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Listening to The People
By Edwin Feulner, The Conservative Voice
March 17, 2007
Consider a recent poll conducted by Democracy Corps, a Democratic outfit.
Registered voters were asked to select one of the following two statements: “I want Congress to first invest in areas like health care, education and energy, even if it means spending additional money,” and “I want Congress to first focus on cutting wasteful spending and making government more accountable.” A large majority (58 percent) opted for cutting wasteful spending. Little more than a third (36 percent) wanted lawmakers to spend--or as the firm euphemistically put it, “invest”--more.
The same survey asked voters to choose between these statements: “Government mostly stimulates the economy and job growth,” and “government mostly gets in the way of the economy and job growth.” Only 34 percent said government stimulates the economy, while 54 percent said it mostly gets in the way.
Liberal lawmakers can’t be pleased by these results, which show a solid preference for conservative policies.
Recently Congress has been considering options that would undermine the president’s ability to win the war in Iraq. But as a recent poll by Public Opinion Strategies (a Republican outfit) indicated, voters still want to win there. Half said that “our troops should stay there and do whatever it takes to restore order until the Iraqis can govern and provide security to their country.” A mere 17 percent said the U.S. “should immediately withdraw its troops from Iraq.”
That all sounds like an excellent agenda: Slash wasteful spending. Reduce federal involvement in the economy. Win the war in Iraq.
The people have spoken. Will our leaders listen?
for full article:
By Edwin Feulner, The Conservative Voice
March 17, 2007
Consider a recent poll conducted by Democracy Corps, a Democratic outfit.
Registered voters were asked to select one of the following two statements: “I want Congress to first invest in areas like health care, education and energy, even if it means spending additional money,” and “I want Congress to first focus on cutting wasteful spending and making government more accountable.” A large majority (58 percent) opted for cutting wasteful spending. Little more than a third (36 percent) wanted lawmakers to spend--or as the firm euphemistically put it, “invest”--more.
The same survey asked voters to choose between these statements: “Government mostly stimulates the economy and job growth,” and “government mostly gets in the way of the economy and job growth.” Only 34 percent said government stimulates the economy, while 54 percent said it mostly gets in the way.
Liberal lawmakers can’t be pleased by these results, which show a solid preference for conservative policies.
Recently Congress has been considering options that would undermine the president’s ability to win the war in Iraq. But as a recent poll by Public Opinion Strategies (a Republican outfit) indicated, voters still want to win there. Half said that “our troops should stay there and do whatever it takes to restore order until the Iraqis can govern and provide security to their country.” A mere 17 percent said the U.S. “should immediately withdraw its troops from Iraq.”
That all sounds like an excellent agenda: Slash wasteful spending. Reduce federal involvement in the economy. Win the war in Iraq.
The people have spoken. Will our leaders listen?
for full article: