CDZ Marco Rubio's Senate voting record

320 Years of History

Gold Member
Nov 1, 2015
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Washington, D.C.
It seems some people want to harp on Mr. Rubio's having missed U.S. Senate votes. I bid you, go look at the votes on the bills for which he didn't vote: The Voter's Self Defense System .

Now that you've looked at them, tell me, what disservice accrued to the citizens of FL as a result of his not having voted on those bills?

I don't even believe I like Mr. Rubio's proposed policies, that is, the few of them I've actually heard him articulate. Personality-wise, he strikes me as that nerdy kid with some verve who tries to stand up to the playground bully and holds his own, perhaps even inspires others, but who still comes off looking pretty nerdy and weak. Despite that, all this hoopla about his missed votes is just "noise."

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