Lock Her Up...?

If Hillary Clinton is such a horrible person, why hasn't she been arrested? Please explain this.
Donald Trump’s company could face criminal charges as early as this week, according to reports ― and at least one former top exec at the firm said the ex-president should be going to prison.
Barbara Res, who for years served as the vice president in charge of construction at the Trump Organization, said “nothing major” happens at the company without Trump knowing about it.

Trump CFO Allen Weisselberg is also reportedly facing charges in what observers believe is a means of pressuring him to flip on the former president. But so far, he hasn’t ― and Res said she’s surprised.

“Trump has something on him, I would imagine,” she speculated. “That’s the only thing I can think of.”
CNN’s Jim Acosta asked Res if she felt Trump belongs in jail.

“Certainly,” she said. “That’s an opinion of a citizen, not even somebody that knows Trump.”

But I do know him and I know that he’s very deliberate, very measured and very vengeful. And he doesn’t follow the rules. He never did follow the rules. So, does he deserve to go to jail? I imagine he does.”

If Hillary Clinton is such a horrible person, why hasn't she been arrested? Please explain this.

If Hillary committed even HALF the crimes the republicans accuse her of she would have been indicted and put in prison years ago.

The reality is that Hillary has not committed any crime.
If Hillary Clinton is such a horrible person, why hasn't she been arrested? Please explain this.
She's part of AND protected by the Deep State. Duh. You actually DIDN'T know this? Pathetic.
Please! The Deep State? What nonsense. If it's anything, it's career bureaucrats who love this country. You're an idiot.
It exists, dickhead, it exists. Why don't you go take an acid hit, THAT'S all you appear to be good for. You pathetic little weasel.
Well, why don't you post some EVIDENCE of the Deep State, instead of just ranting about it?
If you don't KNOW about the Deep State, there's NO hope for you. Bye bye, Felicia, bye bye.

Give us the names of those in the "deep state" and why they have not been brought to justice.

Why didn't trump do anything about this "deep state"? Why didn't he expose them and have them brought to justice?

This so called "deep state" is nothing but a lie and you know it.
If Hillary Clinton is such a horrible person, why hasn't she been arrested? Please explain this.

Money, husband ex president, political influence, old time political connections, etc.

Come on, we all know why so many people in power get away with shit.

Despite these people's money, connections, influence, etc we still find out things about them and find out about what they do. Can you imagine what we don't know because they have managed to hide it?

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