Looks like the infamous Vindman will be doing the duffle bag drag

Zelensky is not going to get involved in this.

Which is exactly why the Democrats charged Trump with this phony impeachment.

The aid was released once it became public knowledge.

The aid was released well ahead of schedule. Did the Thought Police tell you what Trump was thinking when he released the aid?

Trump wanted a phony investigation but the sordid affair became public. Even Mulvaney confirms the quid pro quo.

No, what he said is that he was misconstrued in his words. More lying MSM.

It is abuse of power as pressuring a foreign country to investigate a political rival is not a part of any legitimate foreign policy.

Yet it was okay when Biden actually did it.

"The White House has relinquished its hold on $250 million in military aid to Ukraine after weeks of bipartisan pressure from lawmakers who said the funding was needed to deter Russia.

Republicans and Democratic members of the Senate Appropriations Committee said Thursday the administration had relented late Wednesday. The news emerged in a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on fiscal 2020 defense spending.

President Donald Trump’s initial hold angered some lawmakers who are typically his allies, including South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, who chairs the Senate subcommittee that covers State Department spending.

“I will be the strongest voice here if they don’t timely release the [2020 military aid],” Graham said."

White House releases $250 million in Ukraine military aid

It was released after the hold became public amid pressure from Congress.

Mulvaney did ademit there was a quid pro quo. He is on tape saying it. There is nothing for the MSM to interpret. You are the lying weasel.

Biden did no such thing. The Obama Administration never withheld or threatened to withhold military aid. What they did wrong was not providing lethal aid. The Obama Administration threatened to withhold economic aid or more specifically loan guarantees. The reason was a corrupt prosecutor named Shokin. The federal government, the world community and Ukrainians knew Shokin was corrupt. He had closed a investigation into Burisma. Republican Senators like Ron Johnson even sent a letter to Ukraine echoing Biden's comments. No one had any problems with Biden then.

So what you're telling me is you didn't see the video of Biden laughing about how he forced Ukraine to fire Shokin by withholding US aid? You're telling me you never seen the video of Shokin stating that Biden and the Democrats are full of shit, and that the reason he WAS fired was because he WAS investigating Burisma and ready to pull their assets?

Another lie by the commies is that Ukraine needed that aid so badly. They didn't even use the aid we previously sent them, and Zelensky didn't even realize the aid was held up until a month after the phone call. Trump wanted to check out what aid other countries sent Ukraine and how on the level guy Zelensky was. The aid was released before it's deadline, Trump got nothing in return, and the entire impeachment is based on lies.
/---/ So getting shot in combat gives you a free pass to lie, deceive, twist and distort?
What lies did Rush spread?

Trump didn't serve. Col Vindmann told the truth to Congress.
Rush Limbaugh has been the fence for every Trump lie.
No. In this Great Nation we don't have Lieutenant Colonels dictating foreign policy, if that is what you are looking for, you might want to go find a Banana Republic.

He reported what he heard. Pressuring a foreign government to investigate a political rival is not a legitimate foreign policy.

Liar. Asking for a "favor" is not pressuring anybody.
And Sondland testified that when he spoke to Trump, Trump told him no quid pro quo's. Out of all the witnesses, he's the only one that talked with Trump directly. ..
Witnesses with no first hand information, even Kangaroos don't do that.
... The aid was released, two weeks before the deadline.
Trump got nothing in return, therefore, no quid pro quo.
Quid pro quo's have been used by most Presidents. They are not against the law.
It was all a bid farce by a Mad House Drunk With Arrogated Power. Now so shamefully repudiated that Crazy Nancy committed a felony, deliberately, in full view of the Nation.

That's where the fortune telling came into the impeachment. They couldn't say they impeached Trump for something that Obama did, and Joe on video laughing about it. So they made up this little story that Biden was Trump's rival, even though any honest person knows that wasn't true. We won't know for a couple of months who Trump will be facing. And if Biden is not chosen, I wonder if the Democrat leadership will offer Trump a public apology for impeaching him on something that never existed, such as Biden being his rival?

Any honest person knows that Biden was seen by Trump as his chief political rival. E-mails that show Trump's state of mind are being withheld by Trump's administration. The question is what is he hiding? If they were exculpatory, they would have been made public.

Trump had his emails bleach bitted.

How does one predict his rival almost a year before the nomination? Maybe Trump can tell me the lotto numbers next draw?

Now that Biden is likely not Trump's rival, when are the Democrats going to offer a public apology to Trump for impeaching him on false claims since Biden is nearly out of the race?
He was his chief rival at the time. You know it, just as Trump knew it. You are a pain in the ass, but you ain't dumb. You are a strategy guy. OK. The strategy worked, deny, obscure, deny, point fingers somewhere else, deny, etc. Senator Alexander, thought it best to let it be resolved by the next election, but at least he acknowledge the wrongdoing. I guess you can do that when you are retiring. I still like the man. Been voting for Lamar since 1972. I knew what he thought of the Presidents actions. I have known this was how he would probably go since his letter of 9, December.

It doesn't matter that Biden was in the lead at the time. It's a lie that the commies made to use as an excuse to impeach Trump. Nobody knew who would be facing Trump a year before the nomination. HTF can anybody say that Trump's actions were anything outside his concern of the last corrupt administration?

You puppets repeat any stupid thing the commies tell you without using your brain to see if what they're saying makes any sense whatsoever.

* Trump stated why he withheld the aid. Forget what Trump said, we commies know how to read minds, and what Trump was really thinking was that he could pressure Zelensky to investigate Biden.

* Trump asked Zelensky as a favor, not a demand. Forget what Trump actually said, we commies know how to read minds, and Trump was thinking he was pressuring Zelensky.

* Zelensky publicly stated he didn't feel any pressure from Trump. Forget what Zelensky said, we commies know how to read minds, and what Zelensky was actually thinking is he better not say anything about feeling pressured.

* Biden was not Trump's rival. Forget what Biden was almost a year before the nomination. We commies know how to predict the future, and we knew Biden was going to be Trump's rival.

Trump never mentioned US aid. Forget what Trump didn't say. We commies know how to read minds, and Trump was thinking he would withhold aid until he got an investigation.
which part? I have so much info in my posts you need to be specific
Well, it starts at "he" and ends at the question mark.
Oh Patraues didn't go to jail? Who did he server under Obama, I think I'm right as usual
What about Flynn?
My point on that was Obama prosecuted a leaker, which Trump should do with Vindman and especially Comey
Vindman is not a "leaker".
sure he is. even admitted it.

Vindman Just Admitted To Leaking To The Anti-Trump Whistleblower
Witnesses with no first hand information, even Kangaroos don't do that.
It was all a bid farce by a Mad House Drunk With Arrogated Power. Now so shamefully repudiated that Crazy Nancy committed a felony, deliberately, in full view of the Nation.

That's where the fortune telling came into the impeachment. They couldn't say they impeached Trump for something that Obama did, and Joe on video laughing about it. So they made up this little story that Biden was Trump's rival, even though any honest person knows that wasn't true. We won't know for a couple of months who Trump will be facing. And if Biden is not chosen, I wonder if the Democrat leadership will offer Trump a public apology for impeaching him on something that never existed, such as Biden being his rival?

Any honest person knows that Biden was seen by Trump as his chief political rival. E-mails that show Trump's state of mind are being withheld by Trump's administration. The question is what is he hiding? If they were exculpatory, they would have been made public.

Trump had his emails bleach bitted.

How does one predict his rival almost a year before the nomination? Maybe Trump can tell me the lotto numbers next draw?

Now that Biden is likely not Trump's rival, when are the Democrats going to offer a public apology to Trump for impeaching him on false claims since Biden is nearly out of the race?
He was his chief rival at the time. You know it, just as Trump knew it. You are a pain in the ass, but you ain't dumb. You are a strategy guy. OK. The strategy worked, deny, obscure, deny, point fingers somewhere else, deny, etc. Senator Alexander, thought it best to let it be resolved by the next election, but at least he acknowledge the wrongdoing. I guess you can do that when you are retiring. I still like the man. Been voting for Lamar since 1972. I knew what he thought of the Presidents actions. I have known this was how he would probably go since his letter of 9, December.

It doesn't matter that Biden was in the lead at the time. It's a lie that the commies made to use as an excuse to impeach Trump. Nobody knew who would be facing Trump a year before the nomination. HTF can anybody say that Trump's actions were anything outside his concern of the last corrupt administration?

You puppets repeat any stupid thing the commies tell you without using your brain to see if what they're saying makes any sense whatsoever.

* Trump stated why he withheld the aid. Forget what Trump said, we commies know how to read minds, and what Trump was really thinking was that he could pressure Zelensky to investigate Biden.

* Trump asked Zelensky as a favor, not a demand. Forget what Trump actually said, we commies know how to read minds, and Trump was thinking he was pressuring Zelensky.

* Zelensky publicly stated he didn't feel any pressure from Trump. Forget what Zelensky said, we commies know how to read minds, and what Zelensky was actually thinking is he better not say anything about feeling pressured.

* Biden was not Trump's rival. Forget what Biden was almost a year before the nomination. We commies know how to predict the future, and we knew Biden was going to be Trump's rival.

Trump never mentioned US aid. Forget what Trump didn't say. We commies know how to read minds, and Trump was thinking he would withhold aid until he got an investigation.
/—-/ Using democRATs Logic, if I’m being investigated for robbing a bank, all I have to do is announce I’m running for office against the DA, and he can’t prosecute me.
That's where the fortune telling came into the impeachment. They couldn't say they impeached Trump for something that Obama did, and Joe on video laughing about it. So they made up this little story that Biden was Trump's rival, even though any honest person knows that wasn't true. We won't know for a couple of months who Trump will be facing. And if Biden is not chosen, I wonder if the Democrat leadership will offer Trump a public apology for impeaching him on something that never existed, such as Biden being his rival?

Any honest person knows that Biden was seen by Trump as his chief political rival. E-mails that show Trump's state of mind are being withheld by Trump's administration. The question is what is he hiding? If they were exculpatory, they would have been made public.

Trump had his emails bleach bitted.

How does one predict his rival almost a year before the nomination? Maybe Trump can tell me the lotto numbers next draw?

Now that Biden is likely not Trump's rival, when are the Democrats going to offer a public apology to Trump for impeaching him on false claims since Biden is nearly out of the race?
He was his chief rival at the time. You know it, just as Trump knew it. You are a pain in the ass, but you ain't dumb. You are a strategy guy. OK. The strategy worked, deny, obscure, deny, point fingers somewhere else, deny, etc. Senator Alexander, thought it best to let it be resolved by the next election, but at least he acknowledge the wrongdoing. I guess you can do that when you are retiring. I still like the man. Been voting for Lamar since 1972. I knew what he thought of the Presidents actions. I have known this was how he would probably go since his letter of 9, December.

It doesn't matter that Biden was in the lead at the time. It's a lie that the commies made to use as an excuse to impeach Trump. Nobody knew who would be facing Trump a year before the nomination. HTF can anybody say that Trump's actions were anything outside his concern of the last corrupt administration?

You puppets repeat any stupid thing the commies tell you without using your brain to see if what they're saying makes any sense whatsoever.

* Trump stated why he withheld the aid. Forget what Trump said, we commies know how to read minds, and what Trump was really thinking was that he could pressure Zelensky to investigate Biden.

* Trump asked Zelensky as a favor, not a demand. Forget what Trump actually said, we commies know how to read minds, and Trump was thinking he was pressuring Zelensky.

* Zelensky publicly stated he didn't feel any pressure from Trump. Forget what Zelensky said, we commies know how to read minds, and what Zelensky was actually thinking is he better not say anything about feeling pressured.

* Biden was not Trump's rival. Forget what Biden was almost a year before the nomination. We commies know how to predict the future, and we knew Biden was going to be Trump's rival.

Trump never mentioned US aid. Forget what Trump didn't say. We commies know how to read minds, and Trump was thinking he would withhold aid until he got an investigation.
/—-/ Using democRATs Logic, if I’m being investigated for robbing a bank, all I have to do is announce I’m running for office against the DA, and he can’t prosecute me.

I wouldn't doubt if that's the only reason Joe decided to run--for protection.

IMO, here is what I think happened: The spies reported to the Democrats that Trump was asking questions of Zelensky about Joe. They panicked. They didn't know what to do. They knew damn well that Joe and his son were involved in shady deals. But Zelensky was new to everybody. What does he know, and how do we get Zelensky to keep quiet???

They couldn't approach Zelensky and threaten him. If that got out to the media, they would be toast and perhaps even be criminal in their attempts. I know, let's impeach Trump!!!! Wait a minute, we have nothing to impeach him on. No impeachable offense, and no criminal acts!!!

So what? What do we care? By impeaching Trump, Zelensky will stay quiet. He won't want to get involved in a pissing contest between the White House and Congress. The money and weapons to his country come from both entities, so he'll just want to stay out of it.

The plan worked. Zelensky didn't tell Trump anything, and as long as the commies are in charge of the House, he will stay quiet about what he knows when it comes to the Biden's. It may cost them the House next election, but they'll worry about that when the time comes.
Coup, sh-mew. Here's examples of coup. Congo Crisis - Wikipedia 100,000 believed killed. 1960 Ethiopian coup d'état attempt - Wikipedia
300 killed, including most of the conspirators. 1963 Togolese coup d'état - Wikipedia They took over government buildings, arrested most of the cabinet, and assassinated Togo's first president, Sylvanus Olympio outside the American embassy in Lomé. 1963 Dahomeyan coup d'état - Wikipedia On October 28 Chief of Staff of the 800-man Dahomeyan Army Christophe Soglo took control of the country[16] to prevent a civil war. He dismissed the cabinet, dissolved the Assembly, suspended the constitution and banned any type of demonstrations.[19] After having Maga sign his resignation the same day. In late November, it began prosecuting members of the cabinet, such as the Minister of National Economy and the Finance Minister for misusing public funds.[19] Maga was soon to find himself in jail too. Ramadan Revolution - Wikipedia the February 1963 coup d'état in Iraq, was a military coup by the Ba'ath Party's Iraqi-wing which overthrew the Prime Minister of Iraq, Abd al-Karim Qasim in 1963. The most powerful leader of the new government was the secretary general of the Iraqi Ba'ath Party, Ali Salih al-Sa'di, who controlled the National Guard militia and organized a massacre of hundreds—if not thousands—of suspected communists and other dissidents following the coup.[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1965_Algerian_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat Around 1:30am, Tahar Zbiri, Said Abid, and colonel Abbes approached Villa Joly and were let in by the replacement guards at the entrance. Tahar Zbiri knocked on Ben Bella's door and explained to Ben Bella that he was no longer the president. The three military officers allowed Ben Bella to get dressed and then took him to an undisclosed location where he was placed under house arrest.

You get the point. All you little drama queens crying "Coup, Coup, Coup" are just so full of sh#t. This was no coup. It was an investigation of the illegal activities for political gain by the now "Impeached President of the United States, per the Constitution. The House of Representatives proved their case. We all know Donny's guilt. He just wasn't removed, mainly because spineless Republican Senators thought the election in 9 months was the place for the people speak on the matter, and it would allow them to hold on to power until election day. I am proud, the House exposed Donny's bullsh#t, and am proud of the whistle blower and all those that testified in the House as great American Patriots. I will support whatever Democrat is on the ticket in November to replace the crooked SOB at that time.
It was a coup. Just because thousands of people haven't been killed doesn't mean it wasn't one.

It is not a coup. It is specified in the Constitution.
It is a coup.

It is not. The only people that believe that is cracked pot Trump supporters.
Wrong. It's an established fact.

You are a bad joke and nothing more.
It is not a coup. It is specified in the Constitution.
Obtaining warrants to illegally spy on the President with the use of a forged documents is "specified in the Constitution"?

Are you sure?

(Impeachment is specified in the Constitution. Also the warrants on Carter Page was obtained after Page left the campaign Maybe you can tell us how a campaign can be spied on when the subject is no longer a part of the campaign.
That has been explained hundreds of times in this forum. We can't help it if you are too dumb to understand it.

You are apparently too dumb to realize that October comes after September. In September, Page left the campaign and in October the FISA warrants were sought. There was no attempt to spy on the Trump campaign.
You're too fucking stupid to understand that the NSA has every phone call, email and electronic communication you ever made stored in a giant database in Utah.

No one spied on Trump's campaign. That is a fact.
It is not a coup. It is specified in the Constitution.
It is a coup.

It is not. The only people that believe that is cracked pot Trump supporters.
You mean Trump supporters are the only ones who understand it. Here are the people who claim they don't understand it:


That picture certainly describes Trump supporters although I think the chimps are smarter than Trump supporters.
It describes dumbasses like you that refuse to listen to any evidence that your deep state heroes are actually traitors.

You are the dumbass and it fits you perfectly, There is no deep-0 state except in your sick mind.
Trump didn't serve. Col Vindmann told the truth to Congress.
Rush Limbaugh has been the fence for every Trump lie.
No. In this Great Nation we don't have Lieutenant Colonels dictating foreign policy, if that is what you are looking for, you might want to go find a Banana Republic.

He reported what he heard. Pressuring a foreign government to investigate a political rival is not a legitimate foreign policy.
The term "political rival" has not legal meaning. You described a non-crime. Investigating crooks is what the DOJ is supposed to do.

The DOJ has not opened a investigation. They need something to open a preliminary investigation which they are unable to find.
Trump was asking Ukraine for help in opening an investigation, moron. They already had something: Joe's admission of a quid pro quo on video.

They had no such thing. The fact is that the Defense Department is required to certify that Ukraine is fighting corruption. That certification was completed in May. Shokin's successor stated that no Ukrainian laws were broken by any member of the Biden family.

Daria Kaleniuk


Replying to
Thank you
- indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform
3:52 PM · May 2, 2019·Twitter for iPhone

She lives in Ukraine and has been fighting corruption in Ukraine. Buckle up. She is talking about you.
Well, it starts at "he" and ends at the question mark.
Oh Patraues didn't go to jail? Who did he server under Obama, I think I'm right as usual
What about Flynn?
My point on that was Obama prosecuted a leaker, which Trump should do with Vindman and especially Comey
Vindman is not a "leaker".
sure he is. even admitted it.

Vindman Just Admitted To Leaking To The Anti-Trump Whistleblower
Funny stuff!
Any honest person knows that Biden was seen by Trump as his chief political rival. E-mails that show Trump's state of mind are being withheld by Trump's administration. The question is what is he hiding? If they were exculpatory, they would have been made public.

Trump had his emails bleach bitted.

How does one predict his rival almost a year before the nomination? Maybe Trump can tell me the lotto numbers next draw?

Now that Biden is likely not Trump's rival, when are the Democrats going to offer a public apology to Trump for impeaching him on false claims since Biden is nearly out of the race?
He was his chief rival at the time. You know it, just as Trump knew it. You are a pain in the ass, but you ain't dumb. You are a strategy guy. OK. The strategy worked, deny, obscure, deny, point fingers somewhere else, deny, etc. Senator Alexander, thought it best to let it be resolved by the next election, but at least he acknowledge the wrongdoing. I guess you can do that when you are retiring. I still like the man. Been voting for Lamar since 1972. I knew what he thought of the Presidents actions. I have known this was how he would probably go since his letter of 9, December.

It doesn't matter that Biden was in the lead at the time. It's a lie that the commies made to use as an excuse to impeach Trump. Nobody knew who would be facing Trump a year before the nomination. HTF can anybody say that Trump's actions were anything outside his concern of the last corrupt administration?

You puppets repeat any stupid thing the commies tell you without using your brain to see if what they're saying makes any sense whatsoever.

* Trump stated why he withheld the aid. Forget what Trump said, we commies know how to read minds, and what Trump was really thinking was that he could pressure Zelensky to investigate Biden.

* Trump asked Zelensky as a favor, not a demand. Forget what Trump actually said, we commies know how to read minds, and Trump was thinking he was pressuring Zelensky.

* Zelensky publicly stated he didn't feel any pressure from Trump. Forget what Zelensky said, we commies know how to read minds, and what Zelensky was actually thinking is he better not say anything about feeling pressured.

* Biden was not Trump's rival. Forget what Biden was almost a year before the nomination. We commies know how to predict the future, and we knew Biden was going to be Trump's rival.

Trump never mentioned US aid. Forget what Trump didn't say. We commies know how to read minds, and Trump was thinking he would withhold aid until he got an investigation.
/—-/ Using democRATs Logic, if I’m being investigated for robbing a bank, all I have to do is announce I’m running for office against the DA, and he can’t prosecute me.

I wouldn't doubt if that's the only reason Joe decided to run--for protection.

IMO, here is what I think happened: The spies reported to the Democrats that Trump was asking questions of Zelensky about Joe. They panicked. They didn't know what to do. They knew damn well that Joe and his son were involved in shady deals. But Zelensky was new to everybody. What does he know, and how do we get Zelensky to keep quiet???

They couldn't approach Zelensky and threaten him. If that got out to the media, they would be toast and perhaps even be criminal in their attempts. I know, let's impeach Trump!!!! Wait a minute, we have nothing to impeach him on. No impeachable offense, and no criminal acts!!!

So what? What do we care? By impeaching Trump, Zelensky will stay quiet. He won't want to get involved in a pissing contest between the White House and Congress. The money and weapons to his country come from both entities, so he'll just want to stay out of it.

The plan worked. Zelensky didn't tell Trump anything, and as long as the commies are in charge of the House, he will stay quiet about what he knows when it comes to the Biden's. It may cost them the House next election, but they'll worry about that when the time comes.

You are clueless as usual. Here is what happened. Trump was the one who panicked. He is clearly afraid of Biden beating him. There is not one shred of evidence of any shady deals. Apparently you don't believe Trump can beat Biden straight up so now you talk about shady deals. Republicans had no issues with it when Biden delivered Obama's policy to Ukraine. Some Senate Republicans sent a letter to Ukraine saying the same thing.

What has changed? Biden is running for President unlike 2016.

You through the word commie out quite a bit. Trump got help from the commies in 2016 and again in 2020. The Republican Party consists of racists, neo-nazis and other right wing extremists.
Oh Patraues didn't go to jail? Who did he server under Obama, I think I'm right as usual
What about Flynn?
My point on that was Obama prosecuted a leaker, which Trump should do with Vindman and especially Comey
Vindman is not a "leaker".
sure he is. even admitted it.

Vindman Just Admitted To Leaking To The Anti-Trump Whistleblower
Funny stuff!
traitorous in fact.
Zelensky is not going to get involved in this.

Which is exactly why the Democrats charged Trump with this phony impeachment.

The aid was released once it became public knowledge.

The aid was released well ahead of schedule. Did the Thought Police tell you what Trump was thinking when he released the aid?

Trump wanted a phony investigation but the sordid affair became public. Even Mulvaney confirms the quid pro quo.

No, what he said is that he was misconstrued in his words. More lying MSM.

It is abuse of power as pressuring a foreign country to investigate a political rival is not a part of any legitimate foreign policy.

Yet it was okay when Biden actually did it.

"The White House has relinquished its hold on $250 million in military aid to Ukraine after weeks of bipartisan pressure from lawmakers who said the funding was needed to deter Russia.

Republicans and Democratic members of the Senate Appropriations Committee said Thursday the administration had relented late Wednesday. The news emerged in a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on fiscal 2020 defense spending.

President Donald Trump’s initial hold angered some lawmakers who are typically his allies, including South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, who chairs the Senate subcommittee that covers State Department spending.

“I will be the strongest voice here if they don’t timely release the [2020 military aid],” Graham said."

White House releases $250 million in Ukraine military aid

It was released after the hold became public amid pressure from Congress.

Mulvaney did ademit there was a quid pro quo. He is on tape saying it. There is nothing for the MSM to interpret. You are the lying weasel.

Biden did no such thing. The Obama Administration never withheld or threatened to withhold military aid. What they did wrong was not providing lethal aid. The Obama Administration threatened to withhold economic aid or more specifically loan guarantees. The reason was a corrupt prosecutor named Shokin. The federal government, the world community and Ukrainians knew Shokin was corrupt. He had closed a investigation into Burisma. Republican Senators like Ron Johnson even sent a letter to Ukraine echoing Biden's comments. No one had any problems with Biden then.

So what you're telling me is you didn't see the video of Biden laughing about how he forced Ukraine to fire Shokin by withholding US aid? You're telling me you never seen the video of Shokin stating that Biden and the Democrats are full of shit, and that the reason he WAS fired was because he WAS investigating Burisma and ready to pull their assets?

Another lie by the commies is that Ukraine needed that aid so badly. They didn't even use the aid we previously sent them, and Zelensky didn't even realize the aid was held up until a month after the phone call. Trump wanted to check out what aid other countries sent Ukraine and how on the level guy Zelensky was. The aid was released before it's deadline, Trump got nothing in return, and the entire impeachment is based on lies.

Biden was espousing the Obama Administration policy that Shokin was corrupt and had to go before any economic aid would be delivered. Shokin is a crook and apparently so are you. Everybody knew it. The federal government knew it, the world community knew it and Ukrainians knew it.

I am going to keep reminding you.

Daria Kaleniuk


Replying to
Thank you
- indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform
3:52 PM · May 2, 2019·Twitter for iPhone

Zelensky was aware of the pressure that was being placed several weeks after he took office. Giuliani was applying the pressure even before the call. The aid was released after Republicans and Democrats in Congress pressured trump into backing down. Trump got nothing because his aid hold-up became public.
/---/ So getting shot in combat gives you a free pass to lie, deceive, twist and distort?
What lies did Rush spread?

Trump didn't serve. Col Vindmann told the truth to Congress.
Rush Limbaugh has been the fence for every Trump lie.
No. In this Great Nation we don't have Lieutenant Colonels dictating foreign policy, if that is what you are looking for, you might want to go find a Banana Republic.

He reported what he heard. Pressuring a foreign government to investigate a political rival is not a legitimate foreign policy.

Liar. Asking for a "favor" is not pressuring anybody.

Liar. Trump reminded Zelensky of all the money the US gave Ukraine. If gangsters have a protection racket, they call it insurance.
Zelensky is not going to get involved in this.

Which is exactly why the Democrats charged Trump with this phony impeachment.

The aid was released once it became public knowledge.

The aid was released well ahead of schedule. Did the Thought Police tell you what Trump was thinking when he released the aid?

Trump wanted a phony investigation but the sordid affair became public. Even Mulvaney confirms the quid pro quo.

No, what he said is that he was misconstrued in his words. More lying MSM.

It is abuse of power as pressuring a foreign country to investigate a political rival is not a part of any legitimate foreign policy.

Yet it was okay when Biden actually did it.

"The White House has relinquished its hold on $250 million in military aid to Ukraine after weeks of bipartisan pressure from lawmakers who said the funding was needed to deter Russia.

Republicans and Democratic members of the Senate Appropriations Committee said Thursday the administration had relented late Wednesday. The news emerged in a Senate Appropriations Committee hearing on fiscal 2020 defense spending.

President Donald Trump’s initial hold angered some lawmakers who are typically his allies, including South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, who chairs the Senate subcommittee that covers State Department spending.

“I will be the strongest voice here if they don’t timely release the [2020 military aid],” Graham said."

White House releases $250 million in Ukraine military aid

It was released after the hold became public amid pressure from Congress.

Mulvaney did ademit there was a quid pro quo. He is on tape saying it. There is nothing for the MSM to interpret. You are the lying weasel.

Biden did no such thing. The Obama Administration never withheld or threatened to withhold military aid. What they did wrong was not providing lethal aid. The Obama Administration threatened to withhold economic aid or more specifically loan guarantees. The reason was a corrupt prosecutor named Shokin. The federal government, the world community and Ukrainians knew Shokin was corrupt. He had closed a investigation into Burisma. Republican Senators like Ron Johnson even sent a letter to Ukraine echoing Biden's comments. No one had any problems with Biden then.

So what you're telling me is you didn't see the video of Biden laughing about how he forced Ukraine to fire Shokin by withholding US aid? You're telling me you never seen the video of Shokin stating that Biden and the Democrats are full of shit, and that the reason he WAS fired was because he WAS investigating Burisma and ready to pull their assets?

Another lie by the commies is that Ukraine needed that aid so badly. They didn't even use the aid we previously sent them, and Zelensky didn't even realize the aid was held up until a month after the phone call. Trump wanted to check out what aid other countries sent Ukraine and how on the level guy Zelensky was. The aid was released before it's deadline, Trump got nothing in return, and the entire impeachment is based on lies.

Biden was espousing the Obama Administration policy that Shokin was corrupt and had to go before any economic aid would be delivered. Shokin is a crook and apparently so are you. Everybody knew it. The federal government knew it, the world community knew it and Ukrainians knew it.

I am going to keep reminding you.

Daria Kaleniuk


Replying to
Thank you
- indeed it’s insane to use UKRAINE as a ball at the AMERICAN national political field. Prosecutor Shokin did not open the case on Zlochevskyi & Burisma. He dumped it. And he was fired for being corrupt and failing prosecution reform
3:52 PM · May 2, 2019·Twitter for iPhone

Zelensky was aware of the pressure that was being placed several weeks after he took office. Giuliani was applying the pressure even before the call. The aid was released after Republicans and Democrats in Congress pressured trump into backing down. Trump got nothing because his aid hold-up became public.
who authorized his interference in Ukraine? I want to see the EU and other countries involved giving him that authorization. you got it?

Maybe we should actually investigate that huh? And to save your fingers, no, it wasn't investigated.
Trump had his emails bleach bitted.

How does one predict his rival almost a year before the nomination? Maybe Trump can tell me the lotto numbers next draw?

Now that Biden is likely not Trump's rival, when are the Democrats going to offer a public apology to Trump for impeaching him on false claims since Biden is nearly out of the race?
He was his chief rival at the time. You know it, just as Trump knew it. You are a pain in the ass, but you ain't dumb. You are a strategy guy. OK. The strategy worked, deny, obscure, deny, point fingers somewhere else, deny, etc. Senator Alexander, thought it best to let it be resolved by the next election, but at least he acknowledge the wrongdoing. I guess you can do that when you are retiring. I still like the man. Been voting for Lamar since 1972. I knew what he thought of the Presidents actions. I have known this was how he would probably go since his letter of 9, December.

It doesn't matter that Biden was in the lead at the time. It's a lie that the commies made to use as an excuse to impeach Trump. Nobody knew who would be facing Trump a year before the nomination. HTF can anybody say that Trump's actions were anything outside his concern of the last corrupt administration?

You puppets repeat any stupid thing the commies tell you without using your brain to see if what they're saying makes any sense whatsoever.

* Trump stated why he withheld the aid. Forget what Trump said, we commies know how to read minds, and what Trump was really thinking was that he could pressure Zelensky to investigate Biden.

* Trump asked Zelensky as a favor, not a demand. Forget what Trump actually said, we commies know how to read minds, and Trump was thinking he was pressuring Zelensky.

* Zelensky publicly stated he didn't feel any pressure from Trump. Forget what Zelensky said, we commies know how to read minds, and what Zelensky was actually thinking is he better not say anything about feeling pressured.

* Biden was not Trump's rival. Forget what Biden was almost a year before the nomination. We commies know how to predict the future, and we knew Biden was going to be Trump's rival.

Trump never mentioned US aid. Forget what Trump didn't say. We commies know how to read minds, and Trump was thinking he would withhold aid until he got an investigation.
/—-/ Using democRATs Logic, if I’m being investigated for robbing a bank, all I have to do is announce I’m running for office against the DA, and he can’t prosecute me.

I wouldn't doubt if that's the only reason Joe decided to run--for protection.

IMO, here is what I think happened: The spies reported to the Democrats that Trump was asking questions of Zelensky about Joe. They panicked. They didn't know what to do. They knew damn well that Joe and his son were involved in shady deals. But Zelensky was new to everybody. What does he know, and how do we get Zelensky to keep quiet???

They couldn't approach Zelensky and threaten him. If that got out to the media, they would be toast and perhaps even be criminal in their attempts. I know, let's impeach Trump!!!! Wait a minute, we have nothing to impeach him on. No impeachable offense, and no criminal acts!!!

So what? What do we care? By impeaching Trump, Zelensky will stay quiet. He won't want to get involved in a pissing contest between the White House and Congress. The money and weapons to his country come from both entities, so he'll just want to stay out of it.

The plan worked. Zelensky didn't tell Trump anything, and as long as the commies are in charge of the House, he will stay quiet about what he knows when it comes to the Biden's. It may cost them the House next election, but they'll worry about that when the time comes.

You are clueless as usual. Here is what happened. Trump was the one who panicked. He is clearly afraid of Biden beating him. There is not one shred of evidence of any shady deals. Apparently you don't believe Trump can beat Biden straight up so now you talk about shady deals. Republicans had no issues with it when Biden delivered Obama's policy to Ukraine. Some Senate Republicans sent a letter to Ukraine saying the same thing.

What has changed? Biden is running for President unlike 2016.

You through the word commie out quite a bit. Trump got help from the commies in 2016 and again in 2020. The Republican Party consists of racists, neo-nazis and other right wing extremists.

Is that what you think? Then I suggest you go to the US Communist Party website, and see what their ideas are. See what they say about Republicans and Democrats, and who they align with. That will tell you who the real commies are.

Joe is the easiest candidate for Trump to beat. He can't talk for 20 minutes without making a gaffe. Trump would wipe the floor with him in a debate. No evidence of shady deals? Are you Fn kidding me?

His drug addict son got an 83K a month no show job in an industry he had no experience in, in a country he was unfamiliar with; didn't even know the language.

His VP father out of all people was put in charge of Ukraine dealings in spite of DumBama's full knowledge of Hunter. Hunter was a loser. If not for his father, he would have a career chasing ambulances. He was kicked out of the military, he's been in rehab at least three times that we know of, he married his dead brothers wife, he owed the IRS all kinds of money, and they never went after him for several years, he had to be taken to court to pay for child support for his own kid. Loser.

The US has over 1.5 million attorneys, and Hunter was the best choice to sit on a Ukraine energy board? Now we learned that Joe's brother had a nice deal as well. John Biden had no experience in construction, but he got a very high paying executive job with a construction company. Son of a bitch, what luck too. After John was hired, that construction company got a 1.5 billion dollar government contract to build houses in Iraq. What are the chances, huh?

Don't tell me there's no corruption in the Biden family.
He was his chief rival at the time. You know it, just as Trump knew it. You are a pain in the ass, but you ain't dumb. You are a strategy guy. OK. The strategy worked, deny, obscure, deny, point fingers somewhere else, deny, etc. Senator Alexander, thought it best to let it be resolved by the next election, but at least he acknowledge the wrongdoing. I guess you can do that when you are retiring. I still like the man. Been voting for Lamar since 1972. I knew what he thought of the Presidents actions. I have known this was how he would probably go since his letter of 9, December.

It doesn't matter that Biden was in the lead at the time. It's a lie that the commies made to use as an excuse to impeach Trump. Nobody knew who would be facing Trump a year before the nomination. HTF can anybody say that Trump's actions were anything outside his concern of the last corrupt administration?

You puppets repeat any stupid thing the commies tell you without using your brain to see if what they're saying makes any sense whatsoever.

* Trump stated why he withheld the aid. Forget what Trump said, we commies know how to read minds, and what Trump was really thinking was that he could pressure Zelensky to investigate Biden.

* Trump asked Zelensky as a favor, not a demand. Forget what Trump actually said, we commies know how to read minds, and Trump was thinking he was pressuring Zelensky.

* Zelensky publicly stated he didn't feel any pressure from Trump. Forget what Zelensky said, we commies know how to read minds, and what Zelensky was actually thinking is he better not say anything about feeling pressured.

* Biden was not Trump's rival. Forget what Biden was almost a year before the nomination. We commies know how to predict the future, and we knew Biden was going to be Trump's rival.

Trump never mentioned US aid. Forget what Trump didn't say. We commies know how to read minds, and Trump was thinking he would withhold aid until he got an investigation.
/—-/ Using democRATs Logic, if I’m being investigated for robbing a bank, all I have to do is announce I’m running for office against the DA, and he can’t prosecute me.

I wouldn't doubt if that's the only reason Joe decided to run--for protection.

IMO, here is what I think happened: The spies reported to the Democrats that Trump was asking questions of Zelensky about Joe. They panicked. They didn't know what to do. They knew damn well that Joe and his son were involved in shady deals. But Zelensky was new to everybody. What does he know, and how do we get Zelensky to keep quiet???

They couldn't approach Zelensky and threaten him. If that got out to the media, they would be toast and perhaps even be criminal in their attempts. I know, let's impeach Trump!!!! Wait a minute, we have nothing to impeach him on. No impeachable offense, and no criminal acts!!!

So what? What do we care? By impeaching Trump, Zelensky will stay quiet. He won't want to get involved in a pissing contest between the White House and Congress. The money and weapons to his country come from both entities, so he'll just want to stay out of it.

The plan worked. Zelensky didn't tell Trump anything, and as long as the commies are in charge of the House, he will stay quiet about what he knows when it comes to the Biden's. It may cost them the House next election, but they'll worry about that when the time comes.

You are clueless as usual. Here is what happened. Trump was the one who panicked. He is clearly afraid of Biden beating him. There is not one shred of evidence of any shady deals. Apparently you don't believe Trump can beat Biden straight up so now you talk about shady deals. Republicans had no issues with it when Biden delivered Obama's policy to Ukraine. Some Senate Republicans sent a letter to Ukraine saying the same thing.

What has changed? Biden is running for President unlike 2016.

You through the word commie out quite a bit. Trump got help from the commies in 2016 and again in 2020. The Republican Party consists of racists, neo-nazis and other right wing extremists.

Is that what you think? Then I suggest you go to the US Communist Party website, and see what their ideas are. See what they say about Republicans and Democrats, and who they align with. That will tell you who the real commies are.

Joe is the easiest candidate for Trump to beat. He can't talk for 20 minutes without making a gaffe. Trump would wipe the floor with him in a debate. No evidence of shady deals? Are you Fn kidding me?

His drug addict son got an 83K a month no show job in an industry he had no experience in, in a country he was unfamiliar with; didn't even know the language.

His VP father out of all people was put in charge of Ukraine dealings in spite of DumBama's full knowledge of Hunter. Hunter was a loser. If not for his father, he would have a career chasing ambulances. He was kicked out of the military, he's been in rehab at least three times that we know of, he married his dead brothers wife, he owed the IRS all kinds of money, and they never went after him for several years, he had to be taken to court to pay for child support for his own kid. Loser.

The US has over 1.5 million attorneys, and Hunter was the best choice to sit on a Ukraine energy board? Now we learned that Joe's brother had a nice deal as well. John Biden had no experience in construction, but he got a very high paying executive job with a construction company. Son of a bitch, what luck too. After John was hired, that construction company got a 1.5 billion dollar government contract to build houses in Iraq. What are the chances, huh?

Don't tell me there's no corruption in the Biden family.
correct, they need to stop insulting our intelligence with their stupid.
It doesn't matter that Biden was in the lead at the time. It's a lie that the commies made to use as an excuse to impeach Trump. Nobody knew who would be facing Trump a year before the nomination. HTF can anybody say that Trump's actions were anything outside his concern of the last corrupt administration?

You puppets repeat any stupid thing the commies tell you without using your brain to see if what they're saying makes any sense whatsoever.

* Trump stated why he withheld the aid. Forget what Trump said, we commies know how to read minds, and what Trump was really thinking was that he could pressure Zelensky to investigate Biden.

* Trump asked Zelensky as a favor, not a demand. Forget what Trump actually said, we commies know how to read minds, and Trump was thinking he was pressuring Zelensky.

* Zelensky publicly stated he didn't feel any pressure from Trump. Forget what Zelensky said, we commies know how to read minds, and what Zelensky was actually thinking is he better not say anything about feeling pressured.

* Biden was not Trump's rival. Forget what Biden was almost a year before the nomination. We commies know how to predict the future, and we knew Biden was going to be Trump's rival.

Trump never mentioned US aid. Forget what Trump didn't say. We commies know how to read minds, and Trump was thinking he would withhold aid until he got an investigation.
/—-/ Using democRATs Logic, if I’m being investigated for robbing a bank, all I have to do is announce I’m running for office against the DA, and he can’t prosecute me.

I wouldn't doubt if that's the only reason Joe decided to run--for protection.

IMO, here is what I think happened: The spies reported to the Democrats that Trump was asking questions of Zelensky about Joe. They panicked. They didn't know what to do. They knew damn well that Joe and his son were involved in shady deals. But Zelensky was new to everybody. What does he know, and how do we get Zelensky to keep quiet???

They couldn't approach Zelensky and threaten him. If that got out to the media, they would be toast and perhaps even be criminal in their attempts. I know, let's impeach Trump!!!! Wait a minute, we have nothing to impeach him on. No impeachable offense, and no criminal acts!!!

So what? What do we care? By impeaching Trump, Zelensky will stay quiet. He won't want to get involved in a pissing contest between the White House and Congress. The money and weapons to his country come from both entities, so he'll just want to stay out of it.

The plan worked. Zelensky didn't tell Trump anything, and as long as the commies are in charge of the House, he will stay quiet about what he knows when it comes to the Biden's. It may cost them the House next election, but they'll worry about that when the time comes.

You are clueless as usual. Here is what happened. Trump was the one who panicked. He is clearly afraid of Biden beating him. There is not one shred of evidence of any shady deals. Apparently you don't believe Trump can beat Biden straight up so now you talk about shady deals. Republicans had no issues with it when Biden delivered Obama's policy to Ukraine. Some Senate Republicans sent a letter to Ukraine saying the same thing.

What has changed? Biden is running for President unlike 2016.

You through the word commie out quite a bit. Trump got help from the commies in 2016 and again in 2020. The Republican Party consists of racists, neo-nazis and other right wing extremists.

Is that what you think? Then I suggest you go to the US Communist Party website, and see what their ideas are. See what they say about Republicans and Democrats, and who they align with. That will tell you who the real commies are.

Joe is the easiest candidate for Trump to beat. He can't talk for 20 minutes without making a gaffe. Trump would wipe the floor with him in a debate. No evidence of shady deals? Are you Fn kidding me?

His drug addict son got an 83K a month no show job in an industry he had no experience in, in a country he was unfamiliar with; didn't even know the language.

His VP father out of all people was put in charge of Ukraine dealings in spite of DumBama's full knowledge of Hunter. Hunter was a loser. If not for his father, he would have a career chasing ambulances. He was kicked out of the military, he's been in rehab at least three times that we know of, he married his dead brothers wife, he owed the IRS all kinds of money, and they never went after him for several years, he had to be taken to court to pay for child support for his own kid. Loser.

The US has over 1.5 million attorneys, and Hunter was the best choice to sit on a Ukraine energy board? Now we learned that Joe's brother had a nice deal as well. John Biden had no experience in construction, but he got a very high paying executive job with a construction company. Son of a bitch, what luck too. After John was hired, that construction company got a 1.5 billion dollar government contract to build houses in Iraq. What are the chances, huh?

Don't tell me there's no corruption in the Biden family.
correct, they need to stop insulting our intelligence with their stupid.

Like when he tells us he was a Reagan Republican. What a joke.
Witnesses with no first hand information, even Kangaroos don't do that.
It was all a bid farce by a Mad House Drunk With Arrogated Power. Now so shamefully repudiated that Crazy Nancy committed a felony, deliberately, in full view of the Nation.

That's where the fortune telling came into the impeachment. They couldn't say they impeached Trump for something that Obama did, and Joe on video laughing about it. So they made up this little story that Biden was Trump's rival, even though any honest person knows that wasn't true. We won't know for a couple of months who Trump will be facing. And if Biden is not chosen, I wonder if the Democrat leadership will offer Trump a public apology for impeaching him on something that never existed, such as Biden being his rival?

Any honest person knows that Biden was seen by Trump as his chief political rival. E-mails that show Trump's state of mind are being withheld by Trump's administration. The question is what is he hiding? If they were exculpatory, they would have been made public.

Trump had his emails bleach bitted.

How does one predict his rival almost a year before the nomination? Maybe Trump can tell me the lotto numbers next draw?

Now that Biden is likely not Trump's rival, when are the Democrats going to offer a public apology to Trump for impeaching him on false claims since Biden is nearly out of the race?
He was his chief rival at the time. You know it, just as Trump knew it. You are a pain in the ass, but you ain't dumb. You are a strategy guy. OK. The strategy worked, deny, obscure, deny, point fingers somewhere else, deny, etc. Senator Alexander, thought it best to let it be resolved by the next election, but at least he acknowledge the wrongdoing. I guess you can do that when you are retiring. I still like the man. Been voting for Lamar since 1972. I knew what he thought of the Presidents actions. I have known this was how he would probably go since his letter of 9, December.

It doesn't matter that Biden was in the lead at the time. It's a lie that the commies made to use as an excuse to impeach Trump. Nobody knew who would be facing Trump a year before the nomination. HTF can anybody say that Trump's actions were anything outside his concern of the last corrupt administration?

You puppets repeat any stupid thing the commies tell you without using your brain to see if what they're saying makes any sense whatsoever.

* Trump stated why he withheld the aid. Forget what Trump said, we commies know how to read minds, and what Trump was really thinking was that he could pressure Zelensky to investigate Biden.

* Trump asked Zelensky as a favor, not a demand. Forget what Trump actually said, we commies know how to read minds, and Trump was thinking he was pressuring Zelensky.

* Zelensky publicly stated he didn't feel any pressure from Trump. Forget what Zelensky said, we commies know how to read minds, and what Zelensky was actually thinking is he better not say anything about feeling pressured.

* Biden was not Trump's rival. Forget what Biden was almost a year before the nomination. We commies know how to predict the future, and we knew Biden was going to be Trump's rival.

Trump never mentioned US aid. Forget what Trump didn't say. We commies know how to read minds, and Trump was thinking he would withhold aid until he got an investigation.
I give you credit for consistency with the same bullshit theory. The unindicted co-conspirator believed he was his leading rival, and wanted foreign help to get charges publicized. America is not forgetting anything. Zelinskky's un-sworn statements count for nothing.

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