Loveland, Colorado Response to My Email


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2019
I emailed the entire City Council and Police Chief of Loveland, Colorado, telling them I hope that the lawsuit against them for police brutality against Karen Garner bankrupts them. They answered me yesterday.
They provided a link which updates this miserable event of police criminality.


We want to respond to the concerns you expressed around the Garner v. City of Loveland case. Following are some updates.

From City Manager Steve Adams:

“Despite our policy of not commenting on ongoing litigation, I feel compelled to offer my personal thoughts. In reviewing the video footage of Ms. Garner’s arrest, I found the video very difficult to watch. I cannot fathom the level of confusion and concern shared by Ms. Garner and her family following these events. I found the actions captured in the video deeply troubling and not reflective of the values of our organization. I am committed to ensuring that our organization meets the community’s standards for safety and service. I understand and empathize with the concerns raised by our community members, especially our senior residents.”


Since the filing of the lawsuit on April 14, City of Loveland leaders and staff have faced many questions around the circumstances of this event as well as questions on the City’s training practices, department policies, our knowledge of this incident, and the employment status of the officers involved. In response to those questions, we want to share with you these immediate commitments and updates. You can also find updates at: Garner v. City of Loveland | City of Loveland.

• Former officers Austin Hopp and Daria Jalali, and former community service officer Tyler Blackett, are no longer employed at LPD. Hopp and Jalali have both been charged. More information on the charges may be found through the 8th Judicial District.

• Sgt. Phil Metzler, named as a defendant in the suit, remains on administrative leave. Sgt. Antolina Hill is performing her regularly assigned duties.

• The City is working to swiftly address the concerns raised through the lawsuit and video footage, including:

- Conducting an Internal Affairs Investigation led by our HR department and an outside agency

- Working with a consultant to do an independent assessment of the Loveland Police Department

- Requiring mandatory training on interacting with citizens who suffer with mental illness

- Requiring mandatory training on recognizing Alzheimer’s and dementia

- Expanding the review of all Blue Team reports to include the City Attorney’s Office and Human Resources department

- Reviewing our paid leave policy under extenuating circumstances.

These steps are only the initial actions we are taking to restore the public’s trust. We know there is much more work to be done. We will continue to keep the public informed on our actions in response to this case.
Criminal charges have been filed against the two officers who beat Karen Garner and broke her arm:

I'll wager they go to prison for their crimes. They deserve nothing less.
One officer is only charged with misdemeanors.
Are we supposed to stress about every alleged injustice in every American burg? Why should I care when I know the media reports I get are all liberal propaganda bullshit. Now when Loveland closed the Cloverleaf Dog Track, that made me sad. My favorite dog there was I'm Eddie, naturally because I won money on him back in the 70s. It's good to be old and still have your memory. Thank you Lord.
Are we supposed to stress about every alleged injustice in every American burg? Why should I care when I know the media reports I get are all liberal propaganda bullshit. Now when Loveland closed the Cloverleaf Dog Track, that made me sad. My favorite dog there was I'm Eddie, naturally because I won money on him back in the 70s. It's good to be old and still have your memory. Thank you Lord.
1. Karen Garner does not have her memory.
2. Some people such as you obviously have so little compassion that you don't care much if a 200 pound policeman breaks an 80 pound feeble, elderly woman's arm. Pretty sick.
3. You're happy that you won money fifty years ago, but a video showing him breaking her arm is "alleged" in your sick dismissal. I don't want to read anything else from you. To my Ignore List you go.
"There are only two kinds of people, decent and indecent." - Elie Wiesel
You're indecent.
I emailed the entire City Council and Police Chief of Loveland, Colorado, telling them I hope that the lawsuit against them for police brutality against Karen Garner bankrupts them. They answered me yesterday.
They provided a link which updates this miserable event of police criminality.


We want to respond to the concerns you expressed around the Garner v. City of Loveland case. Following are some updates.

From City Manager Steve Adams:

“Despite our policy of not commenting on ongoing litigation, I feel compelled to offer my personal thoughts. In reviewing the video footage of Ms. Garner’s arrest, I found the video very difficult to watch. I cannot fathom the level of confusion and concern shared by Ms. Garner and her family following these events. I found the actions captured in the video deeply troubling and not reflective of the values of our organization. I am committed to ensuring that our organization meets the community’s standards for safety and service. I understand and empathize with the concerns raised by our community members, especially our senior residents.”


Since the filing of the lawsuit on April 14, City of Loveland leaders and staff have faced many questions around the circumstances of this event as well as questions on the City’s training practices, department policies, our knowledge of this incident, and the employment status of the officers involved. In response to those questions, we want to share with you these immediate commitments and updates. You can also find updates at: Garner v. City of Loveland | City of Loveland.

• Former officers Austin Hopp and Daria Jalali, and former community service officer Tyler Blackett, are no longer employed at LPD. Hopp and Jalali have both been charged. More information on the charges may be found through the 8th Judicial District.

• Sgt. Phil Metzler, named as a defendant in the suit, remains on administrative leave. Sgt. Antolina Hill is performing her regularly assigned duties.

• The City is working to swiftly address the concerns raised through the lawsuit and video footage, including:

- Conducting an Internal Affairs Investigation led by our HR department and an outside agency

- Working with a consultant to do an independent assessment of the Loveland Police Department

- Requiring mandatory training on interacting with citizens who suffer with mental illness

- Requiring mandatory training on recognizing Alzheimer’s and dementia

- Expanding the review of all Blue Team reports to include the City Attorney’s Office and Human Resources department

- Reviewing our paid leave policy under extenuating circumstances.

These steps are only the initial actions we are taking to restore the public’s trust. We know there is much more work to be done. We will continue to keep the public informed on our actions in response to this case.
What? Are you a democrat? You wanna throw out the baby with the bathwater.
Destroy the entire police department instead of aiming for the guilty cops so then criminals can murder exponentially more people with impunity.
What? Are you a democrat? You wanna throw out the baby with the bathwater.
Destroy the entire police department instead of aiming for the guilty cops so then criminals can murder exponentially more people with impunity.

Speaking of "stupid," the guilty police officers have been criminally indicted. They lost their jobs, all their friends, and their reputations and may well spend time in prison. If the city were bankrupted, it would send a message, wouldn't it? Or didn't you think that through?

No, no you did not. $290,000 is chump change, and criminals have been murdering with impunity all over America. You need to pay attention.

Have you a CLUE as to what state has the greatest percentage of unsolved murders? No you do not. It's over 50% and it's Blue.

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