Liberals in New Yawk Hate Glen Beck.

Sure some liberals hate Beck. Where is there any news in that?

Some conservatives hate Olberman too.

The actual point - because you clearly missed it - is not about Beck. It is about the fact that someone in the crowd threw a glass of wine at his wife. So, is that acceptable or not?

This is not fucking rocket science, just replace Beck and his wife with the commentator of your choice and - if you would blame that individual, fine. If you would blame the fucking moron who threw the object, then that is fine too.... actually, more than fine.... that would be the intelligent stance.

What I find particularly worrying is that the actual point seems less important than the people involved.

You people - and by 'you people' I mean those who seem to think this is about Beck - you are the problem in this country.

and your the soultion to every problem. If Beck can't defend his wife in public then he should get out of the public, Sure the guy was wrong, but if it twas my wife, I'd be on your azz in a NY minute.

He shouldn't need to defend his wife, you fucking freak. He is entitled to go about his personal life without fear of having his family attacked.... or is that just too difficult for you to comprehend.

And you call yourself a Christian. Now, that is funny. :lol::lol:
Liberals have become the party of intolerance. They started out as all inclusive,diversity and now it's their way or the highway.
Only our way of thinking is correct.
Now it's is hatred toward conservatives, because we don't want to embrace their philosophy.
Liberals have become blind and narrow minded. The very thing that they accuse conservatives of being.

They taunted the Beck Family. Threw wet stuff on Beck's wife's back. Pointed at them and screamed "We hate conservatives." "We hate Republicans." All the 'good New Yawkers" sat in silence and watched it happen..
Liberals have become the party of intolerance. They started out as all inclusive,diversity and now it's their way or the highway.
Only our way of thinking is correct.
Now it's is hatred toward conservatives, because we don't want to embrace their philosophy.
Liberals have become blind and narrow minded. The very thing that they accuse conservatives of being.

no it is not. it has nothing to do with politics or which side you are on, it's about humans being human. The entire history of humans is full of intolerance, we here in the USA just don't commit murder(that much) with those of a different polis idealogy.
I am just amazed that Beck has a wife. He is gay isn't he?

Yea, I'm completely unsurprised that you cannot bring yourself to condemn someone's wife being assaulted... because she happens to be married to a right wing commentator.


I really do not give a rats ass one way or the other about her.
I feel more strongly about the thread where the woman assaulted a guard with breast milk.

But I do enjoy fussin a bit with those who do care BECAUSE she is Becks wife :)
By some of the same who minamilized the woman who got her head stomped by Rand Paul supporters.
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Liberals have become the party of intolerance. They started out as all inclusive,diversity and now it's their way or the highway.
Only our way of thinking is correct.
Now it's is hatred toward conservatives, because we don't want to embrace their philosophy.
Liberals have become blind and narrow minded. The very thing that they accuse conservatives of being.

They taunted the Beck Family. Threw wet stuff on Beck's wife's back. Pointed at them and screamed "We hate conservatives." "We hate Republicans." All the 'good New Yawkers" sat in silence and watched it happen..

typical New York city dwellers. Same goes for other large industrial cities. I am sure that conservative are guilty of the same.
No, that's not right. There are a million wingnuts out there. If you go out of your way to attract them, they will come. I don't blame Beck for what some freako does. On the other hand, he's got to know he's attracting the loonies.
Get some big thick motherfuckers around you, Beck! You got the money, shit. Roll like the mob!

So same with Obama, right? If some idiot throws something at Michelle, that will be Barack's fault. Good to know.

Obama has the Secret Service to protect Michelle. If some tard manages to throw some shit at Michelle, somebody has definitely not done his job.

Are you capable of understanding an actual point? The point, again, IF it was Obama's wife, the left would be ranting like banshees about 'violent behavior' etc from the right. It has nothing to do with the Secret Service or anything else.... it's the scenario.....

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother trying to explain basic common fucking sense to people like you. You are incapable of looking past the individual involved and just understanding that it's not acceptable to threaten, intimidate or abuse an individual going about their private business.
Yep, and they didn't even know that he doesn't like the republicans either.
For some reason the left think he is for republicans and he isn't.
He is angry at both parties.
He is angry at the way our government has become. So that makes him a loon?
Liberals have become the party of intolerance. They started out as all inclusive,diversity and now it's their way or the highway.
Only our way of thinking is correct.
Now it's is hatred toward conservatives, because we don't want to embrace their philosophy.
Liberals have become blind and narrow minded. The very thing that they accuse conservatives of being.

They taunted the Beck Family. Threw wet stuff on Beck's wife's back. Pointed at them and screamed "We hate conservatives." "We hate Republicans." All the 'good New Yawkers" sat in silence and watched it happen..

typical New York city dwellers. Same goes for other large industrial cities. I am sure that conservative are guilty of the same.

if you are sure you will have a link? will you knot? We will wait.
So same with Obama, right? If some idiot throws something at Michelle, that will be Barack's fault. Good to know.

Obama has the Secret Service to protect Michelle. If some tard manages to throw some shit at Michelle, somebody has definitely not done his job.

Are you capable of understanding an actual point? The point, again, IF it was Obama's wife, the left would be ranting like banshees about 'violent behavior' etc from the right. It has nothing to do with the Secret Service or anything else.... it's the scenario.....

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother trying to explain basic common fucking sense to people like you. You are incapable of looking past the individual involved and just understanding that it's not acceptable to threaten, intimidate or abuse an individual going about their private business.

And I repeat about the woman who got her head stomped on by the Paul supporter.
If the partisan shoe fits.
Liberals have become the party of intolerance. They started out as all inclusive,diversity and now it's their way or the highway.
Only our way of thinking is correct.
Now it's is hatred toward conservatives, because we don't want to embrace their philosophy.
Liberals have become blind and narrow minded. The very thing that they accuse conservatives of being.

They taunted the Beck Family. Threw wet stuff on Beck's wife's back. Pointed at them and screamed "We hate conservatives." "We hate Republicans." All the 'good New Yawkers" sat in silence and watched it happen..

typical New York city dwellers. Same goes for other large industrial cities. I am sure that conservative are guilty of the same.

And I'm sure that - had this happened to some left wing commentator - you'd be right there, condemning that behavior.... but because it's a right wing commentator, not only is he responsible for it.... but his wife is a legitimate target.

You are what is wrong with this country. You put politics before people. You put party before country. You're shit.
Yep, and they didn't even know that he doesn't like the republicans either.
For some reason the left think he is for republicans and he isn't.
He is angry at both parties.
He is angry at the way our government has become. So that makes him a loon?

Naah he makes himself a loon.
The barking like a dog and crying are big clues.
Sorry if I am a little reluctant/skeptical of automatically handing credence to a huckster like Beck.

Make sure you sign up for GBTV! Starting 9/12/11! The "truth" lives here!
The actual point - because you clearly missed it - is not about Beck. It is about the fact that someone in the crowd threw a glass of wine at his wife. So, is that acceptable or not?

This is not fucking rocket science, just replace Beck and his wife with the commentator of your choice and - if you would blame that individual, fine. If you would blame the fucking moron who threw the object, then that is fine too.... actually, more than fine.... that would be the intelligent stance.

What I find particularly worrying is that the actual point seems less important than the people involved.

You people - and by 'you people' I mean those who seem to think this is about Beck - you are the problem in this country.

and your the soultion to every problem. If Beck can't defend his wife in public then he should get out of the public, Sure the guy was wrong, but if it twas my wife, I'd be on your azz in a NY minute.

He shouldn't need to defend his wife, you fucking freak. He is entitled to go about his personal life without fear of having his family attacked.... or is that just too difficult for you to comprehend.

And you call yourself a Christian. Now, that is funny. :lol::lol:

No I never said I wass a Christian, far from it. I can admit that I am not able to follow all the philosophies of Jesus. I do read about him. I do not allways agree with him.
If you flame or cause hysteria in the mass populace by using inflamitory rhetoric then do not cry when some one you insult comes after you or your family. you can't live dangerously withour repercussions. Some peole(like urself) have a hard time not trying to insult because it makes you feel superior of you need all to exists at your level.
now I have to go perform functions attributed to being self employed. I shall catch u all later.

live long and prosper, remember that the needs of the many, outweight the needs of a few.
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Obama has the Secret Service to protect Michelle. If some tard manages to throw some shit at Michelle, somebody has definitely not done his job.

Are you capable of understanding an actual point? The point, again, IF it was Obama's wife, the left would be ranting like banshees about 'violent behavior' etc from the right. It has nothing to do with the Secret Service or anything else.... it's the scenario.....

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother trying to explain basic common fucking sense to people like you. You are incapable of looking past the individual involved and just understanding that it's not acceptable to threaten, intimidate or abuse an individual going about their private business.

And I repeat about the woman who got her head stomped on by the Paul supporter.
If the partisan shoe fits.

So, I was right.... you're with the 'mommy, the other guy did it too'.

You're the partisan. idiot.

And.... didn't you once do a dramatic exit from this forum.... swearing that you would never be back..... and even scrambling your password? You lost your integrity long ago, comrade.
and your the soultion to every problem. If Beck can't defend his wife in public then he should get out of the public, Sure the guy was wrong, but if it twas my wife, I'd be on your azz in a NY minute.

He shouldn't need to defend his wife, you fucking freak. He is entitled to go about his personal life without fear of having his family attacked.... or is that just too difficult for you to comprehend.

And you call yourself a Christian. Now, that is funny. :lol::lol:

No I never said I wass a Christian, far from it. I can admit that I am not able to follow all the philosophies of Jesus. I do read about him. I do not allways agree with him.
If you flame or cause hysteria in the mass populace by using inflamitory rhetoric then do not cry when some one you insult comes after you or your family. you can't live dangerously withour repercussions. Some peole(like urself) have a hard time not trying to insult because it makes you feel superior of you need all to exists at your level.
now I have to go perform functions attributed to being self employed. I shall catch u all later.

live long and prosper, remeber that the needs of the many, outweight the needs of a few.

Not in this country, they aren't. You're mistaking America for a socialist country. Fucking idiot. Individuals have the right to go about their personal life without interference in the US.

No wonder you're jack shit stupid.
Obama has the Secret Service to protect Michelle. If some tard manages to throw some shit at Michelle, somebody has definitely not done his job.

Are you capable of understanding an actual point? The point, again, IF it was Obama's wife, the left would be ranting like banshees about 'violent behavior' etc from the right. It has nothing to do with the Secret Service or anything else.... it's the scenario.....

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother trying to explain basic common fucking sense to people like you. You are incapable of looking past the individual involved and just understanding that it's not acceptable to threaten, intimidate or abuse an individual going about their private business.

And I repeat about the woman who got her head stomped on by the Paul supporter.
If the partisan shoe fits.

Tell us why you didn't use the SEIU people biting others and beating others as examples?
So same with Obama, right? If some idiot throws something at Michelle, that will be Barack's fault. Good to know.

Obama has the Secret Service to protect Michelle. If some tard manages to throw some shit at Michelle, somebody has definitely not done his job.

Are you capable of understanding an actual point? The point, again, IF it was Obama's wife, the left would be ranting like banshees about 'violent behavior' etc from the right. It has nothing to do with the Secret Service or anything else.... it's the scenario.....

Sometimes I wonder why I even bother trying to explain basic common fucking sense to people like you. You are incapable of looking past the individual involved and just understanding that it's not acceptable to threaten, intimidate or abuse an individual going about their private business.

It's only obvious that it's not right to assault another human being, regardless of who they are--usually. It's also patently obvious that human beings do not always respect the rights of others. Thus, we have laws, and courts and prisons.
What's also obvious is that if you piss off enough people, one of them might just do something to you, or your family. It's not right. The world's just like that. Sorry, I hate to burst your bubble. What's right and what happens aren't always the same thing.
That being said: Beck! Hey, seriously, get some thick, pipe swinging muthufuckas from the hood and this shit won't happen.
I found the evil photographs! Now I can perpetuate the hatred!

'You could just lynch me:' Glenn Beck claims he and his family were attacked in New York park during outdoor movie | Mail Online

I am still doing the math of how someone "intentionally" kicks a glass of wine into someone's back.

Was David Beckham in attendance? Maybe the seating is alphabetical!

Here's what I suspect really happened: Someone accidentally knocked over a glass of wine on his wife's back and, Beck, being a celebrity had some photos taken of him. Beck, also being a, political shock jock and celebrity got heckled. Beck, being an astute salesman, thinks to himself: "my audience will eat this shit up!".

Suddenly, the crowd at Bryant Park turns into a liberal lynch mob.

The money will roll right in.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Fang The Money Will Roll Right In‬‏[/ame]

and your the soultion to every problem. If Beck can't defend his wife in public then he should get out of the public, Sure the guy was wrong, but if it twas my wife, I'd be on your azz in a NY minute.

He shouldn't need to defend his wife, you fucking freak. He is entitled to go about his personal life without fear of having his family attacked.... or is that just too difficult for you to comprehend.

And you call yourself a Christian. Now, that is funny. :lol::lol:

No I never said I wass a Christian, far from it. I can admit that I am not able to follow all the philosophies of Jesus. I do read about him. I do not allways agree with him.
If you flame or cause hysteria in the mass populace by using inflammatory rhetoric then do not cry when some one you insult comes after you or your family. you can't live dangerously withour repercussions. Some peole(like urself) have a hard time not trying to insult because it makes you feel superior of you need all to exists at your level.
now I have to go perform functions attributed to being self employed. I shall catch u all later.

live long and prosper, remeber that the needs of the many, outweight the needs of a few.

Glenn Beck has never flamed or caused hysteria or used inflammatory rhetoric. That's what Van Jones , Alinsky and Piven does.
This was liberals being intolerant of a conservative, and attacked his wife.

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