Many A Truth Is Said In Jest


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
What would happen to the Democrat Party if their voters actually followed the wisest of Democrats, like Daniel Patrick Moynihan, instead to the lying hypocrites who regularly speak for their party?

"Somehow liberals have been unable to acquire from birth what conservatives seem to be endowed with at birth: namely, a healthy skepticism of the powers of government to do good."
Daniel Patrick Moynihan


See the problem?
There is always the possibility that Orwell's "Animal Farm" was wayyyyyyyy over their heads, but couldn't Democrats/Progressives have gotten the point from this:

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

See.....some 'honorable' individuals plead for their programs aimed at material equality......then build fortresses for themselves. that a wall around it??????



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I think Sainted Republicans should use all this for campaign donations.
What will it take for you to realize that the Democrat Party is not on our side?????
:auiqs.jpg:What will it take for you to realize the duopoly appreciates your effort- Is your check in the mail yet? Call and see- the Saints from BOTH sides will kick in a contribution-
What will it take for you to realize that the Democrat Party is not on our side?????
:auiqs.jpg:What will it take for you to realize the duopoly appreciates your effort- Is your check in the mail yet? Call and see- the Saints from BOTH sides will kick in a contribution-

There is a sickness, 'moral equivalency,' that smooths the path for the Leftists.

You have the infection.

The poet Alexander Pope explained it this way:
“A little learning is a dangerous thing.
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian Spring;
There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain,
and drinking largely sobers us again.”

A pity you don't read....the result is posts like your latest.
You have the infection.
Yes, I'm infected with thinking for myself- I don't do acolyte shit- I don't do D or R partisan crap- I am partisan to liberty and Individual rights- IF you could read you would note my signature line- I live it to the best of my ability and w/o help from anointed, or elected, Saints though they do do their best to restrict my liberty's and claim they're doing the best for everyone (in their respective groups) - the greater good is achieved through Individual effort- it can't and won't be mandated or legislated.
Laws, (legislation and mandates) by definition restrict some, if not many and favor one, or some, if not many, over another- it could be argued that is diametrically opposite the intended job of legislators- legislators are full of shit and themselves, usually psychopathic and skilled liars- on BOTH sides of the aisle which exists only outside the beltway to ensure and insure the retention of ill perceived power and authority.

True leadership is for the benefit of the follower not the enrichment of the leader
- and sadly, many who follow fail to comprehend the abuse they will suffer for the leaders ego and that he/she is but a supporting cast member lost in the anals of history but, by god, they will be loud in supporting the abuse- LOL-
You have the infection.
Yes, I'm infected with thinking for myself- I don't do acolyte shit- I don't do D or R partisan crap- I am partisan to liberty and Individual rights- IF you could read you would note my signature line- I live it to the best of my ability and w/o help from anointed, or elected, Saints though they do do their best to restrict my liberty's and claim they're doing the best for everyone (in their respective groups) - the greater good is achieved through Individual effort- it can't and won't be mandated or legislated.
Laws, (legislation and mandates) by definition restrict some, if not many and favor one, or some, if not many, over another- it could be argued that is diametrically opposite the intended job of legislators- legislators are full of shit and themselves, usually psychopathic and skilled liars- on BOTH sides of the aisle which exists only outside the beltway to ensure and insure the retention of ill perceived power and authority.

True leadership is for the benefit of the follower not the enrichment of the leader- and sadly, many who follow fail to comprehend the abuse they will suffer for the leaders ego and that he/she is but a supporting cast member lost in the anals of history but, by god, they will be loud in supporting the abuse- LOL-

Re-post without the juvenile vulgarity and then we can both be adults.
Illegal aliens increase unemployment, cost vast sums in welfare benefits, weigh down the justice system, and decrease the standard of living for real Americans....and decrease the security of our nation.
Yet.....Democrats give them documents that allow them to's a quid pro quo.
And to insure that vote, Democrats/Liberals/Progressives would take the birthright from American citizens and award it to illegal aliens.

Know what else?


Under Democrats/Liberals/Progressives, both the Constitution and the concept of equality are out the window.

I accept that burning our flag is free speech....but so are insults to others, burning the gay pride flag, and unorthodox opinions.
That's America.

Clearly they don't object to "income inequality."

But....neither do I.

“The philosopher Harry G. Frankfurt argues that economic inequality is not inherently objectionable…”To the extent that it is truly undesirable, it is on account of its almost irresistible tendency to generate unacceptable inequalities of other kinds.

…Frankfurt’s alternative …is the ‘doctrine of sufficiency….’…imperative should be that everyone has enough.

This should have nothing to do with ‘the quantity of money that other people have’ because ‘doing worse than others does not entail doing badly.’ George Will, “The Conservative Sensibility,” p. 284-285

The empty promises of the failed doctrines of Socialism/Progressivism are not the answer to material inequality. Capitalism is. Direct the populace’s attention to how much more some have and they don’t see the point: under capitalism, the consumption gap has lessened.

Once, the rich rode in carriages, the rest of the people walked.
Today both ride in cars, whether or not they are all the same model.

“Nobody, not even Bill Gates, lives like Marie Antoinette. And nobody in the US lives like her peasants.Cochrane's Questions About Inequality - Econlib

Nobody is starving, never was....there is no Dickensian home, no heat, no America.
The Left lies.
How about you get arrested for telling a Polish joke???
Or saying anything the Libs don't OK.

Well....the proof is right out of Liberal Utopia Seattle......

"Seattle Police Chief Tells People To Call 911 If Called Names During Coronavirus Crisis
Call the police if someone calls you a name. Left-wing America 2020

*But if you're attacked by Antifa, STFU …


Seattle police chief tells residents to call 911 if called names amid coronavirus pandemic

In her briefing, Best called upon the expertise of a former local news anchor, Lori Matsukawa.

“Hate crimes have no place in our community,” said Matsukawa. “We are all trying to deal with the COVID-19 public health crisis together. If you are a victim of a hate crime or hate-based harassment, please call 911.”

“We will document and investigate every reported hate crime,” Best continued. “Even racist name-calling should be reported to police. If you aren’t sure if a hate crime occurred, call 911. We are here to help."
How about you get arrested for telling a Polish joke???
Or saying anything the Libs don't OK.

Well....the proof is right out of Liberal Utopia Seattle......

"Seattle Police Chief Tells People To Call 911 If Called Names During Coronavirus Crisis
Call the police if someone calls you a name. Left-wing America 2020

*But if you're attacked by Antifa, STFU …

Seattle police chief tells residents to call 911 if called names amid coronavirus pandemic

In her briefing, Best called upon the expertise of a former local news anchor, Lori Matsukawa.

“Hate crimes have no place in our community,” said Matsukawa. “We are all trying to deal with the COVID-19 public health crisis together. If you are a victim of a hate crime or hate-based harassment, please call 911.”

“We will document and investigate every reported hate crime,” Best continued. “Even racist name-calling should be reported to police. If you aren’t sure if a hate crime occurred, call 911. We are here to help."

Breaking911 (@Breaking911) | Twitter

I liked that you shared this.

I hate that we put such morons in public office.

No wonder Seattle is so fucked up.
How about you get arrested for telling a Polish joke???
Or saying anything the Libs don't OK.

Well....the proof is right out of Liberal Utopia Seattle......

"Seattle Police Chief Tells People To Call 911 If Called Names During Coronavirus Crisis
Call the police if someone calls you a name. Left-wing America 2020

*But if you're attacked by Antifa, STFU …

Seattle police chief tells residents to call 911 if called names amid coronavirus pandemic

In her briefing, Best called upon the expertise of a former local news anchor, Lori Matsukawa.

“Hate crimes have no place in our community,” said Matsukawa. “We are all trying to deal with the COVID-19 public health crisis together. If you are a victim of a hate crime or hate-based harassment, please call 911.”

“We will document and investigate every reported hate crime,” Best continued. “Even racist name-calling should be reported to police. If you aren’t sure if a hate crime occurred, call 911. We are here to help."

Breaking911 (@Breaking911) | Twitter

I liked that you shared this.

I hate that we put such morons in public office.

No wonder Seattle is so fucked up.

Liberalism/Progressivism function via doctrines: either ban or mandate.

There is no room for liberty, freedom or even difference of opinion.

Can you imagine how needy and weak these people must be, to be uncomfortable if everyone doesn't believe and act the same way they do?
"Survey Finds 3 in 4 Democratic Students Believe Offensive Jokes Can be Hate Speech
“believe comedians can be successful without making offensive jokes”
As if you didn’t already have enough bad news this month …

A survey of 2,000 undergraduates by College Pulse, conducted in February but released Monday, finds a rough future for comedy, especially among those who iEdentify as Democrats or lean that way.

A whopping 76 percent of Democratic students “believe offensive jokes can constitute hate speech,” in contrast to 36 percent of Republican students who hold that view. Overall six in 10 students make the connection.

Showing they haven’t really thought this through, nearly two-thirds of students “believe comedians can be successful without making offensive jokes,” apparently unaware that “offensive” is highly subjective. Just a little over a third “say political correctness is detrimental to comedy.”

Either the country is doomed......or at least no fun to live in!!

I want some examples of those jokes!!!!
a troll thread to bash obama -

gee, how f'n original.


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