on cars. I guess you missed that point, eh?

B'loney. Incandescent bulbs don't hurt anyone.

But this exercise is a good example of how you Proggies only feel comfortable in packs and groupthink.

Which do you think generates more pollution and greenhouse gases, and has a higher lifetime total cost: A standard 60 watt incandescent light bulb, or a 20 what LED that has the output of a 60 watt light bulb and last longer? Think long and hard before you answer.

You use more energy than either light bulb choice. So how can you stand to even exist?
In your opinion. Millions use them, so a lot of people disagree with your opinion. You conservatives sure are a whiny bunch.

As usual, you miss the point. If other people want to use LED and Flourescent bulbs, then Bully for Them. Why do you feel the need to force your preferences on others who wish to use Incandescent Bulbs? Do you only feel secure in your choices when everyone agrees?

For the same reason why catalytic converters are required on cars. I guess you missed that point, eh?

B'loney. Incandescent bulbs don't hurt anyone.

But this exercise is a good example of how you Proggies only feel comfortable in packs and groupthink.

Which do you think generates more pollution and greenhouse gases, and has a higher lifetime total cost: A standard 60 watt incandescent light bulb, or a 20 what LED that has the output of a 60 watt light bulb and last longer? Think long and hard before you answer.

You use more energy than either light bulb choice. So how can you stand to even exist?

And you have data to support your claim, right? No? Oh dear. What now?
As usual, you miss the point. If other people want to use LED and Flourescent bulbs, then Bully for Them. Why do you feel the need to force your preferences on others who wish to use Incandescent Bulbs? Do you only feel secure in your choices when everyone agrees?

For the same reason why catalytic converters are required on cars. I guess you missed that point, eh?

B'loney. Incandescent bulbs don't hurt anyone.

But this exercise is a good example of how you Proggies only feel comfortable in packs and groupthink.
They dont wastefully use a limited common commodity?

Why is it any of your business? If someone is willing to pay for their own electricity, what skin is it off your pointy nose?

Do you REALLY want to live in a society where everyone else gets a veto on your personal consumption?

Do you truly fee that it is not silly to spend more on electricity than it absolutely necessary? You would prefer to send that money to your electricity provider, money you would otherwise save for your own purposes? What person in their right mind thinks that is the rational thing to do?

What I think is TRULY SILLY is for anyone else to concern themselves with how I spend MY OWN MONEY.

Your choice of light bulb is so far down on my list of things I care to think about that it ranks only slightly higher than wanting to see you pick you nose an eat it.
As usual, you miss the point. If other people want to use LED and Flourescent bulbs, then Bully for Them. Why do you feel the need to force your preferences on others who wish to use Incandescent Bulbs? Do you only feel secure in your choices when everyone agrees?

For the same reason why catalytic converters are required on cars. I guess you missed that point, eh?

B'loney. Incandescent bulbs don't hurt anyone.

But this exercise is a good example of how you Proggies only feel comfortable in packs and groupthink.

Which do you think generates more pollution and greenhouse gases, and has a higher lifetime total cost: A standard 60 watt incandescent light bulb, or a 20 what LED that has the output of a 60 watt light bulb and last longer? Think long and hard before you answer.

You use more energy than either light bulb choice. So how can you stand to even exist?

And you have data to support your claim, right? No? Oh dear. What now?

I know that a human being requires far more energy to exist than is used for the total energy equation of an incandescent light bulb.

So why are you allowing yourself to exist if you think that the purpose of existence is to use as little energy as possible?
You know, this "save the incandescent bulb" movement could take a lesson from the environmental movement. For instance, they should choose to save something that is actually worth saving.

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