Lou Dobbs Tweets Trump accusers Address and Phone Number


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
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There was someone on this board who kept asking what were the names of the people in govt saying Russia was responsible for the hacks.

I kept asking why the name was important but I already knew it was to attack the person and not the information. Smear job. Now enters Lou Dobbs. Someone with the attention and bully pulpit to demonize little people because they dont have the same sized mic. And do you know why he did it?

Because he fell for another conservative blog agitprop

Lou Dobbs tweets Trump accuser's address and phone number

Dobbs linked to a post from a conservative news site that purported to link Leeds to the Clinton Foundation. The site published Leeds' address and phone number — taken from public records — and then claimed, falsely, that her phone number is the same as a phone number for the Clinton Foundation.

He also quoted a tweet from a Trump supporter, which has since been deleted, that included Leeds' phone number and address.

Dobbs' tweet has been retweeted more than 800 times.

Update, 3:25 p.m.: Dobbs tweeted a link to this post along with an apology: "My Retweet, My Mistake, My Apology to Jessica Leeds"

Oh well that makes it ok. Nice Journalism tweeting a blog rumor
There was someone on this board who kept asking what were the names of the people in govt saying Russia was responsible for the hacks.

I kept asking why the name was important but I already knew it was to attack the person and not the information. Smear job. Now enters Lou Dobbs. Someone with the attention and bully pulpit to demonize little people because they dont have the same sized mic. And do you know why he did it?

Because he fell for another conservative blog agitprop

Lou Dobbs tweets Trump accuser's address and phone number

Dobbs linked to a post from a conservative news site that purported to link Leeds to the Clinton Foundation. The site published Leeds' address and phone number — taken from public records — and then claimed, falsely, that her phone number is the same as a phone number for the Clinton Foundation.

He also quoted a tweet from a Trump supporter, which has since been deleted, that included Leeds' phone number and address.

Dobbs' tweet has been retweeted more than 800 times.

Update, 3:25 p.m.: Dobbs tweeted a link to this post along with an apology: "My Retweet, My Mistake, My Apology to Jessica Leeds"

Oh well that makes it ok. Nice Journalism tweeting a blog rumor
Should be forced to resign for that

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