Madison Cawthorn, self-described 'big history buff,' keeps getting historical facts wrong

the only GOP member of congress who i'm older than! of course he's naiive about history!

There are multiple quotes attributed to quite a few people throughout history that they never said but were attributed to them at some point in time by other influential people.
the only GOP member of congress who i'm older than! of course he's naiive about history!

As long as he understands that Lefitsm has murdered and oppressed hundreds of millions more people than Nazism last century and this century, he is still head and shoulders above his political opponents.

As for getting quotes wrong, at least he does not plagiarize like our current President.
I read this. To be honest, there are a lot more consequential things to criticize Madison Cawthorn over. This seemed like someone trying to make a big deal out of some pretty understandable, small-potatoes mistakes.
The post belongs in politics not history. Imagine a gigantic (left wing) tax exempt propaganda machine analyzing every single word a (republican) "history buff" says about history. That's what Media Matters mission is. Leave the guy alone unless you want to be fair and balanced and monitor every statement made by a democrat.
If you polled the young victims of the federal education system you would probably get a blank stare when you mentioned Adams or Jefferson and confusion between the Revolution and WW2. It makes Congressman Cawthorne's misquote of Adams or is it Jefferson, look scholarly.

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