Liberals Don't Realize How Crazy They Are


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
This thread could as well have been entitled >> "Liberals Ruin a Good Thing". Wow. Does this mean that I, protectionist, actually agree with some policies of liberals ? Well, yes it does. There are a few. As a conservative who was a liberal for 40 years, before becoming an independent in 2003 (and still voting for Kerry in 2004, and then Obama in 2008), and then a conservative in 2009, I still have a few liberal preferences.

Some friends of mine say >> "If you think that, you should be a Democrat." Well, I'm not. I'm a registered Republican, and a very conservative one, as well. So what is that keeps me firmly entrenched on the right, despite having some left issue preferences ?

It is the crazyiness of the left that keeps me away from it. The problem with the left is that it goes waaaay too far in some of the things it stands for. It is so bad that I have to abandon some of my rather lefty policies, which I still firmly support, and go to the right, and vote for Donald Trump (twice). I also voted for Virgil Goode in 2012, because I thought Romney wasn't conservative enough.

I doubt that this will even make a dent in liberals' mindsets and political persuasions, but here are the reasons I could go never back to them again, and how they ruin their own polity, making it unacceptable >>

1. Being globalist, advocating open borders, and flooding the US with millions of people from 3rd world hellholes.

2. Accepting Islam as a religion, and its imposition of immoral and illegal practices upon Americans, even including terrorism in some cases.

3. Pandering to blacks to the point of discriminating against whites in Affirmative Action, and engaging in lawlessness.

4. Disrespecting the 2nd amendment and infringing on the right to carry a gun for self-defense.

5. Support of crazy sexual orientation policies.

There are more but I guess these are the basics. What a shame. To ruin good policies, and a whole political party, just to support these crazy ones.
I have talked to some conservative friends of mine, and they also find my left wing preferences to be good ones, but like me, they also cannot vote Democrat because of how nuts the Democrats have gotten on some of their policies.
This thread could as well have been entitled >> "Liberals Ruin a Good Thing". Wow. Does this mean that I, protectionist, actually agree with some policies of liberals ? Well, yes it does. There are a few. As a conservative who was a liberal for 40 years, before becoming an independent in 2003 (and still voting for Kerry in 2004, and then Obama in 2008), and then a conservative in 2009,I still have a few liberal preferences.

Some friends of mine say >> "If you think that, you should be a Democrat." Well, I'm not. I'm a registered Republican, and a very conservative one, as well. so what is that keeps me firmly entrenched on the right, despite having some left issue preferences ?

It is the crazyiness of the left that keeps me away from it. The problem with the left is that it goes waaaay too far in some of the things it stands for. It is so bad that I have to abandon some of my rather lefty policies, which i still firmly support, and go to the right, and vote for Donald Trump (twice). I also voted for Virgil Goode in 2012, because I thought Romney wasn't conservative enough.

I doubt that this will even make a dent in liberals' mindsets and political persuasions, but here are the reasons I could go never back to them again, and how they ruin their own polity, making it unacceptable >>

1. Being globalist, advocating open borders, and flooding the US with millions of people from 3rd world hellholes.

2. Accepting Islam as a religion, and its imposition of immoral and illegal practices upon Americans, including terrorism in some cases.

3. Pandering to blacks to the point of discriminating against whites in Affirmative Action, and engaging in lawlessness.

4. Disrespecting the 2nd amendment and infringing on the right to carry a gun for self-defense.

5. Support of crazy sexual orientation policies.

There are more but I guess these are the basics. What a shame. To ruin good policies, and a whole political party, just to support these crazy ones.

Let's examine your bullet points:

1. False Claim. All American Citizen likely want a secure border. We don't feel arresting mothers and separating them from their children at the border increases our security.

2. Islam is a religion, and one which was recognized by the founding fathers in the 18th Century.
Thomas Jefferson and the fascinating history of Founding Fathers defending Muslim rights

3. Affirmative Action was a practice by government to recruit minorities, incl. women, into the workforce so that government agencies reflected the demographics of its population.

4. The claim that the 2nd A. allows anyone to own, possess or have in their custody and control is a fiction.

5. Sexual preferences among consenting adults do no harm. Crimes of rape, sexual assault of minors and adults are crimes, and in most states sex can only be consensual if the participant is 18 and older.
This thread could as well have been entitled >> "Liberals Ruin a Good Thing". Wow. Does this mean that I, protectionist, actually agree with some policies of liberals ? Well, yes it does. There are a few. As a conservative who was a liberal for 40 years, before becoming an independent in 2003 (and still voting for Kerry in 2004, and then Obama in 2008), and then a conservative in 2009, I still have a few liberal preferences.

Some friends of mine say >> "If you think that, you should be a Democrat." Well, I'm not. I'm a registered Republican, and a very conservative one, as well. So what is that keeps me firmly entrenched on the right, despite having some left issue preferences ?

It is the crazyiness of the left that keeps me away from it. The problem with the left is that it goes waaaay too far in some of the things it stands for. It is so bad that I have to abandon some of my rather lefty policies, which I still firmly support, and go to the right, and vote for Donald Trump (twice). I also voted for Virgil Goode in 2012, because I thought Romney wasn't conservative enough.

I doubt that this will even make a dent in liberals' mindsets and political persuasions, but here are the reasons I could go never back to them again, and how they ruin their own polity, making it unacceptable >>

1. Being globalist, advocating open borders, and flooding the US with millions of people from 3rd world hellholes.

2. Accepting Islam as a religion, and its imposition of immoral and illegal practices upon Americans, even including terrorism in some cases.

3. Pandering to blacks to the point of discriminating against whites in Affirmative Action, and engaging in lawlessness.

4. Disrespecting the 2nd amendment and infringing on the right to carry a gun for self-defense.

5. Support of crazy sexual orientation policies.

There are more but I guess these are the basics. What a shame. To ruin good policies, and a whole political party, just to support these crazy ones.

And what does anything in this post have to do with "Liberals"?
Or for that matter, political parties, "the left" or "the right"?

You have no idea what Liberal even means do you.
This thread could as well have been entitled >> "Liberals Ruin a Good Thing". Wow. Does this mean that I, protectionist, actually agree with some policies of liberals ? Well, yes it does. There are a few. As a conservative who was a liberal for 40 years, before becoming an independent in 2003 (and still voting for Kerry in 2004, and then Obama in 2008), and then a conservative in 2009,I still have a few liberal preferences.

Some friends of mine say >> "If you think that, you should be a Democrat." Well, I'm not. I'm a registered Republican, and a very conservative one, as well. so what is that keeps me firmly entrenched on the right, despite having some left issue preferences ?

It is the crazyiness of the left that keeps me away from it. The problem with the left is that it goes waaaay too far in some of the things it stands for. It is so bad that I have to abandon some of my rather lefty policies, which i still firmly support, and go to the right, and vote for Donald Trump (twice). I also voted for Virgil Goode in 2012, because I thought Romney wasn't conservative enough.

I doubt that this will even make a dent in liberals' mindsets and political persuasions, but here are the reasons I could go never back to them again, and how they ruin their own polity, making it unacceptable >>

1. Being globalist, advocating open borders, and flooding the US with millions of people from 3rd world hellholes.

2. Accepting Islam as a religion, and its imposition of immoral and illegal practices upon Americans, including terrorism in some cases.

3. Pandering to blacks to the point of discriminating against whites in Affirmative Action, and engaging in lawlessness.

4. Disrespecting the 2nd amendment and infringing on the right to carry a gun for self-defense.

5. Support of crazy sexual orientation policies.

There are more but I guess these are the basics. What a shame. To ruin good policies, and a whole political party, just to support these crazy ones.

Let's examine your bullet points:

1. False Claim. All American Citizen likely want a secure border. We don't feel arresting mothers and separating them from their children at the border increases our security.

2. Islam is a religion, and one which was recognized by the founding fathers in the 18th Century.
Thomas Jefferson and the fascinating history of Founding Fathers defending Muslim rights

3. Affirmative Action was a practice by government to recruit minorities, incl. women, into the workforce so that government agencies reflected the demographics of its population.

4. The claim that the 2nd A. allows anyone to own, possess or have in their custody and control is a fiction.

5. Sexual preferences among consenting adults do no harm. Crimes of rape, sexual assault of minors and adults are crimes, and in most states sex can only be consensual if the participant is 18 and older.
This is part of the craziness. DENIAL of their own destructive policies.

1 Of course liberals are for open borders. Democrats constantly vote for amnesty for illegal aliens, vote sanctuary cities, vote to give privileges to illegal liens (instead of the privilege of free deportation), etc. They oppose the building of the border wall, and do all they can to facilitate illegal immigration. This is debatable ?
More craziness. The denial of all this.

2. Of course Islam is not a religion. Religions have a code of ethics. Islam is the Koran, which is immorality, cover to cover. Islam is exactly the opposite of a religion. Most people around the world do not regard Islam to be a religion, and neither do some entire nations (ex. Italy)

Islam Watch - About Us

Islam Is Not A Religion, It Is Foreign Law

Islam and the Definition of Religion

Why Islam is Not a Religion > Rebecca Bynum

Former Muslim, Wafa Sultan, says, "Islam is NOT a religion" | BARE NAKED ISLAM

?Allah is Dead ? Why Islam is Not a Religion? | Logan's Warning

Islam Is Not A Religion, But A Dangerous Ideology | International

Islam: not a religion? « The Immanent Frame

Islam is not a religion nor is it a cult. It is a complete system. « Avid Editor's Insights

Half Sigma: Islam not a religion?

Islam in Italy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Comments from Former Muslims - WikiIslam

The Patriot Factor: Islam is NOT a Religion

Why Islam Should NOT Be Protected Under the US Constitution! |

Islam: Politics In Religious Garb

Italy: Islam Not Recognized as a Religion -- Denied Religious Tax Status - Atlas Shrugs

Info on Islam: Islam is not a religion

Islam Is Not A Religion It Is A Cult

Islam is NOT a Religion

Islam Does Not Qualify Under US Constitution ?Freedom of Religion? Rights « Northeast Intelligence NetworkNortheast Intelligence Network

Asia Times - Asia's most trusted news source

Islam is a political system ? NOT a religion | Creeping Sharia

Islam is not a religion, but a death cult of misogynistic pedophiles

3. Affirmative Action is immoral and illegal racist discrimaination against whites, whose supporters hypocritically maintain that it's OK to racially discriminate, as long as blacks are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims.

4. If the 2nd amendment didn't mean that Americans have the right to own, possess or have in their custody a gun, what in the world would it mean ? the Supreme court, even when it was liberal dominated, voted to uphold these 2nd amendment rights. How incredible to hear someone speak out against even the right to "own" a gun. Jeeez!

5. Just the sight of 2 guys kissing each other is appalling, sickening, and disturbing. I'd call that "harm". It's also harmful to children seeing that and becoming influenced. I really see homosexuality as more of an illness than anything else. Its difficult to support people who support illnesses.
This thread could as well have been entitled >> "Liberals Ruin a Good Thing". Wow. Does this mean that I, protectionist, actually agree with some policies of liberals ? Well, yes it does. There are a few. As a conservative who was a liberal for 40 years, before becoming an independent in 2003 (and still voting for Kerry in 2004, and then Obama in 2008), and then a conservative in 2009,I still have a few liberal preferences.

Some friends of mine say >> "If you think that, you should be a Democrat." Well, I'm not. I'm a registered Republican, and a very conservative one, as well. so what is that keeps me firmly entrenched on the right, despite having some left issue preferences ?

It is the crazyiness of the left that keeps me away from it. The problem with the left is that it goes waaaay too far in some of the things it stands for. It is so bad that I have to abandon some of my rather lefty policies, which i still firmly support, and go to the right, and vote for Donald Trump (twice). I also voted for Virgil Goode in 2012, because I thought Romney wasn't conservative enough.

I doubt that this will even make a dent in liberals' mindsets and political persuasions, but here are the reasons I could go never back to them again, and how they ruin their own polity, making it unacceptable >>

1. Being globalist, advocating open borders, and flooding the US with millions of people from 3rd world hellholes.

2. Accepting Islam as a religion, and its imposition of immoral and illegal practices upon Americans, including terrorism in some cases.

3. Pandering to blacks to the point of discriminating against whites in Affirmative Action, and engaging in lawlessness.

4. Disrespecting the 2nd amendment and infringing on the right to carry a gun for self-defense.

5. Support of crazy sexual orientation policies.

There are more but I guess these are the basics. What a shame. To ruin good policies, and a whole political party, just to support these crazy ones.

Let's examine your bullet points:

1. False Claim. All American Citizen likely want a secure border. We don't feel arresting mothers and separating them from their children at the border increases our security.

Permitting illegals to enter at will and stay indicates that you people emphatically do not want secure borders.

2. Islam is a religion, and one which was recognized by the founding fathers in the 18th Century.

Jefferson studied the Koran and Islam to gain insights into the Barbary Pirates. He wasn't a fan.

3. Affirmative Action was a practice by government to recruit minorities, incl. women, into the workforce so that government agencies reflected the demographics of its population.

Protected and privileged classes are unconstitutional.

4. The claim that the 2nd A. allows anyone to own, possess or have in their custody and control is a fiction.

No one has claimed that, easily evidenced by the fact that felons lose their right to own firearms.

5. Sexual preferences among consenting adults do no harm. Crimes of rape, sexual assault of minors and adults are crimes, and in most states sex can only be consensual if the participant is 18 and older.

The more openly decadent the society, the more likely it is headed to destruction.
And what does anything in this post have to do with "Liberals"?
Or for that matter, political parties, "the left" or "the right"?

You have no idea what Liberal even means do you.
Oh so now we have the definition distortion defense. I would imagine I know more about the left in my little finger than you know in your whole body. Do you even know who said >> "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Ever hear of "dialectical materialism" ? You know who coined the phrase "withering away of the state" ? And where that was written ?

I've probably forgotten more left politics than you'll ever know. All you do is ruin what could/should have been a great polity.
The more openly decadent the society, the more likely it is headed to destruction.
They are so deep in denial, it's as if you were yelling to them and they were wearing earplugs. The sad thing of it is, they will defend the party no matter what it does. That's the craziness.
And what does anything in this post have to do with "Liberals"?
Or for that matter, political parties, "the left" or "the right"?

You have no idea what Liberal even means do you.
Oh so now we have the definition distortion defense. I would imagine I know more about the left in my little finger than you know in your whole body. Do you even know who said >> "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." Ever hear of "dialectical materialism" ? You know who coined the phrase "withering away of the state" ? And where that was written ?

I've probably forgotten more left politics than you'll ever know. All you do is ruin what could/should have been a great polity.

Again what does "left politics" have to do with "Liberal"?

As I said you have no clue what you're talking about here.
Jefferson studied the Koran and Islam to gain insights into the Barbary Pirates. He wasn't a fan.

What in the fuck does that have to do with the characterization of Islam as a religion?

You people have been trying to paint Jefferson as particularly sympathetic to Islam for years. He wasn't.

Perhaps my post was mysteriously translated into Inuit.

I said, what the fuck does this have to do with the characterization of Islam as a religion?

If you're hard of hearing I can post it LOUDER....
Again what does "left politics" have to do with "Liberal"?

As I said you have no clue what you're talking about here.
Be quiet. You're not impressing anybody, and you're boring. :rolleyes:

Wanna know what "Liberal" has to do with left politics ? LOL Read this book >>

Again what does "left politics" have to do with "Liberal"?

As I said you have no clue what you're talking about here.
Be quiet. You're not impressing anybody, and you're boring. :rolleyes:

Wanna know what "Liberal" has to do with left politics ? LOL Read this book >>


Yanno, when you've dug yourself into a hole the thing NOT to do is probably go get a bigger shovel.

Tip for the day.
A lot of conservatives don’t realize how crazy they are either
Conservatives could be much more right wing if they wanted to.

Democrats are as left wing as they can possibly get in a country like this.

You don't understand what extreme means.
Perhaps my post was mysteriously translated into Inuit.

I said, what the fuck does this have to do with the characterization of Islam as a religion?

If you're hard of hearing I can post it LOUDER....
He was responding to WryCatcher, who said Islam was recognized by the founding fathers in the 18th Century. Try following the thread.
Perhaps my post was mysteriously translated into Inuit.

I said, what the fuck does this have to do with the characterization of Islam as a religion?

If you're hard of hearing I can post it LOUDER....
He was responding to WryCatcher, who said Islam was recognized by the founding fathers in the 18th Century. Try following the thread.

The founding fathers ---- oh yes. The Liberals.

No shit.

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