Manhattan DA downgrades felonies in NYC while potentially upgrading Trump's charge to felony; Soros / Dems trying to 'corrupt' justice system


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'While the Manhattan district attorney is pursuing a possible felony indictment against former President Donald Trump on a charge stemming from an alleged hush money payment to Stormy Daniels, the Democratic prosecutor downgraded half of his felony cases to misdemeanors last year.'

During his first year in office in 2022, Bragg downgraded 52% of felony cases to misdemeanors, which was up from 39% in 2019 under the prior district attorney.

His office won felony convictions at a rate of 51%, down from 68% in 2019. His misdemeanor conviction rate was 29%, compared to 53% in 2019.

Bragg declined to prosecute 1,119 felony cases during his first 11 months in office compared to 828 declined in 2019 by his predecessor, a 35% increase

Now NY DA Bragg seeks to prosecute a FEDERAL case despite the fact that he does not have the authority to do so and the fact that the Feds / DOJ refused to do so because they determined there was no case to prosecute.

'George Soros-connected DA Bragg "had to make up a crime" by pursuing a misdemeanor and a felony, both of which were beyond the statute of limitations and were not prosecuted by the previous district attorney nor the Justice Department.'

The Soros-funded Color Of Change PAC gave more than $1 million to Bragg for his 2021 election campaign.

Soros has also made sizable donations toward the campaigns of other progressive prosecutors such as former St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner, Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner and Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon.

Pursuing a FEDERAL case the Feds won't prosecute, his star witness is a convicted felon Purjuror with a proven vendeta against Trump - whose credibility was just destroyed by the testimony of his own previous legal advisor...

Bragg's crusade against Trump is obviously politically, partsanly motivated.

He sees himself as 'THE MAN' who will be famous for being THE ONE to finally take down Trump after 6 & 1/2 years of criminal, UnConstitutional, Unlawful Democrat FAILURE.

He is the latest Soros-Enforcer of the Democrats Party's partisanlly weaponized 2-tiered (In)Justice System

He will also be the one, if he succeeds, to officially make the US a corrupt 3rd-World Politically Partisan Authoritarian Banana Republic.

All he needs is a criminally partisan NY jury, which won't be hard to get.


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'While the Manhattan district attorney is pursuing a possible felony indictment against former President Donald Trump on a charge stemming from an alleged hush money payment to Stormy Daniels, the Democratic prosecutor downgraded half of his felony cases to misdemeanors last year.'

During his first year in office in 2022, Bragg downgraded 52% of felony cases to misdemeanors, which was up from 39% in 2019 under the prior district attorney.

His office won felony convictions at a rate of 51%, down from 68% in 2019. His misdemeanor conviction rate was 29%, compared to 53% in 2019.

Bragg declined to prosecute 1,119 felony cases during his first 11 months in office compared to 828 declined in 2019 by his predecessor, a 35% increase

Now NY DA Bragg seeks to prosecute a FEDERAL case despite the fact that he does not have the authority to do so and the fact that the Feds / DOJ refused to do so because they determined there was no case to prosecute.

'George Soros-connected DA Bragg "had to make up a crime" by pursuing a misdemeanor and a felony, both of which were beyond the statute of limitations and were not prosecuted by the previous district attorney nor the Justice Department.'

The Soros-funded Color Of Change PAC gave more than $1 million to Bragg for his 2021 election campaign.

Soros has also made sizable donations toward the campaigns of other progressive prosecutors such as former St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner, Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner and Los Angeles County District Attorney George Gascon.

Pursuing a FEDERAL case the Feds won't prosecute, his star witness is a convicted felon Purjuror with a proven vendeta against Trump - whose credibility was just destroyed by the testimony of his own previous legal advisor...

Bragg's crusade against Trump is obviously politically, partsanly motivated.

He sees himself as 'THE MAN' who will be famous for being THE ONE to finally take down Trump after 6 & 1/2 years of criminal, UnConstitutional, Unlawful Democrat FAILURE.

He is the latest Soros-Enforcer of the Democrats Party's partisanlly weaponized 2-tiered (In)Justice System

He will also be the one, if he succeeds, to officially make the US a corrupt 3rd-World Politically Partisan Authoritarian Banana Republic.

All he needs is a criminally partisan NY jury, which won't be hard to get.


Do any of these people have access to all the evidence and testimony?
Do any of these people have access to all the evidence and testimony?

Enough is already known.
- Democrats / snowflakes are trying to water down / murky the picture by dragging people down inot the minutiae.

NO President or former politician who has been found guilty of campaign finance violations has EVER been arrested - the penalty us / has been a monetary fine.

Bragg, a local DA, is attempting to prosecute a FEDERAL violation, one tbe Feds / DOJ has already investigated and refused to prosecute because 'there is nothing to prosecute'.

Bragg, who has nearly set a NY re ord for refusing to prosecute felonies, is attempting to elevate a misdemeanor - of a former President (a Democrat political opponent) - to a felony.

Bragg's star witness, one his whole case relies on, is a convicted perjuror with a proven personal vendeta agains Trump.

After being convicted and se tenced to prison for his testimony in a previous 'Get Trump' failed attempt, Democrats attempted to use Cohen in a 2nd failed attempt ON HIS WAY TO PRISON.

It was proven that criminal D-Schiff coached Cohen on his restimony for 12 hours prior to his appearance in court, and once on he gave his testimony it was proven he had committed Perjury before Congress against Trump AGAIN.
- Lucky for him charges were not pressed sonce he was already on his way to prison.

And now Cohen's own previous legal advisor, a highly resprcted lawyer who - unlike Cohen - has never committed perjury or been convicted of committing it - just testified against Cohen and shredded his credibility.
It is officially recorded, btw, that it was COHEN, not Trump, who paid Daniels. Trump paid Cohen back, and it was Cohen who reportedly listed the payment as a campaign expense.
- But Bragg is going after Trump for making the payment.
Enough is already known.
- Democrats / snowflakes are trying to water down / murky the picture by dragging people down inot the minutiae.

NO President or former politician who has been found guilty of campaign finance violations has EVER been arrested - the penalty us / has been a monetary fine.

Bragg, a local DA, is attempting to prosecute a FEDERAL violation, one tbe Feds / DOJ has already investigated and refused to prosecute because 'there is nothing to prosecute'.

Bragg, who has nearly set a NY re ord for refusing to prosecute felonies, is attempting to elevate a misdemeanor - of a former President (a Democrat political opponent) - to a felony.

Bragg's star witness, one his whole case relies on, is a convicted perjuror with a proven personal vendeta agains Trump.

After being convicted and se tenced to prison for his testimony in a previous 'Get Trump' failed attempt, Democrats attempted to use Cohen in a 2nd failed attempt ON HIS WAY TO PRISON.

It was proven that criminal D-Schiff coached Cohen on his restimony for 12 hours prior to his appearance in court, and once on he gave his testimony it was proven he had committed Perjury before Congress against Trump AGAIN.
- Lucky for him charges were not pressed sonce he was already on his way to prison.

And now Cohen's own previous legal advisor, a highly resprcted lawyer who - unlike Cohen - has never committed perjury or been convicted of committing it - just testified against Cohen and shredded his credibility.
It is officially recorded, btw, that it was COHEN, not Trump, who paid Daniels. Trump paid Cohen back, and it was Cohen who reportedly listed the payment as a campaign expense.
- But Bragg is going after Trump for making the payment.
I'd you don't know all the testimony and evidence then enough isn't known. Why is this so hard for you to accept.

You don't know who the star witness is or even if their is one. I suspect it's most likely Cohen is only providing supporting testimony or answering questions about the phone call that was recorded...but again, I don't know either.

You are just repeating a bunch right wing opinions to justify your accusations, but you have no idea what is going on.
I'd you don't know all the testimony and evidence then enough isn't known. Why is this so hard for you to accept.

You don't know who the star witness is or even if their is one. I suspect it's most likely Cohen is only providing supporting testimony or answering questions about the phone call that was recorded...but again, I don't know either.

You are just repeating a bunch right wing opinions to justify your accusations, but you have no idea what is going on.
Come on, you can't be this gullible...can you? Even Democrats are saying this whole thing is bogus and no crime was committed much less a felony.
Democrats cheer on an activist DA who does not even wrist slap the felons stealing from people investing in urban areas. The dumb fuck Democrats give more shits about getting Trump than they do businesses investing in urban areas.
I'd you don't know all the testimony and evidence then enough isn't known. Why is this so hard for you to accept.

You don't know who the star witness is or even if their is one. I suspect it's most likely Cohen is only providing supporting testimony or answering questions about the phone call that was recorded...but again, I don't know either.

You are just repeating a bunch right wing opinions to justify your accusations, but you have no idea what is going on.
Typical leftard asswipe, hiding behind a corrupt law. ^^^
Come on, you can't be this gullible...can you? Even Democrats are saying this whole thing is bogus and no crime was committed much less a felony.
Yes, cherry picked Democrats. If they were Republicans you would simply dismiss them as RINOs.

The only real question that needs to be answered is if you have all the available evidence and testimony.

Do you?

If not, then all this 'hair on fire' nonsense from trumpers is based on thoughts and feelings.

How about we save the executions until this plays out. After that you can move on to activist jurors and deep state judges...but let's take a deep breath before then.
The only real question that needs to be answered is if you have all the available evidence and testimony.

Do you?

- If so I would live to see it, as would everyone.

US AG Garland and his DOJ investigated and found 'nothing to prosecute'.

Are you saying Bragg is a better US AG than Garland and his office is better than the entire DOJ at doing their job?
- Sure sounds like what you're saying.
You know, in questions of power, there is a part of me that would really prefer the state justice departments trump federal courts.

But that's all I have to say about that...
- If so I would live to see it, as would everyone.

US AG Garland and his DOJ investigated and found 'nothing to prosecute'.

Are you saying Bragg is a better US AG than Garland and his office is better than the entire DOJ at doing their job?
- Sure sounds like what you're saying.
I'm not saying anything except that without knowing all the evidence and testimony in the case, we can only speculate.

That said, I don't think a member of Congress should be interfering, or claiming privy to information, in a state case, based on speculation.
Yes, cherry picked Democrats. If they were Republicans you would simply dismiss them as RINOs.

The only real question that needs to be answered is if you have all the available evidence and testimony.

Do you?

If not, then all this 'hair on fire' nonsense from trumpers is based on thoughts and feelings.

How about we save the executions until this plays out. After that you can move on to activist jurors and deep state judges...but let's take a deep breath before then.

I question the honesty and character of anyone who is not disturbed by the weaponization of the Department of Justice. If that doesn't trouble you, you're dangerous.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg CAMPAIGNED ON INDICTING PRESIDENT TRUMP.

At the same time, violent crime is skyrocketing in New York City. Bragg has also reduced 53% of felony charges to misdemeanors.

NYC crime spikes in Manhattan’s East and West villages

By Griffin Kelly
April 23, 2022 12:29pm

They’re the Villages of the Damned.

Major crimes are surging in both the East and West villages, turning Manhattan’s once iconic arts and culture hubs into cesspools of rampant property thieves.

The Sixth Precinct, which patrols the West Village, saw an 84 percent spike in major crime rates when compared to 2021’s year-to-date numbers — the highest increase among Manhattan’s 22 precincts and nearly two times the citywide jump of 44 percent — NYPD data shows. The Ninth Precinct, which serves the East Village, the Bowery and NoHo, is also seeing an uptick in property thefts and violent attacks with the total major crime rate jumping 54 percent so far this year compared to the same time period in 2021, police data shows.

In Greenwich Village:
  • Grand larcenies more than doubled from 147 to 308
  • Burglaries surged from 59 to 100, or 70 percent
  • Robberies rocketed from 47 to 69, or 47 percent
  • Vehicle thefts increased from 3 to 12
  • Felony assaults ticked up from 32 to 41
Residents and business owners there are fed up with the abundance of shoplifters that include vagrants, small-time fencers and even families.

I question the honesty and character of anyone who is not disturbed by the weaponization of the Department of Justice. If that doesn't trouble you, you're dangerous.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg CAMPAIGNED ON INDICTING PRESIDENT TRUMP.

The weaponization has not occurred so your point is moot.

At the same time, violent crime is skyrocketing in New York City. Bragg has also reduced 53% of felony charges to misdemeanors.


NYC crime spikes in Manhattan’s East and West villages

By Griffin Kelly
April 23, 2022 12:29pm

They’re the Villages of the Damned.

Major crimes are surging in both the East and West villages, turning Manhattan’s once iconic arts and culture hubs into cesspools of rampant property thieves.

The Sixth Precinct, which patrols the West Village, saw an 84 percent spike in major crime rates when compared to 2021’s year-to-date numbers — the highest increase among Manhattan’s 22 precincts and nearly two times the citywide jump of 44 percent — NYPD data shows. The Ninth Precinct, which serves the East Village, the Bowery and NoHo, is also seeing an uptick in property thefts and violent attacks with the total major crime rate jumping 54 percent so far this year compared to the same time period in 2021, police data shows.

In Greenwich Village:
  • Grand larcenies more than doubled from 147 to 308
  • Burglaries surged from 59 to 100, or 70 percent
  • Robberies rocketed from 47 to 69, or 47 percent
  • Vehicle thefts increased from 3 to 12
  • Felony assaults ticked up from 32 to 41
Residents and business owners there are fed up with the abundance of shoplifters that include vagrants, small-time fencers and even families.

Data supporting your irrelevant point.

The weaponization has not occurred so your point is moot.


Data supporting your irrelevant point.

I'm not saying anything except that without knowing all the evidence and testimony in the case, we can only speculate.

That said, I don't think a member of Congress should be interfering, or claiming privy to information, in a state case, based on speculation.

Meanwhile if the speculation was about something Trump HAD DONE as opposed to what is being DONE TO HIM you would believe 2nd hand hearsay taken off a Hasbro walkie-talkie broadcast as absolute fact.....

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