Looking forward to the gorsuch hearings


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
We ha a nominee that will uphold the constitution and watching the people on twitter flipping out over it should be fun. Democrats will either try to filibuster and lose or dem senators in red states will jump ship to try to win reelection in 2018.

Either way america wins and we get an excellent judge on the court
We ha a nominee that will uphold the constitution and watching the people on twitter flipping out over it should be fun. Democrats will either try to filibuster and lose or dem senators in red states will jump ship to try to win reelection in 2018.

Either way america wins and we get an excellent judge on the court
Pelosi, and Franken will no doubt ask some completely unrelated questions. It could be funny to watch.
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We ha a nominee that will uphold the constitution and watching the people on twitter flipping out over it should be fun. Democrats will either try to filibuster and lose or dem senators in red states will jump ship to try to win reelection in 2018.

Either way america wins and we get an excellent judge on the court
Pelosi, and Franken will no doubt ask some completely unrelated questions. It could be funny to watch.

Pelosi isn't going to ask any questions
Gorsuch will nomination, imo. McConnell will not need "a sense of the Constitution" resolution to remove the 60 vote cloture rule.

The nominee is far too corporate and business friendly, I think, as he will uphold Hobby Lobby and Citizens United.

He will not attack LGBT civil rights, including marriage equality.

He certainly is not even Alito or Thomas reborn, much less Scalia.

In fact, with his addition in place of Scalia, the court moves a few baby steps to the center.
Wish we had 3 of this guy. We need Judges that will follow the letter of the law and uphold The Constitution.
By the end of President Trump's first term we'll have at least two more SCGs on the bench.
The WALL being paid for by a small tariff paid on every fucking carrot brought into the US from Mexico.
Illegals with back-packs full of heroin destined for small town American communities virtually eliminated.
A growing middle class economy.
Ivanka announcing her candidacy and Al Franken running for what used to be known as the Democratic party.
Just in: Sen Blumenthal says he's prepared to filibuster and "use every tool" to stop Gorsuch confirmation.
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Looking forward to a minimum 293 day long filibuster and/or the nuclear option

Yeah they will be lucky if the filibuster happens
It better

What are you guys going to do if it doesn't?
Force the nuclear option and bash republicans over the head with it politically at every turn. And then use it against them in a few years and blame them for it.

How do you force the filibuster if Democrat senators defect?
We ha a nominee that will uphold the constitution and watching the people on twitter flipping out over it should be fun. Democrats will either try to filibuster and lose or dem senators in red states will jump ship to try to win reelection in 2018.

Either way america wins and we get an excellent judge on the court
That would be a John Birch child's rendition of what is going to happen starting today.

Do you brainwash your kids with phrases like this?

On a little more sophisticated level, Schumer and the DEM's need to ask whether now is a good time to be obstructionist or not.

The reason there is a question at all on this is because Gorsuch -- a likely swing voter -- is replacing Scalia -- a very strict constructionist voter on the High Court. In other words the DEM's are replacing a far right former voter with a swing voter -- they win something.

The DEM's may want to wait to be obstructionist until later when Kennedy retires (who is a swing voter) or when Ginsberg retires (who is a far out activist jurist).

Do you get the real picture yet here Avatar4321 .

Or is your brain still stuck in John Birch Preschool ???
We ha a nominee that will uphold the constitution and watching the people on twitter flipping out over it should be fun. Democrats will either try to filibuster and lose or dem senators in red states will jump ship to try to win reelection in 2018.

Either way america wins and we get an excellent judge on the court
Pelosi, and Franken will no doubt ask some completely unrelated questions. It could be funny to watch.
The news highlights afterwards might be funny to watch.

I could not stand to watch Feinstein herself.
We ha a nominee that will uphold the constitution and watching the people on twitter flipping out over it should be fun. Democrats will either try to filibuster and lose or dem senators in red states will jump ship to try to win reelection in 2018.

Either way america wins and we get an excellent judge on the court
Pelosi, and Franken will no doubt ask some completely unrelated questions. It could be funny to watch.

Pelosi isn't going to ask any questions
Pelosi is not a Senator.

Good catch !!!
Gorsuch will nomination, imo. McConnell will not need "a sense of the Constitution" resolution to remove the 60 vote cloture rule.

The nominee is far too corporate and business friendly, I think, as he will uphold Hobby Lobby and Citizens United.

He will not attack LGBT civil rights, including marriage equality.

He certainly is not even Alito or Thomas reborn, much less Scalia.

In fact, with his addition in place of Scalia, the court moves a few baby steps to the center.
Exactly !!!

Now tell that to the John Birch Society represented here too !!!
Looking forward to a minimum 293 day long filibuster and/or the nuclear option

Yeah they will be lucky if the filibuster happens
Now you are suggesting that you have crystal balls (instead of real ones) and that with them you can tell the future.

This is the first time the DEM's have vetted a SCOTUS nomination so there is no clue whether they will unite behind Schumer or not, nor do we have any idea what Schumer thinks either.

The DEM's will question him hard, and if they hear an answer they don't like then they will turn up the heat and possibly filibuster.

IF the DEM's filibuster however they may lose the ability to filibuster forevermore, thanks to Harry Reid who shut down the filibuster before.

We shall see.
Looking forward to a minimum 293 day long filibuster and/or the nuclear option

Yeah they will be lucky if the filibuster happens
It better

What are you guys going to do if it doesn't?
Force the nuclear option and bash republicans over the head with it politically at every turn. And then use it against them in a few years and blame them for it.

How do you force the filibuster if Democrat senators defect?
If a buzzard had a piano on his azz then there would be music in the air.

What about then ??
This is all uncharted ground.

We will learn a lot about both Gorsuch and about Schumer in the next few weeks on this.

All bets are off in the meantime.

That's why I too am looking forward to the Gorsuch hearings.

And when/if Kennedy and Thomas retire soon, it will likely be the same way as with Gorsuch.

But if/when Ginsberg or Breyer retires, if soon, then there will be hell to pay.

Ginsberg is 84 and practically catatonic already. She may die in office like Scalia did. And it could happen very soon.

Breyer is getting old too.

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