""Levin Puts Trump In His Place""


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Yo, this guy knows his shit!!!

Mark Levin hits ‘Trump the globalist’ on trade policy contradictions


Syndicated radio talk show host Mark Levin has made a substantive and impressive argument against Donald Trump’s trade rhetoric. Unlike many of the recent criticisms of the New York billionaire (“he’s a carnival barker, he’s a fraud, he’s a maniac”) Levin’s criticism is based on Trump’s actual policies and it is argued from a position of solid, fundamental conservative principles.

This is an important challenge to the presumptive GOP nominee and it deserves serious discussion.

The essay published on Levin’s Conservative Review website raises the uncomfortable fact that despite his “protectionist adjacent” rhetoric during the primary campaign, Trump has personally benefited from the very free trade policies he now decries:

While Trump and his surrogates denounce free trade, proclaiming that they stand with and for America’s working men and women, they find it hard to explain away the billionaire’s own practices for most of his business career. As it turns out, Trump has never shown any qualms about using foreign labor, foreign capital and even foreign-owned companies to service his personal interests and acquire wealth.

Even a cursory examination of Trump’s business dealings reveals that playing in international markets is a matter of routine for him. The Donald J. Trump Collection brand shirts, eyeglasses, perfume, cufflinks and suits are made in low-wage countries like Bangladesh, China, Honduras, and Mexico to keep costs down. And Ivanka Trump’s own product line imports 628 of its 838 items on offer.

Other Trump brand products such as shoes, ballpoint pens, soap and ties have been outsourced to China, Japan, Honduras, Brazil, Norway, Italy and Germany since 2006. And about 1,200 shipments of Trump brand goods have been imported into the United States by foreign companies since 2011.

Mark Levin hits ‘Trump the globalist’ on trade policy contradictions - Hot Air



Yo, Trump Lovers? Bloggers?

""One reason that the site might lean Trump is that, in Portelli’s words, there is no editorial process. “People sign up and write pretty much whatever they want,” he told us. He claims to have a series of authors writing for the site, although most posts appear under Balough’s or Carella’s names....Those names, incidentally, link back to author pages that are named “alex” and “josh” in the URL — suggesting that the authors might simply be Portelli and Barton, the web developer""


Being right can be unpopular.
Ah that explains why he was popular for so long
I hope that Trump will be a great president if he is elected. However, I would not be surprised if we will not soon be missing the establishment republicans once he in office for awhile. Trump has a lot of issues; however, since he has never held office we cannot judge him the same way we do other politicians.

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