Stupid people do not ask questions. I am not stupid, so I ask them. The first question I asked back in March was "who does this hurt and who does this help?"
As to who it hurt, small, dine-in restarurants were targeted for elimination first. McD's, Burger king and other giant corporations with an established drive through, weren't. Small businesses selling goods independantly were targeted for elimination. The goods they sold were deemed "non essential". Meanwhile, the very same goods at Walmart were deemed "essential"
The big winner, of course, were the technocrats. Jeff Bezos capitalized on people ordering more goods online. Mark Zuckerberg profited as people were shut in their homes and turned to facebook in increasing numbers. Bill Gates made out like a bandit as people bought more computers necessary for their new virtual lives.
It's really pretty obvious to any person capable of actual thought who benefits. Unfortunately, however, we have been trained not to think, first by our school system, and then our media.
What a shame.