Hi PJ:
Obama haters will stoop to anything or anyone to cast aspersions on Obama, including that nutjob LaRouche.
No. Those among you drinking the
Loyal Bushie/Obama Fascism Kool-aid (
pic) will defend
your 'messiah' (
pic) to the very end.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eS2rJP-udUs"]Obama = Hitler[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdPSqL9_mfM"]Obama Kids And Hitler Youth Sing[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=woMx2QHWNJw"]Obama Vs Hitler: USA Now = Germany Then . . .[/ame]
If you go down the list of the stunning
Similarities Between Obama and Hitler (
list), then perhaps you will grow to realize that 'both' are puppets of the same
"House Of Rothschild" (
story) and International Banksters. The Rothshilds, Warburgs, Rockefellers and Morgans are the same people who killed
Abraham Lincoln and JFK . . .
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFIlX0HjkmI"]House Of Rothschild That 'You' Serve[/ame]
. . . and the same people who
own the Federal Reserve (
Chapter 3) and the same people who planned and carried out
the 9/11 attacks (
my Blog) 'and' the same people orchestrating the current
U.S./Global Economic Implosion (
story) 'and' the same exact people who injected the
Genocidal Bio-weapon Virus into the arm of the Global Population in
a second 9/11-like Attack (
my Topic).
We The Sheeple are being herded towards utter destruction in the very same way that Hitler herded Jews into his Death Camps! The difference is that Obama will use more than
800 FEMA REX 84 Concentration/Death Camps (
story =
secret meeting details) scattered all over the USA from sea to shining sea.
Halliburton Confirms Concentration Camps Already Constructed (
Lyndon LaRouche is telling you
‘the’ Truth and the
Sheeple refuse to hear him. Fine. I am also telling you
‘the’ Truth about the coming Holocaust and the Sheeple also refuse to
'heed' my warnings. Fine too. The reason is very simple to understand once you realize that only the very
‘few’ are being saved (
Luke 13:23-25) and the
‘MANY’ are on the wide and paved road to
utter destruction (
Matt. 7:13-14). Therefore, go right ahead and
scoff and mock and make asses of yourselves, because all that remains is the
‘perishing’ (
Acts 13:41). However, do not stand in Judgment in that day and try to convince anyone that you were never warned. Two paths lead away from your Judgment to the
lake of fire and the
outer darkness (
far left) where there is
weeping and gnashing of teeth. Those among you standing in the way of
'the Truth' cannot possibly be numbered among
the worthless slaves going into outer darkness, because
you are deliberately standing with Senor Bushie and Obama serving the House of Rothschild (
like Hitler) and
Global Genocide . . . .
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dOaHgkAHP4"]Lyndon LaRouche: What Is Empire? 1/6[/ame]