Many Jan 6th Rioters defend themselves in court

Otis Mayfield

Diamond Member
Sep 17, 2021

Lamberth[the judge] cited the legal adage that "if you represent yourself, you have a fool for a client" and relayed a cautionary tale from his courtroom experience.

Hostetter[the accused], a former police chief turned yoga instructor and pro-Trump protest leader, was undeterred.

In a recent video Hostetter posted online, he said he's planning to persuade a jury that the real conspiracy is the government's case against him.

"They're going to have to say to themselves, 'Yeah, the election was stolen, the government was overthrown, and Alan was right about combating the lockdowns, masking, the vaccines — case closed,'" said Hostetter, while wearing a hat with the words "COVID IS A SCAM" on it.

(Hostetter has conspiratorial views. In addition to supporting the false notion that Trump won the 2020 election, Hostetter has also spoken at an event affiliated with the pro-Trump conspiracy theory known as QAnon and has also posted online about conspiracy theories involving "satanists," Pope Francis and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.)

Speaking to Judge Lamberth, Hostetter said he wanted to represent himself, in part, to save on expensive legal bills, and also to expose what he views as a "corrupt" prosecution.

The judge proposed appointing a standby attorney to help Hostetter with some of the legal intricacies of his case.

Hostetter agreed on the condition that the attorney not have "any association with secret societies such as Yale's Skull & Bones, Freemasonry, or other organizations that require oaths or vows of secrecy that often feed into the masonic lodges such as the Elks Club, for example, which could potentially be a big part of my case."

"I'm sure we can find someone like that," Lamberth told Hostetter.

The max sentence for what he did is 20 years, he'll probably get 10 years and be out in 5. Still that's 5 years off your life. Get a real attorney.

A lot of the Jan 6th rioters are trying to defend themselves. A lot of them are doing it because they're poor. Why didn't trump pay for their legal fees? It's trump's fault they're in jail.

Some are from the "sovereign citizen movement" and say the government has no power over them. They are about to find differently.

Do you think it's a good idea for these people to defend themselves?
It is never a good idea to defend yourself. The government has threatened attorneys to not defend these people. They have no choice.
It is never a good idea to defend yourself. The government has threatened attorneys to not defend these people. They have no choice.
Any proof that the government has "has threatened attorneys to not defend these people"? Or, is this what trumptard media is telling you?

Lamberth[the judge] cited the legal adage that "if you represent yourself, you have a fool for a client" and relayed a cautionary tale from his courtroom experience.

Hostetter[the accused], a former police chief turned yoga instructor and pro-Trump protest leader, was undeterred.

In a recent video Hostetter posted online, he said he's planning to persuade a jury that the real conspiracy is the government's case against him.

"They're going to have to say to themselves, 'Yeah, the election was stolen, the government was overthrown, and Alan was right about combating the lockdowns, masking, the vaccines — case closed,'" said Hostetter, while wearing a hat with the words "COVID IS A SCAM" on it.

(Hostetter has conspiratorial views. In addition to supporting the false notion that Trump won the 2020 election, Hostetter has also spoken at an event affiliated with the pro-Trump conspiracy theory known as QAnon and has also posted online about conspiracy theories involving "satanists," Pope Francis and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.)

Speaking to Judge Lamberth, Hostetter said he wanted to represent himself, in part, to save on expensive legal bills, and also to expose what he views as a "corrupt" prosecution.

The judge proposed appointing a standby attorney to help Hostetter with some of the legal intricacies of his case.

Hostetter agreed on the condition that the attorney not have "any association with secret societies such as Yale's Skull & Bones, Freemasonry, or other organizations that require oaths or vows of secrecy that often feed into the masonic lodges such as the Elks Club, for example, which could potentially be a big part of my case."

"I'm sure we can find someone like that," Lamberth told Hostetter.

The max sentence for what he did is 20 years, he'll probably get 10 years and be out in 5. Still that's 5 years off your life. Get a real attorney.

A lot of the Jan 6th rioters are trying to defend themselves. A lot of them are doing it because they're poor. Why didn't trump pay for their legal fees? It's trump's fault they're in jail.

Some are from the "sovereign citizen movement" and say the government has no power over them. They are about to find differently.

Do you think it's a good idea for these people to defend themselves?

Sure sounds like he has a fool for a client.
All media communists disagree with is trumptard media.
In other words, you pulled this line "has threatened attorneys to not defend these people" out of your trumptard ass? Thought so. Thanks for playing.
It is never a good idea to defend yourself. The government has threatened attorneys to not defend these people. They have no choice.

Yes. We all know the Government did just that. There are 1.33 million lawyers in the US.

In fact. I have it on good authority that Merrik Garland the Attorney General personally called every single lawyer.
Yes. We all know the Government did just that. There are 1.33 million lawyers in the US.

In fact. I have it on good authority that Merrik Garland the Attorney General personally called every single lawyer.
There are enough activists to attack any lawyer known to represent one of these defendants.
There are enough activists to attack any lawyer known to represent one of these defendants.

So now you are saying it wasn’t the Government but fear of crazy individual retribution?

Here is what I think it is. Lawyers like everyone expect to be paid for their work. They are notoriously expensive to hire. Really good ones charge thousands of dollars an hour before they go to court. For court they charge more.

These people are again like me and you. Well. Me. They don’t want to make fools of themselves. So when a prospective clients tells them that their job is going to prove to the jury that the election was stolen and they are really patriots. They would prefer to pass on the case. Too many hours and all for the chance to sound stupid and insane.

But while we are on this. Let’s see. Of the reported people who believe the election was stolen and the vast huge majorities of people who support them. How is it that none of them are lawyers? None are lawyers who are Trump Supporting Patriots?

Where are the lawyers who represented the Bundy Ranch nuts and got them off? Where are the Lawyers who support Trump?

Are you telling me that none of the 1.33 million lawyers Support Trump and want to Make America Great? None?
So now you are saying it wasn’t the Government but fear of crazy individual retribution?

Here is what I think it is. Lawyers like everyone expect to be paid for their work. They are notoriously expensive to hire. Really good ones charge thousands of dollars an hour before they go to court. For court they charge more.

These people are again like me and you. Well. Me. They don’t want to make fools of themselves. So when a prospective clients tells them that their job is going to prove to the jury that the election was stolen and they are really patriots. They would prefer to pass on the case. Too many hours and all for the chance to sound stupid and insane.

But while we are on this. Let’s see. Of the reported people who believe the election was stolen and the vast huge majorities of people who support them. How is it that none of them are lawyers? None are lawyers who are Trump Supporting Patriots?

Where are the lawyers who represented the Bundy Ranch nuts and got them off? Where are the Lawyers who support Trump?

Are you telling me that none of the 1.33 million lawyers Support Trump and want to Make America Great? None?
I am saying that the cancel culture has gotten a bit too active. The activists are now murderous.

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