Maricopa Election Audit Not Going Well for Biden


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Just a taste of what occurred in key regions last November.

The audit of the more than two million votes cast in Maricopa County, Arizona, in November 2020 is not yet complete, but auditors in the past week have revealed that they have already uncovered significant evidence of tampering and major discrepancies that throw great doubt on the victory given to Joe Biden.

First, the auditors forced the county election board to admit that the voting machines were not protected by a password at the administrative level, thus allowing anyone to change anything on every machine, during the vote count.

That doesn’t prove fraud or election tampering, it only proves that it was amazingly easy for it to happen.

Second, it appears from further work that something very fishy was going on. The auditors for example have discovered that Maricopa County officials illegally tampered with the voter database records before turning them over to the auditors, including the deletion of an entire database.

First, the auditors forced the county election board to admit that the voting machines were not protected by a password at the administrative level, thus allowing anyone to change anything on every machine, during the vote count.
This is not true. The audit is confirming exactly what I suspected. It is a means to lie about the election.
Of course after the cheating is proven, because we all know it went on, the democrats will DENY, DENY, DENY. They'll say that the audit is a FRAUD, even though we all know that it was the most witnessed and scrutinized event in recent history.

Once again the demtrash will accuse others of exactly what they are guilty of doing themselves, straight out of their SAL ALINSKY handbook, RULES FOR RADICALS.
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First, the auditors forced the county election board to admit that the voting machines were not protected by a password at the administrative level, thus allowing anyone to change anything on every machine, during the vote count.
This is not true. The audit is confirming exactly what I suspected. It is a means to lie about the election.
Bull shit... you brain washed idiots need to listen to something other than your LYING DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING.

First, the auditors forced the county election board to admit that the voting machines were not protected by a password at the administrative level, thus allowing anyone to change anything on every machine, during the vote count.
This is not true. The audit is confirming exactly what I suspected. It is a means to lie about the election.
Bull shit...

This is actually slightly different than what the other poster said. The other poster claimed there were no passwords so anyone could access it.

the fact that your shitty sources (noqreport is about as shitty as it gets) can’t even agree on the basic facts here demonstrate the story is obviously bullshit.
Just a taste of what occurred in key regions last November.

The audit of the more than two million votes cast in Maricopa County, Arizona, in November 2020 is not yet complete, but auditors in the past week have revealed that they have already uncovered significant evidence of tampering and major discrepancies that throw great doubt on the victory given to Joe Biden.

First, the auditors forced the county election board to admit that the voting machines were not protected by a password at the administrative level, thus allowing anyone to change anything on every machine, during the vote count.

That doesn’t prove fraud or election tampering, it only proves that it was amazingly easy for it to happen.

Second, it appears from further work that something very fishy was going on. The auditors for example have discovered that Maricopa County officials illegally tampered with the voter database records before turning them over to the auditors, including the deletion of an entire database.

Yawn...Let us know when it’s overturned.
First, the auditors forced the county election board to admit that the voting machines were not protected by a password at the administrative level, thus allowing anyone to change anything on every machine, during the vote count.
This is not true. The audit is confirming exactly what I suspected. It is a means to lie about the election.
Bull shit...

This is actually slightly different than what the other poster said. The other poster claimed there were no passwords so anyone could access it.

the fact that your shitty sources (noqreport is about as shitty as it gets) can’t even agree on the basic facts here demonstrate the story is obviously bullshit.
EXACTLY as I said you'd all do... DENY, DENY, DENY.

You people are FUCKED. Pure and simple. CORRUPT, LIARS, and human FILTH.

But whatever, the story is TRUE, whether you retarded sacks of rat piss admit it not... sorry.
First, the auditors forced the county election board to admit that the voting machines were not protected by a password at the administrative level, thus allowing anyone to change anything on every machine, during the vote count.
This is not true. The audit is confirming exactly what I suspected. It is a means to lie about the election.
Bull shit...

This is actually slightly different than what the other poster said. The other poster claimed there were no passwords so anyone could access it.

the fact that your shitty sources (noqreport is about as shitty as it gets) can’t even agree on the basic facts here demonstrate the story is obviously bullshit.
EXACTLY as I said you'd all do... DENY, DENY, DENY.

You people are FUCKED. Pure and simple. CORRUPT, LIARS, and human FILTH.

But whatever, the story is TRUE, whether you retarded sacks of rat piss admit it not... sorry.
Okay. Tell me why the story is important. What is so important about admin passwords for the machines?
Just a taste of what occurred in key regions last November.

The audit of the more than two million votes cast in Maricopa County, Arizona, in November 2020 is not yet complete, but auditors in the past week have revealed that they have already uncovered significant evidence of tampering and major discrepancies that throw great doubt on the victory given to Joe Biden.

First, the auditors forced the county election board to admit that the voting machines were not protected by a password at the administrative level, thus allowing anyone to change anything on every machine, during the vote count.

That doesn’t prove fraud or election tampering, it only proves that it was amazingly easy for it to happen.

Second, it appears from further work that something very fishy was going on. The auditors for example have discovered that Maricopa County officials illegally tampered with the voter database records before turning them over to the auditors, including the deletion of an entire database.

Yawn...Let us know when it’s overturned.
Let us know democrats aren't corrupt.
First, the auditors forced the county election board to admit that the voting machines were not protected by a password at the administrative level, thus allowing anyone to change anything on every machine, during the vote count.
This is not true. The audit is confirming exactly what I suspected. It is a means to lie about the election.
Bull shit...

This is actually slightly different than what the other poster said. The other poster claimed there were no passwords so anyone could access it.

the fact that your shitty sources (noqreport is about as shitty as it gets) can’t even agree on the basic facts here demonstrate the story is obviously bullshit.
EXACTLY as I said you'd all do... DENY, DENY, DENY.

You people are FUCKED. Pure and simple. CORRUPT, LIARS, and human FILTH.

But whatever, the story is TRUE, whether you retarded sacks of rat piss admit it not... sorry.
Okay. Tell me why the story is important. What is so important about admin passwords for the machines?
Read the fuckin' story, and quit begging for others to explain the obvious to you.
Just a taste of what occurred in key regions last November.

The audit of the more than two million votes cast in Maricopa County, Arizona, in November 2020 is not yet complete, but auditors in the past week have revealed that they have already uncovered significant evidence of tampering and major discrepancies that throw great doubt on the victory given to Joe Biden.

First, the auditors forced the county election board to admit that the voting machines were not protected by a password at the administrative level, thus allowing anyone to change anything on every machine, during the vote count.

That doesn’t prove fraud or election tampering, it only proves that it was amazingly easy for it to happen.

Second, it appears from further work that something very fishy was going on. The auditors for example have discovered that Maricopa County officials illegally tampered with the voter database records before turning them over to the auditors, including the deletion of an entire database.

Yawn...Let us know when it’s overturned.
Let us know democrats aren't corrupt.
Read the fuckin' story, and quit begging for others to explain the obvious to you.
The story is from liars and fraudsters.

If it’s obvious, it should be pretty easy for you to explain what’s so important.

Or don’t you know?
Anxious to see how this plays out.
Here is how it will play out. Nothing will change. You will swallow whatever the next conspiracy theory is to explain why things didn’t change. It’s the 9/11 truth movement all over again.
I will? I didnt buy into "biden stole the election" nonsense.
So, GFY you binary dumbfuck ;)
First, the auditors forced the county election board to admit that the voting machines were not protected by a password at the administrative level, thus allowing anyone to change anything on every machine, during the vote count.
This is not true. The audit is confirming exactly what I suspected. It is a means to lie about the election.

The only lie is that there was no fraud in MI, WI, NV, AZ, GA and PA.
The only lie is that there was no fraud in MI, WI, NV, AZ, GA and PA.
True. There were Trump supporters voting on behalf of dead people in Pennsylvania.

That’s the fraud.

Negative. Only the big cities in these states had that mysterious Biden surge after stopping the counting. We all knonw what happened. You do to. Why lie to yourself for tribalism? What is in it for you?
Just a taste of what occurred in key regions last November.

The audit of the more than two million votes cast in Maricopa County, Arizona, in November 2020 is not yet complete, but auditors in the past week have revealed that they have already uncovered significant evidence of tampering and major discrepancies that throw great doubt on the victory given to Joe Biden.

First, the auditors forced the county election board to admit that the voting machines were not protected by a password at the administrative level, thus allowing anyone to change anything on every machine, during the vote count.

That doesn’t prove fraud or election tampering, it only proves that it was amazingly easy for it to happen.

Second, it appears from further work that something very fishy was going on. The auditors for example have discovered that Maricopa County officials illegally tampered with the voter database records before turning them over to the auditors, including the deletion of an entire database.

How can we know if it is true or not. The observers can all be sued if they release information that the organizers don't like, as they had to sign non-disclosure agreements. Their rules, not mine. Looks like a sideshow to me.

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