l'shana tova-Rosh Hashanah is here again already


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Rosh Hashanah- the head of the year.
Jewish years usually "begins and ends" coincidentally around the Churches celebration of Saint Michael-Michaelemas, the Sheva (7th) month, like it did exactly on 1998 the Jubilee year mentioned in the judgement scrolls.
Sept means seven, was the seventh month before the Julian Calendar (Satan changes times and days) which changed Lunar cycle(Night) with the sun(Day).

Tonight starts Rosh Hashanah and around this time I like to teach a lesson about the holiday.

Sometimes in life, there are situations that we would prefer not to deal with.
Maybe it's a problem that we just can't come to terms with, or a habit which we can't seem to kick.
It's tough to admit that we're less than perfect, that we need help.
An ostrich buries its head in the sand and hides, the dog that knows he did wrong in relieving himself
on your carpet whimpers behind the easy chair trying to hide from his master in shame.

Why is it so difficult for us to admit what we do? Ego, fear, feelings of inadequacy?
What drives us to hide and pretend it doesn't exist or worse displace blame?

During this holiday celebrating the New Year we reflect on how to make our lives more 'whole' and 'complete' ('Shalem').
We must use this reflection to remove that barrier and protective covering that we build around ourselves when we hide from
our issues and therefore from addressing them and improving ourselves and our society around us.
During Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, we involve ourselves in an introspective process to free ourselves of that avoidance nature
and this self judgment and atonement process is called, in Hebrew, 'Teshuva'.
A reflection returning us to reality. Taking our heads out of the sand, dropping our frail human ego,
and taking us from our hiding from behind the couch to face our master.
For you and all the Jewish board members of USMB, HaShev.....
Rosh Hashanah- the head of the year.
Jewish years usually "begins and ends" coincidentally around the Churches celebration of Saint Michael-Michaelemas, the Sheva (7th) month, like it did exactly on 1998 the Jubilee year mentioned in the judgement scrolls.
Sept means seven, was the seventh month before the Julian Calendar (Satan changes times and days) which changed Lunar cycle(Night) with the sun(Day).

Tonight starts Rosh Hashanah and around this time I like to teach a lesson about the holiday.

Sometimes in life, there are situations that we would prefer not to deal with.
Maybe it's a problem that we just can't come to terms with, or a habit which we can't seem to kick.
It's tough to admit that we're less than perfect, that we need help.
An ostrich buries its head in the sand and hides, the dog that knows he did wrong in relieving himself
on your carpet whimpers behind the easy chair trying to hide from his master in shame.

Why is it so difficult for us to admit what we do? Ego, fear, feelings of inadequacy?
What drives us to hide and pretend it doesn't exist or worse displace blame?

During this holiday celebrating the New Year we reflect on how to make our lives more 'whole' and 'complete' ('Shalem').
We must use this reflection to remove that barrier and protective covering that we build around ourselves when we hide from
our issues and therefore from addressing them and improving ourselves and our society around us.
During Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, we involve ourselves in an introspective process to free ourselves of that avoidance nature
and this self judgment and atonement process is called, in Hebrew, 'Teshuva'.
A reflection returning us to reality. Taking our heads out of the sand, dropping our frail human ego,
and taking us from our hiding from behind the couch to face our master.

Thanks for the information. May you and yours celebrate.
Rosh Hashanah- the head of the year.
Jewish years usually "begins and ends" coincidentally around the Churches celebration of Saint Michael-Michaelemas, the Sheva (7th) month, like it did exactly on 1998 the Jubilee year mentioned in the judgement scrolls.
Sept means seven, was the seventh month before the Julian Calendar (Satan changes times and days) which changed Lunar cycle(Night) with the sun(Day).

Tonight starts Rosh Hashanah and around this time I like to teach a lesson about the holiday.

Sometimes in life, there are situations that we would prefer not to deal with.
Maybe it's a problem that we just can't come to terms with, or a habit which we can't seem to kick.
It's tough to admit that we're less than perfect, that we need help.
An ostrich buries its head in the sand and hides, the dog that knows he did wrong in relieving himself
on your carpet whimpers behind the easy chair trying to hide from his master in shame.

Why is it so difficult for us to admit what we do? Ego, fear, feelings of inadequacy?
What drives us to hide and pretend it doesn't exist or worse displace blame?

During this holiday celebrating the New Year we reflect on how to make our lives more 'whole' and 'complete' ('Shalem').
We must use this reflection to remove that barrier and protective covering that we build around ourselves when we hide from
our issues and therefore from addressing them and improving ourselves and our society around us.
During Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, we involve ourselves in an introspective process to free ourselves of that avoidance nature
and this self judgment and atonement process is called, in Hebrew, 'Teshuva'.
A reflection returning us to reality. Taking our heads out of the sand, dropping our frail human ego,
and taking us from our hiding from behind the couch to face our master.

Thank you for the information. Be good.
On Rosh Hashanah many people failed their self reflection miserably.
We know Hillary's blame game as a perfect example, The MSM never Teshuva either.
But there's others last night who already broke the Essence of self reflecting during the New Year.
If you Noticed Abu Abbas did a Hillary and went on a displaced blame tear at the UN even after boasting a dialogue for peace brokered by the Trump administration.
Then Iran did a Hillary with the nerve of blaming the US as not trustworthy in any deals even though if we were to be changing the deal it will be based on their violating it (which they have) and they are the ones who openly admit they can break deals and simply humor those they are brokered with. Iran thinks it's a game of "Risk", shake hands to agree not to fight in any of your soils or attack your troups, but then turn around and attack you anyway on foreign lands (by proxy)breaking that treaty.
In a world that ignores sound ideology and social behavior science, it remains the same mess as always, however as technologies advanced that destructive displaced deflectice behavior becomes more and more dangerous which is where we see the world now with Rocketman and Iran following close behind. Someone said we need a reformation in the Middle East, but all mankind needs it as well.
So we pray, build the platform in which to reach and teach and come togther as one in peace like the days of Solomon.
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L Shana Tova to each and everyone..... Abbas ( The Father) of lies reaches out with one hand to shake your hand and with the other hand to drive a knife into your back.... Yes he has rather long arms or uses proxies to do his dirty work while pleading innocence .... Seems this is a well worn tactic to either keep the status quo or increase ones sway and power...
I believe the term for what Abbas does and Kim and the Ayahtollahs and the Clintons etc etc is called a Hudna where one is allowed to make peace with ones enemy until you become stronger then them and then you are free to break the terms of the agreement so you can defeat them....One wonders how naive most people are who fall for this tactic.. That is why it is Rosh Hashanah because Rosh means HEAD and one must use theirs for thinking at these times so that one doesn't get it cut off by those who don't have their best interests at heart...

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