List the best thing Government ever did for you...personally


Senior Member
May 12, 2004
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Enterprise, Alabama
Was thinking about this subject while driving home from work today. Listening to my usual Talk Radio show, I grew tired of the callers bitching about one candidate or the other. I started thinking, 'I'm so tired of government - politics. There has to be ONE thing I've received from the Gubbment, personally.'

Unemployment Compensation? Yeah...I've been on that for perhaps a year - cumulative over the course of my life.

I'm drawing a blank. Intangibles such as 'security' and junk...sure. But specifically I can't come up with anything.

Tax refund? No - that's my money they are giving back (without interest).
Tax Break? No - that is allowing me to keep what is already mine.

Hmm.. They....taught me that I really *don't* need money by scarfing up 30% of the 401k money I withdrew...
This might be painting it with a broader stroke than you had in mind, =d=, but here goes.

Once upon a time,the government- in the person of one Ronald Wilson Reagan - did a strange thing. It performed one of it's strictly mandated Constitutional functions by providing for the national defense. In so doing, it broke the back of Soviet tyranny, and allowed me, personally, to live in a world where I didn't have to worry about the threat of nuclear annihilation. It is also worth noting that it did this over the screeching protests of every liberal politician, filmmaker, educator, journalist, musician, and otherwise pampered, head-up-the-ass America hater who could find an audience.
White knight said:
:salute: Trained me how to kill sir! return for you being their pawn for x-number of years. Not a 'gift''s more like being the gubbments 'indentured servant' :)
Depends on who was in office at the time. When Conservatives are in office they best thing they do is give me some of my tax money back so I can expand my business, and then they stay out of my business, so I can expand my business....... :salute:
It was not for me particulary, but I personally used great places to attend school at UCLA and UCSB; built by the Republic of California.
-=d=- said: return for you being their pawn for x-number of years. Not a 'gift''s more like being the gubbments 'indentured servant' :)
Not true, these are life long skills, I can now pick and choose my mission. The choice is mine.
Gave me citizenship after immigrating from Germany (age 7).
jimnyc said:
They put Marth Stewart behind bars and that made me personally happy. :)

Are you serious about Martha? Personally I don't see much point in putting her behind bars. They should have calculated her profits then fined her at least ten times as much as she made on the deal.
Which government are you referring to? This is a common practice among conservatives. Every American lives under several "governments" From school boards, counties, cities, states, water districts, sewer districts, library districts all the way to the federal government. So if I'm naming the best thing A government ever did for me personally, it would be providing me with an excellent education, of course that's state and local. My county government has done a fine job improving county fire and rescue services. The federal government provides all of us with military protection, with National Forests and Parks, with the paper and coin money we use, and with a stable banking system.

Apologies in advance, but I can't help it!

Ask not what your country has done for you....ask what you have done for your country! :D
the opportunity to grow up in a stable, safe society with many neccessary services provided for (education, transportation-roads, police/fire/EMS)

giving me and then protecting my freedom of speech, religion, press.

thank you american government
Once my girl ( at 4 years of age ) was scared by a Coast guard helicopter flying low past our home. I said " Don't worry Daisy. You needn't be afraid of helicopters..." then I couldn't help adding , " because you're an American." My wife wasn't sure if she should be amused or irriatated.

Although I wasn't asked to fight for my country, never deployed while in the Guard, I don't feel too much gratitude for the security we have, or the services we get from government - local or Federal. Because my family has helped from the very beginning. We were here when my home was in an English colony and have participated in every war this country fought, both my parents were Navel Intel. I was born in a Navy Hospital.

I have been paying taxes since I started working, at 14, in 7th grade. No one in my family has ever asked for welfare, or even unemployment as far as I know. far as I am concerned it's an equal trade, we built this frigging country, they give me interstate highways and firemen. Social Security sent me a form letter a few months back, informing me that if I continue to work at the pace I have ( too much ) I will recieve 455 bucks a month at 65 years of age. Which is 25 years more before I get to collect it. That'll be coffee money, I guess.

Don't confuse my "fuck off, please" attitude with lack of pride or gratitude for those who've done more. But as far as the Government is concerned...leave me alone.
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