Life With the Democrat Scam Culture


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
What does it tell the young people of America to see all the fraud and deceit of the 2020 "election" ? (Selection is probably the more correct word). What effect does it have on the developing minds of schoolkids, and youngsters in their 20s to see millions of "Americans" engaging in CHEATING to get what they want ?

I suspect that one of the reasons I get 200-300 phone calls a month with my phone's display screen reading the warning message "Scam Likely", (which never was like that before), is because millions of young people have been led to believe that cheating, scamming, lying, stealing, is normal and OK.

When they see liars/cheaters like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and thousands of their supporters engaging in fraud and dishonesty, and going along with it all the way, smiling and congratulating each other, they become rendered insensitive and acclimated to this behavior. So this is where we are folks. Living day by day in SCAM AMERICA.

It's not really new. Democrats have been doing the big cheat for decades now. Back in the 1970's as a student in a college Meterology course, I never heard the phrase "open book quiz" until Affirmative Action reared its ugly head at that college I was in. The open-admissions, clueless blacks who got in to the college by their color, despite failing in high school, got the teachers to initiate open book tests. When I first heard the term I thought it was a gag. The I looked around in the classroom, and more than half the students were talking this midterm exam WITH THE TEXTBOOKS OPEN, and looking in them for the answers.

I had never seen or known of any such thing. My eyebrows went up and my jaw dropped. I was a bit late in going to college. This was my last year of it, and I was 28 years old. In all my years of schooling, as a kid, if you were caught taking a test looking at a textbook, you were sent to the principal's office for a stern lecture, and you'd get another one when you got home. But the liberals at the college thought it was a good idea to get blacks (who couldn't pass their tests the legitimate way) to pass a test.

My teacher, who was black himself, had the most clear look of disgust on his face I've ever seen. None of this was his fault. He was forced by college administrators to do this, and he didn't like it one bit.

All this illegitimacy has become standarized among liberals. To them, this is all normal. The 10 Commandments (including the ones about lying and stealing) are long forgotten and disregarded. Just look at all the lying in this forum among Democrats ludicrously claiming there was no fraud in the election, despite videos of it gone viral on the internet. Expect it to get worse, folks.

We are now living in the fraud, lying, cheating, stealing, scamming culture of the American left, with very young people growing up in it, seeing their political "leaders" wallowing in it, and never having known anything else.
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The reason you get so many scam phone calls is because you've been identified as a blob supporter. That pretty much means you'll believe anything.

The young people you refer to are much smarter than you. That is why they vote Democrat.

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