Lockdowns are the biggest transfer of wealth from the poor/middleclass to the rich in American history. And the democrats support it...

Both parties signed off on it and support it.
While whining about the 1%

You idiots are literally lining their pockets with gold right now. No more can you whine about the 1% when they are the only ones you allow to conduct business.

Buy your Amazon stock now lemming.
This is a lie.

Democrats support no such thing.

Indeed, Democrats have sought to enact legislation to help Americans who have lost their jobs and income the consequence of the pandemic – legislation blocked by obstructionist Republicans.

Stupid people do not ask questions. I am not stupid, so I ask them. The first question I asked back in March was "who does this hurt and who does this help?"

As to who it hurt, small, dine-in restarurants were targeted for elimination first. McD's, Burger king and other giant corporations with an established drive through, weren't. Small businesses selling goods independantly were targeted for elimination. The goods they sold were deemed "non essential". Meanwhile, the very same goods at Walmart were deemed "essential"

The big winner, of course, were the technocrats. Jeff Bezos capitalized on people ordering more goods online. Mark Zuckerberg profited as people were shut in their homes and turned to facebook in increasing numbers. Bill Gates made out like a bandit as people bought more computers necessary for their new virtual lives.

It's really pretty obvious to any person capable of actual thought who benefits. Unfortunately, however, we have been trained not to think, first by our school system, and then our media.

What a shame.
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Luckily these lockdowns only affected Blue states, I guess.
No, they're hitting us here in Missouri. True governors who believe in the constitution leave it up to municipalities and the Mayors of the large cities are playing their games unobstructed.

As it stands right now in the KC metro (a republican state) restaurants are dying and strip malls could substitute for a zombie movie.
I'm sure I'll get some funnies for this post from the left but those are dead businesses who's former customers are forced to goto the big box stores.
While whining about the 1%

You idiots are literally lining their pockets with gold right now. No more can you whine about the 1% when they are the only ones you allow to conduct business.

Buy your Amazon stock now lemming.
This is a lie.

Democrats support no such thing.

Indeed, Democrats have sought to enact legislation to help Americans who have lost their jobs and income the consequence of the pandemic – legislation blocked by obstructionist Republicans.
Bullshit, Clayton! The GOP passed legislation that targeted people who lost their jobs and businesses that were in danger but Nancy Pelosi demanded a pork laden House bill be used instead and refused to compromise in any way!
While whining about the 1%

You idiots are literally lining their pockets with gold right now. No more can you whine about the 1% when they are the only ones you allow to conduct business.

Buy your Amazon stock now lemming.
This is a lie.

Democrats support no such thing.

Indeed, Democrats have sought to enact legislation to help Americans who have lost their jobs and income the consequence of the pandemic – legislation blocked by obstructionist Republicans.
Uninformed jibberish. How much money did Pelosi put in her legislation for the common folk as compared to say, planned parenthood or local elections or any other pet peeve bullshit?
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While whining about the 1%

You idiots are literally lining their pockets with gold right now. No more can you whine about the 1% when they are the only ones you allow to conduct business.

Buy your Amazon stock now lemming.
This is a lie.

Democrats support no such thing.

Indeed, Democrats have sought to enact legislation to help Americans who have lost their jobs and income the consequence of the pandemic – legislation blocked by obstructionist Republicans.
What legislation?
Ds like yourself want to inundate us with super cheap labor that can't speak English so you can stay home and collect welfare and feel cool that a trespasser is doing the work you should be doing?
While whining about the 1%

You idiots are literally lining their pockets with gold right now. No more can you whine about the 1% when they are the only ones you allow to conduct business.

Buy your Amazon stock now lemming.
This is a lie.

Democrats support no such thing.

Indeed, Democrats have sought to enact legislation to help Americans who have lost their jobs and income the consequence of the pandemic – legislation blocked by obstructionist Republicans.
Uninfore jibberish. How much money did Pelosi put in her legislation for the common folk as compared to say, planned parenthood or local elections or any other pet peeve bullshit?
You know Liberals can't absorb facts.
Both parties signed off on it and support it.
No, they don't. While you may find a supporter like Kasich who "claims" to be on the right, by and large the right DESPISES the lockdown mentality.

Besides that fact, you don't get a pass for your bullshit just because you can point at someone else who supports it.

You CAN NOT CLAIM to be for the working man while locking them down and offering them a piddly amount of money in return.
While whining about the 1%

You idiots are literally lining their pockets with gold right now. No more can you whine about the 1% when they are the only ones you allow to conduct business.

Buy your Amazon stock now lemming.
Meanwhile back in reality, the Trump tax cuts for the 1% are in effect still. Your pittance has been long gone and already spent on booze and tobacco.
While whining about the 1%

You idiots are literally lining their pockets with gold right now. No more can you whine about the 1% when they are the only ones you allow to conduct business.

Buy your Amazon stock now lemming.
Meanwhile back in reality, the Trump tax cuts for the 1% are in effect still. Your pittance has been long gone and already spent on booze and tobacco.
Perhaps in your slum.
Ds like yourself want to inundate us with super cheap labor that can't speak English so you can stay home and collect welfare and feel cool that a trespasser is doing the work you should be doing?

That's not really fair, dude.

Clayton obviosly does not have the talent or ability necessary to operate a leaf blower.
Ds like yourself want to inundate us with super cheap labor that can't speak English so you can stay home and collect welfare and feel cool that a trespasser is doing the work you should be doing?

That's not really fair, dude.

Clayton obviosly does not have the talent or ability necessary to operate a leaf blower.
Don't you have respect for the plethora of knowledge he has displayed in the last few years?
A grunt here, a grunt there.
I bet he teaches in a Chicago University.
While whining about the 1%

You idiots are literally lining their pockets with gold right now. No more can you whine about the 1% when they are the only ones you allow to conduct business.

Buy your Amazon stock now lemming.
Meanwhile back in reality, the Trump tax cuts for the 1% are in effect still. Your pittance has been long gone and already spent on booze and tobacco.
And tools. Don't forget tools. My tool collection can rival Home Depots

That shit is like crack for me. I have to avoid the tool section in every big box/lumberyard.

Oh, and I have a new deck....thanks to the tax cuts.
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