Liberals/Obama really don't know 1+1 equals two!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
One ---
represents businesses' hesitancy to hire people.

Hesitancy because due to more and more rules and regulations coming from this administration at a rate Since 2008 the government has spent 54 billion dollars on regulatory agencies at a 16% growth rate. Since President Obama took office regulatory agency employment climbed 13% to more than 281,000 regulatory employees. During the same period all other employment shrank by 5.6%.
By 2008 the cost to the private economy to comply with federal regulations was 1.75 trillion dollars. 4200 more regulations are waiting for approval in the pipeline, not counting the EPA, the new health care bill, and the Dodd-Frank legislation. It is not known yet how much more those will add?
The 1.75 trillion dollar red tape economy | Washington Times Communities

So businesses have NO idea what it will cost to add new employees because of Obamacare, Dodd-Frank Act, and all the new rules and regulations!
Why hire people if you have to spend thousands more in following OSHA,EPA,and all the other alphabet soup rules and regulations!

and One...

Add the uncertainty to many of the "millionaire" small Chapter S corporations that are acknowledged the engine of job creation that the proposed 5% tax on millionaires and you have another reason NOT to hire people! People you may not be able to afford DUE TO the Millionaire's TAX!

So One + (uncertainty regarding how much new rules and regulations will cost for each new hire
One - having to make plans to pay a millionaires tax which will take away money that would have been used to expand..

1+1 equals 2... almost TWO trillion dollars sitting on the sidelines by these evil millionaires and billionaires!

It is estimated that approximately $1.4 trillion is held in offshore banks in the Cayman Islands alone. According to an article in Forbes magazine, there is a total of approximately 15 trillion to 20 trillion dollars in offshore bank accounts, brokerage accounts and hedge fund portfolios.
The Shadow Banking System: 1/3 Of All The Wealth Held Offshore | the real news journal
Republicans don't even know what "supply and demand" means. Or how it's connected to capitalism. Or IF it's connected to capitalism.

"Corporations make jobs" is how capitalism works for the right wing. You gotta bribe them to do it. So far, we haven't given enough "bribes".
I'd like to get rid of some "incentives".

The Eisenhower deferred tax incentive.
No more tax holidays.
Pull government accounts out of private banks and financial institutions.
Stop all military spending.
Stop all loopholes.
Stop all government R&D for private corporations.
Stop all government public/private partnerships.
Stop all government procurement of LEO and Fire service vehicles.

Just for..say a month.

See what happens.

well, if a rightwingnut blog says so, shill.


Shooting the messenger without attacking the message itself is rather useless in debate and discussion.

Does this mean you feel Obama is being accused unfairly? If so, why don't you respond with a discussion against the actual post, rather than just post a 'rightwingnut' hit and run along with a name call?
That's not why businesses aren't hiring, but it's a clever ruse on their part to try to claim so.

This is why businesses aren't hiring:


Our economy is 70% consumption, and the consumers are tapped out. You don't need more employees to not provide good and services that the consumers don't want and/or can't afford.
That's not why businesses aren't hiring, but it's a clever ruse on their part to try to claim so.

This is why businesses aren't hiring:


Our economy is 70% consumption, and the consumers are tapped out. You don't need more employees to not provide good and services that the consumers don't want and/or can't afford.

My sister tells me that it's not because of being tapped out that she's not spending. She's not spending because she's fearful that if she does AND then she loses her job, she will have less savings.

She's not spending because she's fearful.
well, if a rightwingnut blog says so, shill.


Shooting the messenger without attacking the message itself is rather useless in debate and discussion.

Does this mean you feel Obama is being accused unfairly? If so, why don't you respond with a discussion against the actual post, rather than just post a 'rightwingnut' hit and run along with a name call?

if you continue to troll my posts and presume to tell me who to interact with, i will put you on ignore... .something i've never done.

do not tell me to respond to rightwingnut lying trolls...

do not tell me who i have to de-friend...

you're pissy because i wouldn't get in the middle of your battle with del.

who do you think you are to presume to ask that?

grow up.
One ---
represents businesses' hesitancy to hire people.

Hesitancy because due to more and more rules and regulations coming from this administration at a rate Since 2008 the government has spent 54 billion dollars on regulatory agencies at a 16% growth rate. Since President Obama took office regulatory agency employment climbed 13% to more than 281,000 regulatory employees. During the same period all other employment shrank by 5.6%.
By 2008 the cost to the private economy to comply with federal regulations was 1.75 trillion dollars. 4200 more regulations are waiting for approval in the pipeline, not counting the EPA, the new health care bill, and the Dodd-Frank legislation. It is not known yet how much more those will add?
The 1.75 trillion dollar red tape economy | Washington Times Communities

So businesses have NO idea what it will cost to add new employees because of Obamacare, Dodd-Frank Act, and all the new rules and regulations!
Why hire people if you have to spend thousands more in following OSHA,EPA,and all the other alphabet soup rules and regulations!

and One...

Add the uncertainty to many of the "millionaire" small Chapter S corporations that are acknowledged the engine of job creation that the proposed 5% tax on millionaires and you have another reason NOT to hire people! People you may not be able to afford DUE TO the Millionaire's TAX!

So One + (uncertainty regarding how much new rules and regulations will cost for each new hire
One - having to make plans to pay a millionaires tax which will take away money that would have been used to expand..

1+1 equals 2... almost TWO trillion dollars sitting on the sidelines by these evil millionaires and billionaires!

It is estimated that approximately $1.4 trillion is held in offshore banks in the Cayman Islands alone. According to an article in Forbes magazine, there is a total of approximately 15 trillion to 20 trillion dollars in offshore bank accounts, brokerage accounts and hedge fund portfolios.
The Shadow Banking System: 1/3 Of All The Wealth Held Offshore | the real news journal
How have the million and billionaire tax cuts been working for our labor force so far? If they can't outsource their
labor , they in source their labor to create a labor surplus to drive labor costs down.
That is just one small detail you appear to have left out of your intro. I am sure these cretens of humanity will find a way to have their underpaid labor force absorb the cost.
So, continue to troll others and call them names without discussing. I will continue to post my dislike at this method.

Not when you do it. But when anyone does it. The thing is that you do it a lot. Put the iggy on iggy if you wish.
Republicans don't even know what "supply and demand" means. .

Funny, You once told me Drilling for more oil would not increase supply and lower Price.

And you think we don't know what Supply and Demand means.

You Libs think it is actually Demand and Supply. You make demands, and we supply the Capital to fund them.
well, if a rightwingnut blog says so, shill.


Shooting the messenger without attacking the message itself is rather useless in debate and discussion.

Does this mean you feel Obama is being accused unfairly? If so, why don't you respond with a discussion against the actual post, rather than just post a 'rightwingnut' hit and run along with a name call?

if you continue to troll my posts and presume to tell me who to interact with, i will put you on ignore... .something i've never done.

do not tell me to respond to rightwingnut lying trolls...

do not tell me who i have to de-friend...

you're pissy because i wouldn't get in the middle of your battle with del.

who do you think you are to presume to ask that?

grow up.

You are bringing old news up. My post here was about your post today.

Not this:

ropey said:
Embarrass a gentile for standing up against him calling a Jew Shlomo? And he posted this right after a serious anti-semite like Sunni Man called me Shlomo?

Shlomo is a name that anti-Semites can use and get away with it as when another person searches for it they will find it is a real name.

And if they call a Jew "****" it comes up on search not as a real name.

But that's not how it's meant. Sunni Man knows. And so did the member del when he was trolling me. (you mentioned him, not me)

You didn't stand there, but you do here when someone argues with you.

That explains a lot jillian and is the reason why you were removed as a friend.

You are not one, and now I can post what I truly think when it is against your views.

Before I didn't because of my personal ethics regarding friendship.

^^ Repeated since you repeated ...

Before I removed you, I doubt you have any idea of how many times I bypassed such trolling posts as you did in this thread.

I mean you trolled the OP with a hit and run and name call and I'm not telling you not to do it. I'm telling you I find it distasteful and wonder why you don't discuss so that I and others can learn why this is a 'right-wingnut' because I don't see it personally.

But I'll tell you what Jillian. Since you asked me, I will stop posting my distaste for your hitting, running and name-calling.

And you can just continue to do it...

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Obviously you are a liberal/Obama kookaid drinker... that like all 80% democrats is corrupt and being elitistitas AND you've never been responsible much less responsible for paying people like I have to exchange 8 hours of their life a day for the $30/hour I paid them!
You also are a very gullible person who doesn't know how to come up with a product or service, put your own time or money in to develop it and then hire people to make or service.
Gullible because you'd rather believe people who ONLY know how to destroy which any child can do. Children and animals only know how to destroy and like animals look to their alpha male..(Obama) for destruction instructions!

Therefore like a child that resorts to name calling purely out of ignorance in retorting logical rational discourse you are to be IGNORED by at least this adult who has created opportunities AND JOBS! You as a child either can continue to name call like a child or grow up and understand what is involved in making sure there is enough money to pay employees!
Until you've worked a day trying to make sure there is enough payroll be like a little child and sit in the corner and let adults discourse!
You wrote "That's not why businesses aren't hiring, but it's a clever ruse on their part to try to claim so."

Obviously you are not a business owner like I am.
You obviously don't understand the rules & regulations involved in making sure if you hire someone a) you can pay them b) have funds for FICA/FUTA/ etc. pay govt. c) enough OSHA/EPA capital to meet their requirements.

For example are you aware that PER OSHA "water closet" means a toilet facility maintained within a toilet room for the purpose of both defecation and urination and which is flushed with water.
Minimum number of Number of employees water closets
1 to 15.................................................... 1
16 to 35................................................... 2
36 to 55................................................... 3
56 to 80................................................... 4

So just this ONE OSHA requires if a business has 1 water closet for 15 workers by hiring just ONE worker or 16 the business owner must have 2 water closets!

So if there is a return to increasing consumption, the business owner rather then hiring another person because to do so means providing more water closets... pays employees more to do more work!

You wrote "That's not why businesses aren't hiring, but it's a clever ruse on their part to try to claim so."

Obviously you are not a business owner like I am.
You obviously don't understand the rules & regulations involved in making sure if you hire someone a) you can pay them b) have funds for FICA/FUTA/ etc. pay govt. c) enough OSHA/EPA capital to meet their requirements.

For example are you aware that PER OSHA "water closet" means a toilet facility maintained within a toilet room for the purpose of both defecation and urination and which is flushed with water.
Minimum number of Number of employees water closets
1 to 15.................................................... 1
16 to 35................................................... 2
36 to 55................................................... 3
56 to 80................................................... 4

So just this ONE OSHA requires if a business has 1 water closet for 15 workers by hiring just ONE worker or 16 the business owner must have 2 water closets!

So if there is a return to increasing consumption, the business owner rather then hiring another person because to do so means providing more water closets... pays employees more to do more work!


Businesses not hiring is a ruse? They are not hiring because of the uncertainty.

No one wants to spend money when they don't know if they are going to be able to keep afloat "IF" a deeper recession hits. So I can certainly see them working their staff longer for less rather than hiring to increase expenses.

Edit: Nice to see you out of the red myths.
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That's not why businesses aren't hiring, but it's a clever ruse on their part to try to claim so.

This is why businesses aren't hiring:


Our economy is 70% consumption, and the consumers are tapped out. You don't need more employees to not provide good and services that the consumers don't want and/or can't afford.

Perfect. so the owners of business tell you what the problems are and why they're not hiring and you call them liars! Just perfect. Now why would owners of business need a "clever ruse." doyathink?
That's not why businesses aren't hiring, but it's a clever ruse on their part to try to claim so.

This is why businesses aren't hiring:


Our economy is 70% consumption, and the consumers are tapped out. You don't need more employees to not provide good and services that the consumers don't want and/or can't afford.

Perfect. so the owners of business tell you what the problems are and why they're not hiring and you call them liars! Just perfect. Now why would owners of business need a "clever ruse." doyathink?

^ Yeah, a ruse to show why it's not working. :razz:

What I think they need is a clever way out of this economic disaster. Now history has shown that only the businesses can bootstrap themselves. Government is unable to bootstrap the middle class. So what government needs to do is help the middle class to bootstrap this economy. With the banks unwilling to lend, there's no government ability to deepen the middle class.

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