Liberal Militant Atheist Murders Muslims; Conservative Christians Clearly To Blame


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
This is apropos, given the current trend to blame all black on black violence and Islamic violence on Christian Republicans...

"The latest search for the left’s Great White Hopeless began last week when some jerk murdered three people in Chapel Hill.
"Some say, it was over a parking space, in which case he should be tried and, if convicted, hanged. Others speculate that it was because these three people were Muslim, in which case he should be tried and, if convicted, hanged. Are you sensing a theme?
"You could almost hear the collectivists’ collective groan of disappointment when the creep turned out not to be a Rush-loving Dittohead but, instead, one of Rachael Maddow’s slobbering fanboys. Talk about wreaking the narrative – instead of lots of quotes from Jesus, this lonely, sexless loser instead garlanded his Facebook page with those doofy, pseudo-clever memes about atheism from the likes of Neil deGrasse Tyson that the militantly godless/friendless try to use as a signifier of their transcendent mental superiority. What this really signifies is that they will never know the loving touch of a living human being."

Wow, what a bummer.

Liberal Militant Atheist Murders Muslims Conservative Christians Clearly To Blame - Kurt Schlichter - Page full

"If you want to take a lesson from what happened in Chapel Hill, then take the lesson that we need to teach liberal militant atheists not to murder. But if you want to try to slime us conservatives to promote your fascisty agenda, you best step back and step off. There’s a reason we conservatives never seem to turn out to be the bad guys. It’s because we are the good guys."

Liberal Militant Atheist Murders Muslims Conservative Christians Clearly To Blame - Kurt Schlichter - Page full
Gee, an angry white male with anger management problems kills 3 people.

But KG has to turn this into a "bash atheists" blunt instrument because she was fed some red meat by her disinformation sources.

It isn't like angry white males with anger management problems have never killed anyone ever before.

Typical mindless ranting by the OP.

Nothing to see here folks, move along now.
Gee, an angry white male with anger management problems kills 3 people.

But KG has to turn this into a "bash atheists" blunt instrument because she was fed some red meat by her disinformation sources.

It isn't like angry white males with anger management problems have never killed anyone ever before.

Typical mindless ranting by the OP.

Nothing to see here folks, move along now.

So you maintain that liberal atheists are racist?

Ok, we agree.
This is apropos, given the current trend to blame all black on black violence and Islamic violence on Christian Republicans...

"The latest search for the left’s Great White Hopeless began last week when some jerk murdered three people in Chapel Hill.
"Some say, it was over a parking space, in which case he should be tried and, if convicted, hanged. Others speculate that it was because these three people were Muslim, in which case he should be tried and, if convicted, hanged. Are you sensing a theme?
"You could almost hear the collectivists’ collective groan of disappointment when the creep turned out not to be a Rush-loving Dittohead but, instead, one of Rachael Maddow’s slobbering fanboys. Talk about wreaking the narrative – instead of lots of quotes from Jesus, this lonely, sexless loser instead garlanded his Facebook page with those doofy, pseudo-clever memes about atheism from the likes of Neil deGrasse Tyson that the militantly godless/friendless try to use as a signifier of their transcendent mental superiority. What this really signifies is that they will never know the loving touch of a living human being."

Wow, what a bummer.

Liberal Militant Atheist Murders Muslims Conservative Christians Clearly To Blame - Kurt Schlichter - Page full

Did you hear about the black dude in Detroit the other day who walked up to people at a bus stop and asked them if they were Muslim and when they said no he started stabbing them?

Religion makes people crazy.
Gee, an angry white male with anger management problems kills 3 people.

But KG has to turn this into a "bash atheists" blunt instrument because she was fed some red meat by her disinformation sources.

It isn't like angry white males with anger management problems have never killed anyone ever before.

Typical mindless ranting by the OP.

Nothing to see here folks, move along now.

So you maintain that liberal atheists are racist?

Ok, we agree.

For someone who claims to be a "Christian" you certainly tell some whopping great lies.

Onus is on you to prove that there was anything remotely connected with race or racism in what I posted.

You can't because I didn't.

The racism is all in your own bitter twisted excuse for a mind.

You only infest this forum so that you can spew your bile against Atheists and not be accused of flaming. But your OP is nothing but a flame against Atheists that belongs in the FZ IMO.
This is apropos, given the current trend to blame all black on black violence and Islamic violence on Christian Republicans...

"The latest search for the left’s Great White Hopeless began last week when some jerk murdered three people in Chapel Hill.
"Some say, it was over a parking space, in which case he should be tried and, if convicted, hanged. Others speculate that it was because these three people were Muslim, in which case he should be tried and, if convicted, hanged. Are you sensing a theme?
"You could almost hear the collectivists’ collective groan of disappointment when the creep turned out not to be a Rush-loving Dittohead but, instead, one of Rachael Maddow’s slobbering fanboys. Talk about wreaking the narrative – instead of lots of quotes from Jesus, this lonely, sexless loser instead garlanded his Facebook page with those doofy, pseudo-clever memes about atheism from the likes of Neil deGrasse Tyson that the militantly godless/friendless try to use as a signifier of their transcendent mental superiority. What this really signifies is that they will never know the loving touch of a living human being."

Wow, what a bummer.

Liberal Militant Atheist Murders Muslims Conservative Christians Clearly To Blame - Kurt Schlichter - Page full

Did you hear about the black dude in Detroit the other day who walked up to people at a bus stop and asked them if they were Muslim and when they said no he started stabbing them?

Religion makes people crazy.
The OP being evidence of that.
Gee, an angry white male with anger management problems kills 3 people.

But KG has to turn this into a "bash atheists" blunt instrument because she was fed some red meat by her disinformation sources.

It isn't like angry white males with anger management problems have never killed anyone ever before.

Typical mindless ranting by the OP.

Nothing to see here folks, move along now.

So you maintain that liberal atheists are racist?

Ok, we agree.

For someone who claims to be a "Christian" you certainly tell some whopping great lies.

Onus is on you to prove that there was anything remotely connected with race or racism in what I posted.

You can't because I didn't.

The racism is all in your own bitter twisted excuse for a mind.

You only infest this forum so that you can spew your bile against Atheists and not be accused of flaming. But your OP is nothing but a flame against Atheists that belongs in the FZ IMO.

Sputter sputter flip out rage sputter spit.

This is why I have you on ignore. Now stop trolling. Take a bong hit or something.
Gee, an angry white male with anger management problems kills 3 people.

But KG has to turn this into a "bash atheists" blunt instrument because she was fed some red meat by her disinformation sources.

It isn't like angry white males with anger management problems have never killed anyone ever before.

Typical mindless ranting by the OP.

Nothing to see here folks, move along now.

So you maintain that liberal atheists are racist?

Ok, we agree.

For someone who claims to be a "Christian" you certainly tell some whopping great lies.

Onus is on you to prove that there was anything remotely connected with race or racism in what I posted.

You can't because I didn't.

The racism is all in your own bitter twisted excuse for a mind.

You only infest this forum so that you can spew your bile against Atheists and not be accused of flaming. But your OP is nothing but a flame against Atheists that belongs in the FZ IMO.

Sputter sputter flip out rage sputter spit.

This is why I have you on ignore. Now stop trolling. Take a bong hit or something.
:420:sounds like a good idea to me....
This is apropos, given the current trend to blame all black on black violence and Islamic violence on Christian Republicans...

"The latest search for the left’s Great White Hopeless began last week when some jerk murdered three people in Chapel Hill.
"Some say, it was over a parking space, in which case he should be tried and, if convicted, hanged. Others speculate that it was because these three people were Muslim, in which case he should be tried and, if convicted, hanged. Are you sensing a theme?
"You could almost hear the collectivists’ collective groan of disappointment when the creep turned out not to be a Rush-loving Dittohead but, instead, one of Rachael Maddow’s slobbering fanboys. Talk about wreaking the narrative – instead of lots of quotes from Jesus, this lonely, sexless loser instead garlanded his Facebook page with those doofy, pseudo-clever memes about atheism from the likes of Neil deGrasse Tyson that the militantly godless/friendless try to use as a signifier of their transcendent mental superiority. What this really signifies is that they will never know the loving touch of a living human being."

Wow, what a bummer.

Liberal Militant Atheist Murders Muslims Conservative Christians Clearly To Blame - Kurt Schlichter - Page full

Did you hear about the black dude in Detroit the other day who walked up to people at a bus stop and asked them if they were Muslim and when they said no he started stabbing them?

Religion makes people crazy.
The OP being evidence of that.

The OP is evidence of the abuse of religion by some of the most immoral and depraved people who have no qualms about using it as a blunt instrument to harm others IMO.
This is why I have you on ignore.

This world = 2Timothy 3--it is sick in the head and the heart as well--
Jesus taught-- satan is the ruler of this system of things--he is right.
99% = spirit of antichrist-- premeditated return evil for evil. then some moron tells them they are heroes and they believe it.
the real hero listened to Jesus and turned the other cheek--haughty pride prevents it in 99%
"Liberal Militant Atheist Murders Muslims; Conservative Christians Clearly To Blame"

Obviously you have no idea how ridiculous you are.

That's a quote, dear. I didn't say it. Follow the link.
So what's the cause of all your anger and self-hate? Is your extremist religious belief really just a vehicle to indulge and wallow in it?

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