Loudmouthed Black Woman Ticketed

Be funnier if the Police just shot her
A knee to the neck might shut her up.

She wouldnt have gotten the ticket if her approach to the police, and the woman, was "different"

A simple "I'm sorry. I didnt realize I was being loud." Would have changed everything.

"A soft answer turns away wrath"--God

They'll never change
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Once again we see how the media always wants to believe the black side of the story....and ram that pc garbage down eveyone's throat.

Loudmouthed blacks are a real problem in general....and what is not said in this case the woman was shouting obscenities....who wants their kids to hear that crap....they even do it in grocery stores...muddrucker dis and muddarucker dat.....everyone knows this goes on all the time and the stores do nothing.
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Once again we see how the media always wants to believe the black side of the story....and ram that pc garbage down eveyone's throat.
Yep. This woman thinks the world revolves around her, and her neighbors be damned. Its "HER neighborhood." Apparently HER big mouth is all that matters.

This was Fox 2. They are well known in the Detroit area for sensationalizing these kinds of incidents
Take the ticket to court and let a judge decide.

I'm sure her knee-jerked reaction of installing security cameras will cost her much more than the ticket.
Biffy would say, the uppity darkie needs to learn her place
No one needed to hear that. Absolutely no one, racist.
Yet you dont respond when Biffy says these things. Why is that?
Because Biffy very apparently is a satirist. Maybe you're too stupid to comprehend the difference between satire and racism. :dunno: I honestly don't know.
Biffy uses hateful rhetoric with a sarcastic twist. Calling his efforts "satire" is entirely off target. A very small dose of his rhetoric causes disgust.

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