Debate Now Mark Levin to Biden: "Who the hell do you think you are?"

In the OP I had one rule for this thread in a forum in which the OP gets to set the rules:

One rule for this thread: Stay on topic and discuss Levin's point of view re why Biden is right or wrong to withhold or threaten to withhold support for Israel because Israel can't win.

So we're 21 pages into the thread now and so far not one single person has challenged Levin's point on that one single issue. The trolls, TDS people, 'woke' and hardcore leftists of course descended en masse to derail the thread, change the subject, start food fights or whatever they could do to make sure the topic was not discussed.

I appreciate very much those who did try to discuss the topic.

I am disappointed that not a single mod chimed in to admonish participants to stay on topic. I guess this forum is indeed defunct which is a shame as it was once the one place someone could hope to have an intelligent discussion about an important topic. But oh well.
That's a fact. And not one--that is not ONE--leftist here actually addressed what he said in that video which is the ENTIRE THESIS of this thread.

Levin is brilliant and one of the very few people, left or right, that I haven't been able to challenge his scholarship or conclusions on much of anything. There must be something he and I disagree on, but I trust his judgment more than anybody else out there commenting on sociopolitics in America.
Sat/Sun night always......left hates him because he gives concise, factual views.

Biden jumps from one fence to the other trying to appease for votes. He can't take one side or the other. As soon as he ticked off the Islam vote, he pandered. Then the same thing happened with the Jewish vote.
He only cares about votes.....
BTW- I saw Levin on Hannity with that show.
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Sat/Sun night always......left hates him because he gives concise, factual views.

Biden jumps from one fence to the other trying to appease for votes. He can't take one side or the other. As soon as he ticked off the Islam vote, he pandered. Then the same thing happened with the Jewish vote.
He only cares about votes.....
BTW- I saw Levin on Hannity with that show.
Yes I watched it live too, actually by accident--I usually DVR Levin's show and watch it later--and it was awesome. Which inspired this thread that unfortunately the trolls have pretty much destroyed and the mods haven't defended. Not blaming the mods as I fully recognize they hate this forum, but I hoped at least one might chime in. But oh well. :)
I believe Biden is right to support the Israelis. Israel will 'win' the 'war'. The Israelis will be here for as long as their land exists. If they are overrun, they will nuke the major Muslim population centers. Whether the nuke Jerusalem, I doubt.
I believe Biden is right to support the Israelis. Israel will 'win' the 'war'. The Israelis will be here for as long as their land exists. If they are overrun, they will nuke the major Muslim population centers. Whether the nuke Jerusalem, I doubt.
Don't you mean 'conditional support'?

Not stirring the shit too well today , Johnny.

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