“Look at all of the people fighting for me.”

View attachment 598870

Yeah. Yeah. Trump is an insurrectionist, the 6th of January protestors are insurrectionists, the truckers are insurrectionists, all white people are insurrectionists, and they all belong to cults where they practice their racism because that's what cultists do. It's only right that we send the police and military to mow them down even if they are peacefully protesting because it's obviously some sort of diversion. The only people we can truly trust is the government and their paid goons who burn, loot, and murder, freely in our big cities because that's what they're paid to do while carrying illegal firearms that were most likely brought in by some person coming over our southern border with a load of fentanyl. To truly make America great again we need to murder some of these protesting insurrectionist cultists for their own good because their setting up soup kitchens, hot saunas, and kids bouncy gyms, doesn't represent what makes America progressive. The government probably needs to have some policeman pop a unarmed female protester in Ottawa in the head for honking her horn to end all this seditious behavior and the secret police can start investigating and throwing people involved into the gulag without chance of due process.



Did you make all that crazy shit up in your own head, or did you get it all from right wing media?
It seems to me most of the conservatives who reject the notion of a coup attempt having taken place do so for one of two reasons. First, you associate coups with images of tanks rolling through the capital cities of banana republics in the midst of a military takeover. Second, you narrow your focus on the events of 1/6, the Capital riot. These notions do not account for the means by which the plot to steal the election, the coup, was planned to be carried out. Therefore, I'd like you folks to consider the following.

Jan. 6 Committee Subpoenas Alternate, Trump-Backing Electors

The Jan. 6 Committee on Friday issued subpoenas to fourteen people who sought to act as supposed alternate electors for Trump in 2020. The subpoenas go after a quixotic plot by Trump backers to submit fake slates of Electoral College votes — certificates and all — from states across the country.

When Jan. 6 came around, the thinking went, Vice President Mike Pence could select the “real,” Trump-supporting slates of electors — who were ready with fake certificates. In a statement, panel co-chair Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) said that the fake ballots came as part of the broader attempt in late 2020 to subvert the elections. “We believe the individuals we have subpoenaed today have information about how these so-called alternate electors met and who was behind that scheme,” he said.

Jan. 6 Committee Subpoenas Alternate, Trump-Backing Electors | Talking Points Memo

So what you say. Let me explain. Think of the submission of these phony sets of electors in the context of this part of John Eastman's memo detailing how the election could be stolen.

"When he gets to Arizona (that is when Pence comes to AZ in his listing of the states during the official certification process in the Senate chamber), he announces that he has multiple slates of electors, and he is going to defer decision on that until finishing the other States. And in the end, he announces that because of the ongoing disputes in the 7 states there are no electors that can be deemed validly appointed in those States. That means the total number of "electors appointed"---the language of the 12th Amendment---is 454. A "majority of the electors appointed" would therefore be 228. There are at this point 232 votes for Trump, 222 votes for Biden. Pence then gavels Trump as re-elected."

Now, obviously there are a number of problems with this lamebrain plan. One being the requirement that a newly elected prez get 270 electoral votes. Cuz Eastman's memo essentially does not count the electoral votes from the 7 "contested" states. For those of you who have not been following the story of the fake electors, it was a plan orchestrated by none other than Slimy Rudy Giuliani......who else? https://www.businessinsider.com/for...he-helped-giuliani-fake-elector-scheme-2022-1

You have to be a desperately delusional moron to think something like this could be pulled off. Making it perfectly plausible Trump thought it could. Why did he do it? Was it a lust for power? The embarrassment of having lost to Biden by 7M votes? An attempt to stave off the inevitable lawsuits and investigations in to a variety of crimes the presidency had protected him from? A combination of all 3? I couldn't say.

Putting his motivation aside, we know the rationale being used was the Big Lie. The misguided......well........more like batshyte crazy........belief in widespread voter fraud. Making the entire enterprise a colossal cluster f... of complete madness. That said, it was an attempt to keep Trump in power. To steal the election. To replace the legit elected prez with Trump by casting doubt on the EC count. A coup by any other name would smell as wretched.
You don’t understand what a coup is.
Not really.

The former prez.........

spread lies about voter fraud that even his crony AG would not substantiate.

filed dozens of frivolous lawsuits trying the get election results thrown out in various states.

called election officials from a number of states (MI, PA) to the WH to convince them to de-certify their results. Called Raffensperger for the same reason.

sent his mob to the Capital under the guise of stopping Biden's certification as the newly elected prez.

did not do everything possible to stop the 1/6 riot while it was in progress.

was behind inquiries in to having the military seize voting machines.

had a adviser suggest the declaration of martial law following the election loss.............and did not immediately disassociate himself with the adviser.

had his lawyer orchestrate and carry out a plan to send fake sets of elector slates from states Biden won by relatively slim margins.

pressured the VP to reject slates of electors.

tried to enlist the help of the DoJ to advance his scheme to steal the election.
Is this real? Or are you joking?
Did you make all that crazy shit up in your own head, or did you get it all from right wing media?


Instead of answering that I'm going to let it bother you...


Report: Trump Repeatedly Replayed Footage Of Capitol Insurrection As Attack Unfolded

One set of lingering questions around January 6 involves events at the White House that day. What was the President doing as the attack unfolded? How did the President respond to his supporters’ actions? An Associated Press report published Monday provides some answers to those questions, drawing on allegations from former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham and testimony shared by the Jan. 6 Select Committee.

As the insurrection unfolded, White House staffers watched the mob of Trump supporters storm the Capitol on television screens positioned throughout the West Wing. Trump reportedly reveled in watching the attack in real-time — the then-President’s eyes were glued to the screen as he hit rewind and rewatched certain moments, the AP reported, citing Grisham.

“Look at all of the people fighting for me,” Grisham recalled Trump saying.

The then-President was reportedly puzzled about why his staffers didn’t share his enthusiasm as he watched the insurrection unfold.

Trump Replayed Footage Of Capitol Insurrection As It Unfolded


It seems Trump enjoyed watching the Capital police being attacked by his mob. Imagine my surprise. It explains why pleas by staff, by family members, and by congressmen, failed to get that despicable pig of a man to call off the dogs. He didn't want it to stop.

For those of you who refuse to admit to Trump's culpability for what happened that day, your defense just took a bigly hit. Cuz he sure as hell is responsible for it going on as long as it did.
You realize that Poopeypants is in the White House now claiming to be president, not Trump....
You know the TDS brain tumor spreads fast, especially in very tiny brains like yours.....
Report: Trump Repeatedly Replayed Footage Of Capitol Insurrection As Attack Unfolded

One set of lingering questions around January 6 involves events at the White House that day. What was the President doing as the attack unfolded? How did the President respond to his supporters’ actions? An Associated Press report published Monday provides some answers to those questions, drawing on allegations from former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham and testimony shared by the Jan. 6 Select Committee.

As the insurrection unfolded, White House staffers watched the mob of Trump supporters storm the Capitol on television screens positioned throughout the West Wing. Trump reportedly reveled in watching the attack in real-time — the then-President’s eyes were glued to the screen as he hit rewind and rewatched certain moments, the AP reported, citing Grisham.

“Look at all of the people fighting for me,” Grisham recalled Trump saying.

The then-President was reportedly puzzled about why his staffers didn’t share his enthusiasm as he watched the insurrection unfold.

Trump Replayed Footage Of Capitol Insurrection As It Unfolded


It seems Trump enjoyed watching the Capital police being attacked by his mob. Imagine my surprise. It explains why pleas by staff, by family members, and by congressmen, failed to get that despicable pig of a man to call off the dogs. He didn't want it to stop.

For those of you who refuse to admit to Trump's culpability for what happened that day, your defense just took a bigly hit. Cuz he sure as hell is responsible for it going on as long as it did.
I got hit with a wavy flag once...but I made it thank God!
It seems to me most of the conservatives who reject the notion of a coup attempt having taken place do so for one of two reasons. First, you associate coups with images of tanks rolling through the capital cities of banana republics in the midst of a military takeover. Second, you narrow your focus on the events of 1/6, the Capital riot. These notions do not account for the means by which the plot to steal the election, the coup, was planned to be carried out. Therefore, I'd like you folks to consider the following.

Jan. 6 Committee Subpoenas Alternate, Trump-Backing Electors

The Jan. 6 Committee on Friday issued subpoenas to fourteen people who sought to act as supposed alternate electors for Trump in 2020. The subpoenas go after a quixotic plot by Trump backers to submit fake slates of Electoral College votes — certificates and all — from states across the country.

When Jan. 6 came around, the thinking went, Vice President Mike Pence could select the “real,” Trump-supporting slates of electors — who were ready with fake certificates. In a statement, panel co-chair Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS) said that the fake ballots came as part of the broader attempt in late 2020 to subvert the elections. “We believe the individuals we have subpoenaed today have information about how these so-called alternate electors met and who was behind that scheme,” he said.

Jan. 6 Committee Subpoenas Alternate, Trump-Backing Electors | Talking Points Memo

So what you say. Let me explain. Think of the submission of these phony sets of electors in the context of this part of John Eastman's memo detailing how the election could be stolen.

"When he gets to Arizona (that is when Pence comes to AZ in his listing of the states during the official certification process in the Senate chamber), he announces that he has multiple slates of electors, and he is going to defer decision on that until finishing the other States. And in the end, he announces that because of the ongoing disputes in the 7 states there are no electors that can be deemed validly appointed in those States. That means the total number of "electors appointed"---the language of the 12th Amendment---is 454. A "majority of the electors appointed" would therefore be 228. There are at this point 232 votes for Trump, 222 votes for Biden. Pence then gavels Trump as re-elected."

Now, obviously there are a number of problems with this lamebrain plan. One being the requirement that a newly elected prez get 270 electoral votes. Cuz Eastman's memo essentially does not count the electoral votes from the 7 "contested" states. For those of you who have not been following the story of the fake electors, it was a plan orchestrated by none other than Slimy Rudy Giuliani......who else? https://www.businessinsider.com/for...he-helped-giuliani-fake-elector-scheme-2022-1

You have to be a desperately delusional moron to think something like this could be pulled off. Making it perfectly plausible Trump thought it could. Why did he do it? Was it a lust for power? The embarrassment of having lost to Biden by 7M votes? An attempt to stave off the inevitable lawsuits and investigations in to a variety of crimes the presidency had protected him from? A combination of all 3? I couldn't say.

Putting his motivation aside, we know the rationale being used was the Big Lie. The misguided......well........more like batshyte crazy........belief in widespread voter fraud. Making the entire enterprise a colossal cluster f... of complete madness. That said, it was an attempt to keep Trump in power. To steal the election. To replace the legit elected prez with Trump by casting doubt on the EC count. A coup by any other name would smell as wretched.
Wow were those 50mm wavy flags? They could take out the White House!!
Not really.

The former prez.........

spread lies about voter fraud that even his crony AG would not substantiate.

filed dozens of frivolous lawsuits trying the get election results thrown out in various states.

called election officials from a number of states (MI, PA) to the WH to convince them to de-certify their results. Called Raffensperger for the same reason.

sent his mob to the Capital under the guise of stopping Biden's certification as the newly elected prez.

did not do everything possible to stop the 1/6 riot while it was in progress.

was behind inquiries in to having the military seize voting machines.

had a adviser suggest the declaration of martial law following the election loss.............and did not immediately disassociate himself with the adviser.

had his lawyer orchestrate and carry out a plan to send fake sets of elector slates from states Biden won by relatively slim margins.

pressured the VP to reject slates of electors.

tried to enlist the help of the DoJ to advance his scheme to steal the election.
Clock is ticking meltyberg...tick, tick, tick....November is coming soon....make sure you have plenty of facediapers in your bunker!
This is what an insurrection looks like.

This is not you can disagree with their actions and reason for being there but it was not then is not now and never will be an insurrection no matter how many partisan politicans and media types call it one.


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