Lunatic #2 One-Ups Lunatic #1


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
By all indications, Lunatic #1‘s threats during his speech at the U.N. failed to frighten Lunatic #2, which is not surprising. On Friday Lunatic #2 one-upped Lunatic #1 when he vowed “to make him pay dearly” for threats to destroy North Korea.

Unfortunately, neither of these two lunatics will be killed during the nuclear exchange both appear to crave. But, millions of innocent bystanders will die on both sides. And that number can only increase to include billions world wide as the conflict escalates to WWIII.

Someone in the world MUST soon become the voice of reason, and sit these two lunatics down and talk sense into them. But, what person in this world would have the influence necessary to convince these two lunatics to act as sane individuals?

Sadly, there is a segment of the U.S. population that is too ignorant to understand the lasting devastation of nuclear war. Conservatives have repeatedly shown their support for the Big Orange Idiot’s (Lunatic #1) proposal to force a nuclear war on this planet, this time by providing a small up-tick in his approval rating after his U.N. appearance. This tiny percentage is enough to feed the Big Orange Idiot’s ego, and will have him believe he has a mandate from the American people to justify his causing the deaths of billions.

Of course, conservatives will find this OP “funny” because, as stated above, they are too ignorant to understand the lasting devastation of nuclear war. It’s sad how the stupidity of a small minority has the power to wipe out most of the life forms on this planet.

Those who have the ability to be the voice(s) of reason should get their a$$es in gear before it’s too late and the two lunatics succeed. Despite the consistent stupidity and denial of conservatives, no one wins a nuclear war.



How do world leaders tolerate the antics of these two idiots?


One Dum Fuc indeed, but the pair make two dumb fucks.


The Doomsday Clock (yes, conservatives are unaware of the Doomsday Clock) cannot be turned back if it reaches 12:00.

By all indications, Lunatic #1‘s threats during his speech at the U.N. failed to frighten Lunatic #2, which is not surprising. On Friday Lunatic #2 one-upped Lunatic #1 when he vowed “to make him pay dearly” for threats to destroy North Korea.

Unfortunately, neither of these two lunatics will be killed during the nuclear exchange both appear to crave. But, millions of innocent bystanders will die on both sides. And that number can only increase to include billions world wide as the conflict escalates to WWIII.

Someone in the world MUST soon become the voice of reason, and sit these two lunatics down and talk sense into them. But, what person in this world would have the influence necessary to convince these two lunatics to act as sane individuals?

Sadly, there is a segment of the U.S. population that is too ignorant to understand the lasting devastation of nuclear war. Conservatives have repeatedly shown their support for the Big Orange Idiot’s (Lunatic #1) proposal to force a nuclear war on this planet, this time by providing a small up-tick in his approval rating after his U.N. appearance. This tiny percentage is enough to feed the Big Orange Idiot’s ego, and will have him believe he has a mandate from the American people to justify his causing the deaths of billions.

Of course, conservatives will find this OP “funny” because, as stated above, they are too ignorant to understand the lasting devastation of nuclear war. It’s sad how the stupidity of a small minority has the power to wipe out most of the life forms on this planet.

Those who have the ability to be the voice(s) of reason should get their a$$es in gear before it’s too late and the two lunatics succeed. Despite the consistent stupidity and denial of conservatives, no one wins a nuclear war.


View attachment 150674

How do world leaders tolerate the antics of these two idiots?

View attachment 150675

One Dum Fuc indeed, but the pair make two dumb fucks.

View attachment 150676

The Doomsday Clock (yes, conservatives are unaware of the Doomsday Clock) cannot be turned back if it reaches 12:00.


The voices of reason mentioned in the OP are beginning to weigh in.

"Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov and officials from multiple countries around the world are rejecting President Donald Trump's promise Wednesday to "totally destroy" North Korea." The vast majority Americans also reject his stupidity, but in true Republican form, the Big Orange Idiot ignores the superior wisdom of rational Americans.

Gatilov told the state-run Tass Russian News Agency, “he believed Washington should be savvy enough to know not to launch such a bold move.”

Gatilov is correct, in part, before the Big Orange Idiot, President Obama understood the level of lunacy of Kim Jong-un, and knew the only method of dealing with this nut would take years of persistent dialogue. Such talks would include representatives from North Korea, South Korea, China, Russia, Japan, the United States, and other nations in the region. Gatilov echoed this past philosophy stating, " 'common sense should prevail here. We should think not about military methods but how to start talks and dialogue.' "

Unfortunately, the Big Orange Idiot and his conservative fans sorely lack common sense. Big Orange's schoolyard tactics have no place on the world stage. His antics during his first appearance at the U.N. are reminiscent of the Soviet Union's Nikita Khrushchev ranting and banging his shoe on the table in 1960. Sadly, the Big Orange Idiot is just as lacking in civility as Khrushchev.

If the Big Orange Idiot continues his stupidity, which he will, the United States will undoubtedly face U.N. sanctions, and our former allies will be among the first nations to sign the pact. Because, in this instance the U.S. is in the wrong. Big Orange is unable to act like a world leader, his childish and vindictive nature prevents this.

However, if these voices of reason are to be effective, Russia and China must immediately step up and take a forceful stand against North Korea's nuclear program. Their leaders must realize they stood by too long and permitted this untenable situation to escalate between these two lunatics. If an air and ground war does erupt, they will be as deeply involved as the U.S. and North Korea.

Russia: U.S. War With North Korea 'Is Not an Option'


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