Lyndon LaRouche: Obama (Like Hilter) Is Clinically Insane


Terral Corp CEO
Mar 4, 2009
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Greetings to All:

Lyndon LaRouche does a great job of explaining how the Obama Administration and Congress are implementing Hitler Policy from Nazi Germany.

[ame=""]There Is No Difference Between Obama And Hitler[/ame]

Of course, Obama is not insane at all, but he is a New World Order Puppet destroying the USA and Global populations very much on purpose. The Holocaust is on our doorstep and everyone drunk on the Obama Kool-aid is just as happy as lemmings can be . . .

GL, because you need it,

Greetings to All:

Lyndon LaRouche does a great job of explaining how the Obama Administration and Congress are implementing Hitler Policy from Nazi Germany.

There Is No Difference Between Obama And Hitler

Of course, Obama is not insane at all, but he is a New World Order Puppet destroying the USA and Global populations very much on purpose. The Holocaust is on our doorstep and everyone drunk on the Obama Kool-aid is just as happy as lemmings can be . . .

GL, because you need it,

Obama haters will stoop to anything or anyone to cast aspersions on Obama, including that nutjob LaRouche.
Greetings to All:

Lyndon LaRouche does a great job of explaining how the Obama Administration and Congress are implementing Hitler Policy from Nazi Germany.

There Is No Difference Between Obama And Hitler

Of course, Obama is not insane at all, but he is a New World Order Puppet destroying the USA and Global populations very much on purpose. The Holocaust is on our doorstep and everyone drunk on the Obama Kool-aid is just as happy as lemmings can be . . .

GL, because you need it,


Greetings Terral,

I trust that you are having a fine evening.

I have a question for you. Do you expect that many people will watch a webcast that is one second shy of 3 hour and 11 minutes?

I will not, but I thank you for your kind offer.


Greetings to All:

Lyndon LaRouche does a great job of explaining how the Obama Administration and Congress are implementing Hitler Policy from Nazi Germany.

There Is No Difference Between Obama And Hitler

Of course, Obama is not insane at all, but he is a New World Order Puppet destroying the USA and Global populations very much on purpose. The Holocaust is on our doorstep and everyone drunk on the Obama Kool-aid is just as happy as lemmings can be . . .

GL, because you need it,


Greetings Terral,

I trust that you are having a fine evening.

I have a question for you. Do you expect that many people will watch a webcast that is one second shy of 3 hour and 11 minutes?

I will not, but I thank you for your kind offer.



Canada had better beware. America needs Lebensraum.
When it comes to clinical insanity, Lyndon LaRouche is an expert.

Been there, done (still doing) that
oh, the irony in this nut job calling anyone one else insane
Funny how this guy calls Obama a Nazi and back up a month or two and Obama's own pastor said he was controlled by the Jews. Lets remember the fact the American voting public were fools for electing this clown.
Hi PJ:

Obama haters will stoop to anything or anyone to cast aspersions on Obama, including that nutjob LaRouche.

No. Those among you drinking the Loyal Bushie/Obama Fascism Kool-aid (pic) will defend your 'messiah' (pic) to the very end.

[ame=""]Obama = Hitler[/ame]

[ame=""]Obama Kids And Hitler Youth Sing[/ame]

[ame=""]Obama Vs Hitler: USA Now = Germany Then . . .[/ame]

If you go down the list of the stunning Similarities Between Obama and Hitler (list), then perhaps you will grow to realize that 'both' are puppets of the same "House Of Rothschild" (story) and International Banksters. The Rothshilds, Warburgs, Rockefellers and Morgans are the same people who killed Abraham Lincoln and JFK . . .

[ame=""]House Of Rothschild That 'You' Serve[/ame]

. . . and the same people who own the Federal Reserve (Chapter 3) and the same people who planned and carried out the 9/11 attacks (my Blog) 'and' the same people orchestrating the current U.S./Global Economic Implosion (story) 'and' the same exact people who injected the Genocidal Bio-weapon Virus into the arm of the Global Population in a second 9/11-like Attack (my Topic).

We The Sheeple are being herded towards utter destruction in the very same way that Hitler herded Jews into his Death Camps! The difference is that Obama will use more than 800 FEMA REX 84 Concentration/Death Camps (story = secret meeting details) scattered all over the USA from sea to shining sea. Halliburton Confirms Concentration Camps Already Constructed (story).

Lyndon LaRouche is telling you ‘the’ Truth and the Sheeple refuse to hear him. Fine. I am also telling you ‘the’ Truth about the coming Holocaust and the Sheeple also refuse to 'heed' my warnings. Fine too. The reason is very simple to understand once you realize that only the very ‘few’ are being saved (Luke 13:23-25) and the ‘MANY’ are on the wide and paved road to utter destruction (Matt. 7:13-14). Therefore, go right ahead and scoff and mock and make asses of yourselves, because all that remains is the ‘perishing’ (Acts 13:41). However, do not stand in Judgment in that day and try to convince anyone that you were never warned. Two paths lead away from your Judgment to the lake of fire and the outer darkness (far left) where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth. Those among you standing in the way of 'the Truth' cannot possibly be numbered among the worthless slaves going into outer darkness, because you are deliberately standing with Senor Bushie and Obama serving the House of Rothschild (like Hitler) and Global Genocide . . . .

[ame=""]Lyndon LaRouche: What Is Empire? 1/6[/ame]


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Hi Xotoxi:

I trust that you are having a fine evening.

I have a question for you. Do you expect that 'many' people will watch a webcast that is one second shy of 3 hour and 11 minutes?

No. I expect the 'many' to be destroyed and only the 'few' to be saved. The whole world is about to 'change' and that is exactly what Obama has promised . . .

[ame=""]Swine/Avian Bio-Weapon Virus = NWO Genocide[/ame]

[ame=]The Bio-War Has Already Started[/ame]

[ame=""]Swine/Avian Bio-Weapon Virus = NWO Genocide[/ame]

Yes. I suppose 'the many' also believe these doctors are insane for having the audacity to send out these SAME WARNINGS . . .


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No. I expect the 'many' to be destroyed and only the 'few' to be saved.

It's the Rapture!


(Apparently, only the hot chicks go to heaven during the Rapture!)
Hi Xotoxi:

I trust that you are having a fine evening.

I have a question for you. Do you expect that 'many' people will watch a webcast that is one second shy of 3 hour and 11 minutes?

No. I expect the 'many' to be destroyed and only the 'few' to be saved. The whole world is about to 'change' and that is exactly what Obama has promised . . .

[ame=""]Swine/Avian Bio-Weapon Virus = NWO Genocide[/ame]

[ame=""]The Bio-War Has Already Started[/ame]

[ame=""]Swine/Avian Bio-Weapon Virus = NWO Genocide[/ame]

Yes. I suppose 'the many' also believe these doctors are insane for having the audacity to send out these SAME WARNINGS . . .




I am gravely disappointed in your rudeness. Although you are insane, I've never found you to be rude or disrespectful.

Why did you not address my statement "I trust that you are having a fine evening"? Granted, it was not a question, but it was a statement meant to engage you in polite banter. The majority of normal people would have responded to this with at least a simple "thank you".

I expect moving forward that you will focus your energy on being more considerate, rather than posting fictional youtube videos.


Hi HippieChick:

This is some twisted s***!!

No kidding. You are right (warning video + [ame=""]warning video[/ame]). Many people are concerned about the use of so many 'Foreign Troops' calling this an "Invasion" (story). When you overlay the 1918 Spanish Flu 'Three Wave' Mortality Timeline (pic = one component of this Bio-Weapon) to an April 23, 2009 starting point (Post #32), then the 'Second Wave' for this current Swine/Avian Bio-Weapon Attack begins on July 21, 2009; or six days before these FEMA Bio-Terror Exercises are slated to begin. I hope that we are looking at a series of mere coincidences, but preparing for the worst case scenario still seems like a good idea to me.

[ame=""]Pandemic Flu Eugenics Bioweapon . . .[/ame]

[ame=""]Swine Flu Released By NWO! Part 1[/ame]


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Anyone dumb enough to think the problems we are facing are all about Obama, and ONLY about the liberals, needs his fucking head examined, Terral.

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