Libs Try Tear Jerker Approach on Border...Why am I I’m Supposed to Care

A lack of empathy is a sure sign of psychopathy.
His empathy is for his fellow citizens. You work for our destruction.

WTF are you talking about, spaz?
I'll answer despite your rudeness.

I'm guessing you're having trouble processing how you are working towards the destruction of our country.

On second thought, I'll leave it to you to figure out. Everybody else gets it.

A lack of empathy is a sure sign of psychopathy.
His empathy is for his fellow citizens. You work for our destruction.

WTF are you talking about, spaz?
I'll answer despite your rudeness.

I'm guessing you're having trouble processing how you are working towards the destruction of our country.

On second thought, I'll leave it to you to figure out. Everybody else gets it.

Well, I'm sick of your hyperbole, for one. Explain to me exactly how I'm working towards the destruction of our country. Spit it out or be gone. I don't suffer fools.

A lack of empathy is a sure sign of psychopathy.
His empathy is for his fellow citizens. You work for our destruction.

WTF are you talking about, spaz?
I'll answer despite your rudeness.

I'm guessing you're having trouble processing how you are working towards the destruction of our country.

On second thought, I'll leave it to you to figure out. Everybody else gets it.

Well, I'm sick of your hyperbole, for one. Explain to me exactly how I'm working towards the destruction of our country. Spit it out or be gone. I don't suffer fools.
:auiqs.jpg:Nobody cares what you suffer.

The topic is the

Now, get thee behind me Satan!
A lack of empathy is a sure sign of psychopathy.
His empathy is for his fellow citizens. You work for our destruction.

WTF are you talking about, spaz?
I'll answer despite your rudeness.

I'm guessing you're having trouble processing how you are working towards the destruction of our country.

On second thought, I'll leave it to you to figure out. Everybody else gets it.

Well, I'm sick of your hyperbole, for one. Explain to me exactly how I'm working towards the destruction of our country. Spit it out or be gone. I don't suffer fools.
Nobody cares what you suffer. The topic is the

Now, get thee behind me Satan!

:21: Ah, so you can't provide anything to back up your hyperbole. You're a hoot.
The democrat majority in congress seems oblivious to anything but the Mueller probe. The dirty little secret is that democrats don't give a damn about the children of illegal aliens. They need the issue for political purposes and they can depend on the MSM to blame the President.
That is pretty obvious. They scream and yell and march their minions out to scream and yell, yet the leaders themselves do nothing to help fix it. And you’ll never hear them denounce the sanctuary city policies that help encourage it.
While you are right, we are weary of the world who thinks WE have no rights as a nation and THEY have a right to invade this land.
I think that comes with being #1, Death Angel. How many years have we touted this 'land of opportunity' to those outside looking in?
My great-grandparents came here looking for that opportunity, and somewhere back in time, so did yours. Do you think it was so different then? Nobody leaves a place of comfort and safety and opportunity for somewhere else. All of us are here because someone in our history, mostly with only the shirt on their backs and hunger in their bellies, had the guts to take the chance. And Thank God they did! Now we see those same people as threats to our comfort.
yeah two bodies end up dead same place same time ..........faked

2. This is not our gawd dam problem LAW BREAKERS get hurt breaking laws A NATION WITH OUT BORDERS IS NOT A NATION !

The abusers are those who put their children lives at risk. It is they who put their lives in danger not us!
Disagree on first point. I could care less.

I don't understand how people like you can be so adamantly against abortion and simultaneously not give a shit when an actual living child dies.

I don't understand how people can be pro abortion and simultaneously pretend to give a shit when an actual living child suffers at all.

See how that's played?
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Sad MSM USES kids for their political blackmailing all the while lying to keep their sheep biting. Gawd u fkrs are so gullible.

The Media is Yet Again Trying to Emotionally Manipulate People to Accept Open Borders by Exploiting Photos of Dead Children
Disagree on first point. I could care less.

I don't understand how people like you can be so adamantly against abortion and simultaneously not give a shit when an actual living child dies.

I don't understand how people can be pro abortion and simultaneously pretend to give a shit about when an actual living child suffers at all.

See how that's played?

They are bat chit crazy and beyond that if possible. BUT WAIT LETS ABORT AFTER THEIR BIRTH TOO. don't forget that one.
The democrat majority in congress seems oblivious to anything but the Mueller probe. The dirty little secret is that democrats don't give a damn about the children of illegal aliens. They need the issue for political purposes and they can depend on the MSM to blame the President.

The not so secret is that your hero Trump created this mess on purpose as a deterrent.
How dumb does one have to be to think others are so dumb they would fall for it?
Is there any plausible reason why in this picture

The position of the child’s shoes are like the letter v
front of shoes(toes) left foot turned inward
backs of shoes facing outward and away from each other

And in this picture

The feet/shoes are positioned next to each other
No more backs facing outward away from each other
No left foot/shoe turned inward

Also, pretty incredible her diaper
would hold its rectangular shape

Also, pretty incredible the tree root her feet are resting on
didn’t prevent her from where she is resting
not to mention the slim passage between where she is
and the sprinkler system fixture

There’s more but no need

Where are the pictures of the bodies being taken away
Mother/wife grieving at the site

Fucking bullshit propaganda
The photos were taken from different perspectives.
No shit Sherlock

The child’s feet are in different positions in both photos
I think you are full of shit.

You are wrong. The child's feet are in the same position.

I want to know how they got up on the tree roots. What sprinkler system fixture?
I am not wrong, are you blind

Expand the picture, the pipe running in the water
has a sprinkler fixture attached
Exactly, why should you care......??
Why should I or anyone care when you bite the dust?
/—-/ Libtards didn’t care when illegals rob, rape and murder American citizens.
That's right according to you that knows everything and nothing at all about migrants.
/——/ Libtards give illegal criminals safe haven in their sanctuary cities.
Sorta they want to exploit them on the local level.

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