Let's take a look of what being gay can mean in Iran

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Do gays demand that we celebrate homosexual behavior? How did you reach that conclusion? Do you have a link to such a statement? Many gay people want, at the very least, civil unions for gay couples so that gay couples have the same degree of access to the benefits that married couples receive. I don’t see that they demand that we celebrate homosexual activity. Even if laws were passed allowing gay marriage, it does not follow that I would be forced to celebrate homosexual behavior. Abortion is allowed. I’m not celebrating abortion.

Please be more specific about the use of the term accept. Are you referring to the laws that prohibit discrimination in hiring, promotion, discharge, pay, fringe benefits, job training, classification, referral, and other aspects of employment, on the basis of race, color (a genetic condition), religion (a choice), sex or national origin? I accept that people are trying to get sexual orientation included in the list of things for which people can’t be discriminated against. I doubt that they have succeeded. Even if they have succeeded, I don’t see that my non-discrimination against gays necessarily follows that I accept homosexual behavior. Again, where is it written that that I must accept the personal behavior of anyone?

Marriage is a privledge. It has many tax benefits to promote people to have kids, because having kids is a burden and costly. A society needs to reproduce to remain.
So, why should a homosexual couple get the benefits of a marriage (tax breaks etc) that a single person shouldnt.?
And dont give me that, "old people who cant have kids can marry, etc" I think you are too smart for that stupid kindergarten reply.
Marriage is a privledge. It has many tax benefits to promote people to have kids, because having kids is a burden and costly. A society needs to reproduce to remain.
So, why should a homosexual couple get the benefits of a marriage (tax breaks etc) that a single person shouldnt.?
And dont give me that, "old people who cant have kids can marry, etc" I think you are too smart for that stupid kindergarten reply.
The state allows barren couples to marry, y'know. Marriage, as a term in American law and standards, doesn't require procreation as a reason for marriage.
Here is an experience I had 16 year ago. A nephew of mine showed signs of FEMINE behavior when he was just four years old. He was very much into girl stuff. Now today (20 years old) he is a full blown homosexual. How does a kid learn to become the opposite sex at 4 to 5 years old unless it was programmed into them already. I've also seen homosexual behavior in dogs. I've seen a female dog which refuses to be humped by a male but instead tries to hump a female. Did the dog learn homosexuality as well?

Screwed up parenting in both instances.
Screwed up parenting in both instances.
I hope to God you're kidding.

1.) You don't know how the parents raised the child. For all you know, they could've been the great example of a Christian family. It happens, you know.

2.) How can animals screw up parenting? They do what's natural to them.
I hope to God you're kidding.

1.) You don't know how the parents raised the child. For all you know, they could've been the great example of a Christian family. It happens, you know.

2.) How can animals screw up parenting? They do what's natural to them.

I thought you didn't believe in God.

1. I know that the parents ignored the child's abnormal developmen, per the statement made.
2. There is nothing natural about screwed up parenting- by dogs or humans.
Screwed up parenting in both instances.

Whenever I hear someone spout off 'screwed up parenting' for anything, I am always reminded of how Autism was originally thought of as being caused by a 'refrigerator mother.' Then the medical community figured out that it was more complicated than that. I believe science will come up with a better explanation of homosexuality than simply 'society / parents did it to them.'
I thought you didn't believe in God.

1. I know that the parents ignored the child's abnormal developmen, per the statement made.
2. There is nothing natural about screwed up parenting- by dogs or humans.
Obviously very few people listen to what I actually say. I'm a deist. I believe there is a god.

1.) There is no mentioning of the child's "abnormal development" being ignored. I believe you should keep your mouth shut until CTRLALTDEL actually gives more perspective into how the parents felt towarwds things and treated the child. Don't make speculations on things like this.

2.) Okay, what do you not understand about animals not being able to screw up parenting? They only follow their natural instincts in parenting.
The state allows barren couples to marry, y'know. Marriage, as a term in American law and standards, doesn't require procreation as a reason for marriage.

No, but the current definition of marriage has been the accepted definition for what... centuries? Millenia?

Remember, the law is a representation of codified societal norms that a society chooses to live by. As societies change, sometimes the laws change with them, and sometimes they do not.

Neither here nor there I guess, just commenting on your reference to marriage in legal codes.....
No, but the current definition of marriage has been the accepted definition for what... centuries? Millenia?

Remember, the law is a representation of codified societal norms that a society chooses to live by. As societies change, sometimes the laws change with them, and sometimes they do not.

Neither here nor there I guess, just commenting on your reference to marriage in legal codes.....

Slavery and segregation were codified societal norms as well. Doesn't make it right and doesn't mean laws shouldn't be re-evaluated.
That's apart of human nature too. We're naturally egotistical and full of pride. Some of us are good at overcoming it and some of us aren't.

Sorry, but I gotta agree with Gunny on this. Pride and its effects on ego are a direct result of environment, hence a learned behaviour. The instinct for fight or flight would be an example of a naturally occuring behaviour pattern. Now, that being said, natural behaviours can be overcome or conditioned into other responses via learning and environmental factors, so simply writing something off as "natural" is short-sighted as it denies the ability of the higher-self to overcome primal urges.
Whenever I hear someone spout off 'screwed up parenting' for anything, I am always reminded of how Autism was originally thought of as being caused by a 'refrigerator mother.' Then the medical community figured out that it was more complicated than that. I believe science will come up with a better explanation of homosexuality than simply 'society / parents did it to them.'

Science has been working on this one for a while now, and so far, no evidence of genetics. It is well known that many homosexuals in fact have made a choice, and it is up to parents to help their kids make the right choices.
Science has been working on this one for a while now, and so far, no evidence of genetics. It is well known that many homosexuals in fact have made a choice, and it is up to parents to help their kids make the right choices.
The choice to engage in sex is a choice. To be attracted to people of the opposite or same sex, however, isn't.
Obviously very few people listen to what I actually say. I'm a deist. I believe there is a god.

1.) There is no mentioning of the child's "abnormal development" being ignored. I believe you should keep your mouth shut until CTRLALTDEL actually gives more perspective into how the parents felt towarwds things and treated the child. Don't make speculations on things like this.

2.) Okay, what do you not understand about animals not being able to screw up parenting? They only follow their natural instincts in parenting.

Yes, I remember now. Sorry.

1. No reason to get rude. It is obvious that the parents screwed up based on the result. Very simple.
2. So dogs and surrogate human parents can't do wrong, and their offspring cannot learn. Is that your position?
The choice to engage in sex is a choice. To be attracted to people of the opposite or same sex, however, isn't.
Incorrect, as there have been many examples of people engaing in homosexual affairs in their younger years, only to become involved in a heterosexual affair later on. A famous example is Ellen Degeneres' babe (what's her name?). I have witnessed several college friends who did the exact same thing.
Yes, I remember now. Sorry.

1. No reason to get rude. It is obvious that the parents screwed up based on the result. Very simple.
2. So dogs and surrogate human parents can't do wrong, and their offspring cannot learn. Is that your position?
1.) Sorry to come off as rude, but I get annoyed by people who make assumptions on parenting without first know any of the facts, as you're still doing.

2.) I'm not talking about humans, I'm talking about other creatures within the kingdom animalia. Humans are more interactive with their children's upbringing and are therefore liable to screw up in raising a child. Animals don't so much as raise their young as they do instruct them in the ways of their specific species. Animals can't really screw up parenting unless you magically make them alcoholics or something.
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