
Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
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Birmingham, AL
In spite of the continued allegation that Ted Cruz is a liar, there has still been not one solitary example of an intentional lie being told by Ted Cruz. We're presented TRUMPED UP web pages full of nonsensical claims... Oh, he said 80k when the real number is 60k... liar, liar, pants on fire...lyin' Ted! He said he was for THIS but voted for THAT... liar, liar, pants on fire... lyin' Ted! His "campaign" (PAC) did this or that... liar, liar, pants on fire... lyin' Ted! One of his supporters said this or that! liar, liar, pants on fire... lyin' Ted! Just a bunch of low-life smarmy and ridiculous allegations that sound like something a fucktarded liberal came up with to attack Ted Cruz. Oh no... National Enquirer... "the most credible and upstanding news and information source in the world" *cough-cough* says he has had a bunch of affairs and called the DC madame... oh my... cheatin' lyin' Ted! I hear next week it will be revealed that he is the bastard child of one of the Roswell aliens from Area 51! It's TRUE... The National Enquirer stands by it, by gawd!

Did you hear what a despicable thing he did in Iowa? He actually had his campaign solicit caucus votes! It's TRUE! Oh my god... what a creepy, greasy, low life! Unlike the ever-courteous and kindhearted Trump, he made a disparaging remark about people of New York when he referred to Trump having "New York values!" Can you believe he said something so nasty and hateful? I mean, they went through 9-11... their values must be above reproach and Trump is a saint! I mean, just listen to Trump... he has nothing but kind words for everyone and never insults a soul... sugar won't melt in his mouth... but that sleazy, greasy, nasty Canadian... Lyin' Ted!

It's actually LION TED! He has been a conservative LION in the Senate. Standing up to the status quot Republican establishment who have cow-towed to Obama and placated his entire agenda, surrendering the purse strings and refusing to listen to the base. Cruz stood virtually alone in the Senate, trying every procedural move he could muster in an attempt to slow the Obama steamroller down, with nothing but contempt from the Elite GOPER RINOS! Mitch McConnell vowed to end his political career, pulled out every stop, put the full force of his powerful Senate Campaign Fund behind the mother of all smear campaigns, called in the storm troopers like Karl Rove to derail Cruz in his bid for the party nomination and the LION TED is still standing!

Trump's endless resources and constant low;life smears can't slow LION TED's momentum. He continues to rack up delegates and move ever closer to securing the GOP nomination, despite everyone's best effort to stop him... you can't stop the LION TED! He IS the Conservative candidate who can defeat Hillary Clinton and return our nation to the Constitutional republic it was always meant to be.
Lyin' Ted shut down the government. Then, tied up the Senate for umpteen hours rambling about green eggs and ham. Only a fool would vote for that egotistical self-serving piece of shit. Kasich is a religious nut - but he's all NaziCons have with any honor and integrity.
"It's actually LION TED! He has been a conservative LION in the Senate."

And as a consequence is wrong on most, if not all, the issues.
Lyin' Ted shut down the government. Then, tied up the Senate for umpteen hours rambling about green eggs and ham. Only a fool would vote for that egotistical self-serving piece of shit. Kasich is a religious nut - but he's all NaziCons have with any honor and integrity.

Only a fool would vote for that egotistical self-serving piece of shit.

But enough about Obama.
Lyin' Ted shut down the government. Then, tied up the Senate for umpteen hours rambling about green eggs and ham. Only a fool would vote for that egotistical self-serving piece of shit. Kasich is a religious nut - but he's all NaziCons have with any honor and integrity.

Only a fool would vote for that egotistical self-serving piece of shit.

But enough about Obama.
Obama's running for President again? Wow I didn't know!
Lyin' Ted shut down the government. Then, tied up the Senate for umpteen hours rambling about green eggs and ham. Only a fool would vote for that egotistical self-serving piece of shit. Kasich is a religious nut - but he's all NaziCons have with any honor and integrity.

Only a fool would vote for that egotistical self-serving piece of shit.

But enough about Obama.
Obama's running for President again? Wow I didn't know!

No, I guess he isn't.
But when someone mentions fools voting for "that egotistical self-serving piece of shit", Obama is always the first thing that comes to mind.
Lyin' Ted shut down the government. Then, tied up the Senate for umpteen hours rambling about green eggs and ham. Only a fool would vote for that egotistical self-serving piece of shit. Kasich is a religious nut - but he's all NaziCons have with any honor and integrity.

Only a fool would vote for that egotistical self-serving piece of shit.

But enough about Obama.
Obama's running for President again? Wow I didn't know!

No, I guess he isn't.
But when someone mentions fools voting for "that egotistical self-serving piece of shit", Obama is always the first thing that comes to mind.
Good grief, your obsession with Obama can't possibly be healthy. Get a hold of yourself and participate in the conversation.
Lyin' Ted shut down the government. Then, tied up the Senate for umpteen hours rambling about green eggs and ham. Only a fool would vote for that egotistical self-serving piece of shit. Kasich is a religious nut - but he's all NaziCons have with any honor and integrity.

Only a fool would vote for that egotistical self-serving piece of shit.

But enough about Obama.
Obama's running for President again? Wow I didn't know!

No, I guess he isn't.
But when someone mentions fools voting for "that egotistical self-serving piece of shit", Obama is always the first thing that comes to mind.
Good grief, your obsession with Obama can't possibly be healthy. Get a hold of yourself and participate in the conversation.

I'm not obsessed with the weakest president ever.
Here you go. Stats showing he lies more often than not, with examples.
Ted Cruz's file | PolitiFact Texas

Yep, that's the tired worn out web page mentioned in the OP. Didn't your recognize all the sarcastic "pants on fire" remarks? Oh, I forgot... you're not very smart, are you? Nothing at the PolitiFact site is an intentional "lie" by any definition of the word. There are a couple of statements that were incorrect or distorted in context, a few examples of distorted circumstances and numerous examples of things other people did that are attributed to Cruz. There is NO EXAMPLE of a Ted Cruz intentional lie. NONE.... that's why all you can do is continue to post this propaganda site and whine like a little girl.
Lyin' Ted shut down the government. Then, tied up the Senate for umpteen hours rambling about green eggs and ham. Only a fool would vote for that egotistical self-serving piece of shit. Kasich is a religious nut - but he's all NaziCons have with any honor and integrity.
Lakhota: Sioux for Flaming Liberal Moron.
"It's actually LION TED! He has been a conservative LION in the Senate."

And as a consequence is wrong on most, if not all, the issues.

AND ANOTHER.... flaming liberal hack who has no business commenting on this.
Lyin' Ted shut down the government. Then, tied up the Senate for umpteen hours rambling about green eggs and ham. Only a fool would vote for that egotistical self-serving piece of shit. Kasich is a religious nut - but he's all NaziCons have with any honor and integrity.

Only a fool would vote for that egotistical self-serving piece of shit.

But enough about Obama.
Obama's running for President again? Wow I didn't know!

No, I guess he isn't.
But when someone mentions fools voting for "that egotistical self-serving piece of shit", Obama is always the first thing that comes to mind.
Good grief, your obsession with Obama can't possibly be healthy. Get a hold of yourself and participate in the conversation.

I'm not obsessed with the weakest president ever.

Another flaming liberal TOOL weighing in.

Do you fuckwits actually think your opinions matter to GOP voters?
Lol if they didn't you wouldn't keep responding to them :rofl:

So you're going to support an illegal Canadian-born son of a communist? You pussy. Don't let yourself be steered towards Cruz by the establishment! Give Trump another chance!

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"It's actually LION TED! He has been a conservative LION in the Senate."

And as a consequence is wrong on most, if not all, the issues.

AND ANOTHER.... flaming liberal hack who has no business commenting on this.
Cruz is a reactionary conservative ideologue, hostile to sound, responsible governance, the rights of the American people, and the rule of law – he has no business being president.
Cruz is a reactionary conservative ideologue, hostile to sound, responsible governance, the rights of the American people, and the rule of law – he has no business being president.

And again... you are a liberal mush brain who has absolutely no business even commenting on GOP presidential nominees. We're not going to pick someone you like. You need to go find the Hillary vs. Bernie thread and blow your hot air there.

I have to wonder what must be running through the minds of Trump supporters when they see libtards slobbering all over themselves to keep the Cruz-Hate balloon in the air here? Oh yeah... morons like C_Clayton desperately want Donald Trump to win the nomination so that their Socialist can beat his brains in come November.

There is ONE Conservative in this race and we have a chance of electing a Conservative president for the first time since Ronald Reagan. The time is NOW! The LION is Ted Cruz!
There is ONE Conservative in this race and we have a chance of electing a Conservative president for the first time since Ronald Reagan. The time is NOW! The LION is Ted Cruz!

Rafael is the unholy combination of a nutty, Canadian tv preacher and Goldman Sachs who dreams of turning the US into a christian, Ayn Rand version of Iran.

Good thing he'll never be pretzeldent, he makes Hillary or Trump look like excellent candidates in comparison

There is ONE Conservative in this race and we have a chance of electing a Conservative president for the first time since Ronald Reagan. The time is NOW! The LION is Ted Cruz!

Rafael is the unholy combination of a nutty, Canadian tv preacher and Goldman Sachs who dreams of turning the US into a christian, Ayn Rand version of Iran.

Good thing he'll never be pretzeldent, he makes Hillary or Trump look like excellent candidates in comparison


Ah... a Bernie Sanders voter?
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