LGBT people are here to stay

We have a third choice. To not consider homosexuality normal. I don't care how many of you there are.
What this country is about is freedom. Religious freedom to be exact. It is why the Pilgrims started it. The Constitution upholds it.
You have the freedom and the right to have sex with whomever you want, and I have the right and freedom to my opinion of it. Period. I don't have to accept anything my faith tells me not to.

God bless you always!!!

We have a third choice. To not consider homosexuality normal. I don't care how many of you there are.
What this country is about is freedom. Religious freedom to be exact. It is why the Pilgrims started it. The Constitution upholds it.
You have the freedom and the right to have sex with whomever you want, and I have the right and freedom to my opinion of it. Period. I don't have to accept anything my faith tells me not to.

God bless you always!!!

People should be free to pray and ask for the intercession of Maria (Theotokis) to help them preserve their sexual purity.
LGBT people are here to stay!

You have two choices.
1. Accept us and expect us to follow the laws of our land, but accept that we have constitutional rights and live with us.

2. Do as the isis, Iran or some other religious fascist shithole is doing and be enemies of freedom and liberty. Seriously, why? You prove my point about religion is all you do.

Telling us that we can't change our name, walk around as our chosen gender or marry who we wish is against what this country is all about.

Islam is the rising culture in the world today, not conservative Christianity.

We might not want you in the ladies room with our female relatives.

They will fucking shoot you.

YOu need to start considering us your new best friends.

LGBT people are here to stay!

You have two choices.
1. Accept us and expect us to follow the laws of our land, but accept that we have constitutional rights and live with us.

2. Do as the isis, Iran or some other religious fascist shithole is doing and be enemies of freedom and liberty. Seriously, why? You prove my point about religion is all you do.

Telling us that we can't change our name, walk around as our chosen gender or marry who we wish is against what this country is all about.

There's always been the fruity types. They're not going to tell all us normal people what's what, though. Not happening.

They can do their thing, that's OK. Don't push it in my face or I will crack you in yours, got it?
Food for thought, Greeks invented democracy, but they also condoned pedophilia. Greeks had a culture wrapped up in that, it's eye opening
LGBT people are here to stay!

You have two choices.
1. Accept us and expect us to follow the laws of our land, but accept that we have constitutional rights and live with us.

2. Do as the isis, Iran or some other religious fascist shithole is doing and be enemies of freedom and liberty. Seriously, why? You prove my point about religion is all you do.

Telling us that we can't change our name, walk around as our chosen gender or marry who we wish is against what this country is all about.
Yeah, right. the ancient geeks condoned gay pedophiles, too. Hell, they invented democracy. But here we are now. Here we are, a democracy, debating gay rights. Were is this going? If history is any indication, I wonder.
Our founders were right about the first and second amendment...What conservatives don't get is they wouldn't be needed if the majority agreed with the speech or "defense"/protection they give the free man/women.

What are you talking about?
Man, I love having guns...

Thugs and monsters hate it as having guns means you can live your life the way you see fit.

I carry as it would be stupid not too.

That does you no good if you're knocked out before you can pull it. ;)

So is Matthew for 2 men kissing sexually in front of children?

I'm not.

Lord help them if I see that.
LGBT people are here to stay!

You have two choices.
1. Accept us and expect us to follow the laws of our land, but accept that we have constitutional rights and live with us.

2. Do as the isis, Iran or some other religious fascist shithole is doing and be enemies of freedom and liberty. Seriously, why? You prove my point about religion is all you do.

Telling us that we can't change our name, walk around as our chosen gender or marry who we wish is against what this country is all about.

Matthew very few people want to rape and throw you off a building in today times. 30 years ago, sure but today even here in Texas not many care about your sexuality nor do I care if you wear a dress and want to be a screaming queen.

Now this does not mean you have the right to demand a Church to marry you or have that Church bake your cake, or even accept you because that is their right.

If you disagree then too and just live happy and stop telling others they must accept you!
Cis gender males and females are here to stay too, and there are far more of us than there are of you. So I suggest you play nice if you want us on your side. Otherwise, we drop you like a stone.

Sane people don't use such terms as “cis gender”. Only insane perverts think that there's any need for such a prefix as “cis…” to distinguish genuine instances of any thing from those that the insane delusionally believe to be instances of that thing.

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