Living Like a Racist, and Loving It!

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
I am a racist. I admit it. Why not? Just fucking look at me: white guy, lives in Deep South, drives a pickup truck, collects guns, occasionally uses the “n-word” when comedically appropriate. Hell, I am essentially lynching negroes and burning crosses! No, not literally. I would never literally do those things. But that does not matter. My whiteness clearly makes me a Nazi.

But here’s the deal: I DON’T FUCKING CARE!! I am not going to be shamed for being something I am not. I am not going to worry about being labeled “racist”. That term is so abused that it has lost all meaning. Therefore, you can accuse me of being a racist all you like. It does not mean anything.

You can call me a transphobe/homophobe too. I don’t care. Those terms are meaningless. I am not “scared of”, or “fear”, queers and trannies. However, I do recognize that their non-scientific ideology is political and is designed to undermine our republic.

I am racist AF! I revel in my racism, sexism, phobia of goofball sex and gender freaks. HA!!! Hear THAT?!?! I am such a HUGE BIGOT!!!! When I pass black women on the road, with their babies in their cars, and me on my Harley Softail, I rev my engine extra hard do my pipes SCREAM at the black people, like a banshee from hell!! It’s my way of saying “You do not belong here in this land of the white man. Go back to your own homeland.”

I eat only white bread and white rice. I take a trip to the upper Midwest every year so I can lie on the ground and envelop my entire body with wholesome WHITE snow! I watch Fox News and Jack it to the black news bunnies, fantasizing that I am Thomas Jefferson. My dog barks at black people.

So, ya got me! I is a raysist!! Clearly, I am worse that Hitler. Guess what? I don’t care! LOL!!
I often recall a quote from The Rev. Lewis Farrakhan about anti-Semitism. Paraphrasing, he said that, "An anti-Semite used to be someone who didn't like Jews; now it refers to people that Jews don't like.""

And the same phenomenon applies to racism. A "racist" used to be someone who hated Negroes; it has devolved to where it now means, someone who people of Black African ancestry don't like.

Guilty as charged.
Blacks and narcissists are going to scream "racist" at anybody that says and thinks ANYTHING different from them.

Racism is inheirent in humans. It's part of our psyche'.
There's no getting away from it.

Some people have learned to handle their negative traits, some have not.

What MAKES a racist a TRUE racist, is using racism to belittle, demean, humiliate, and embarrass someone of another color in a willful and purposeful aggressive manner. Just like all these "anti racists" do to everybody else.

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