He's the former governor of New Mexico. That state has the highest percentage of beaners in the US. So now it should be clear why he's so pro-beaner.
Libertarian cucktard Gary Johnson thinks you are a racist if you believe a nation
should have strong borders.
You know for just for the fun of it I looked up the percentage of Mexican in the State of New Mexico and it is 28.7% of the state population and Texas has 31.6%, so you are full of fucking shit as usual!
List of U.S. states by Hispanic and Latino population - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Also the Wall is pointless when they will tunnel under the damn thing like they do with the portions already built. I know how dare I point out the fact that there are portions already built that the border patrol fails to secure at this moment.
So Trump is a moronic imbecile to think a wall will work and Timmy is correct because if Trump wanted to secure America then he would call for a wall at both borders and not just across Mexico.
I know you believe the only illegal in this country came from Mexico...
Sophisticated ground sensors under and along the base of the wall will detect sneaky tunneling wetbacks and 3rd world migrants.
1. They have yet to deploy this.
2. You're a fucking racist.
3. Having an actual discussion with a moron like you is pointless. The reality is the wall will not stop illegal immigration into this country. The government will not sensor the entire wall and if they even sensor certain portions by the time they get there the cartels would have moved.
4. You're a fucking racist.
5. The money wasted on building the wall would be better used in hiring new ICE officers and going after employers that hire illegals. Those like you and Trump do not want to go after the employer because it is those like you that hire illegals and then refuse to pay them while you vote Republican.
6. You're a fucking retarded racist.
7. As Timmy pointed out the wall idea is to prevent Hispanic illegals from entering the country and all a Hispanic has to do is get a visa and let it lapse and poof they're here and here as illegals.
8. You're a fucking racist.
9. The wall never be built as long as McConnell and Ryan run things, and if you vote them out and the House and Senate turn Democratic then nothing will get done, but hey keep on dreaming about that fucking wall.
10. You're a fucking racist...