Let's speak freely . . .


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
The democratic party has appointed itself the enemy of all American People and has, beyond any shadow of a doubt, become the gravest direct threat to American Civilization. A vote for any democrat candidate at any level is a vote against our country, our civilization and the survival of the human race. Anyone who votes democrat in any current or coming election sides with and provides aid and comfort to the enemy. Unfortunately, this includes all of our friends, co-workers, family members and the rest of those people we know and love best. I understand that many of us Americans who love our nation, who have honorably served our nation, who want to see our nation survive will want to make excuses for those we love and cherish who vote democrat. Will want say that our democrat loved ones were brainwashed or deceived or even mentally ill at the time they voted democrat and supported the enemy. However, I am quite unhappy in having to inform you all that it is too late; too late for those who have and will vote democrat to be "awakened" or "saved" or to have some sense talked into them—they've become agents and helpers of pure human evil.

So there's that and then there's the endless, blatant lying by both democrat politicians and just about the entire mainstream media. By lying I mean lying in plain sight. By deception I mean the tendency of democrat politicians and media to create nationwide crises themselves, again, in plain sight—and to then twist the facts of whatever situation and lay whatever crisis at the feet of someone else, most often either the President of the United States or people possessed of lighter skin tones. What I am getting at is the democrats and their media lackeys know who is really guilty in whatever situation or criminal enterprise yet still openly report that someone else is to blame. That is their new modus operandi and it is destroying the very fabric and foundations of our nation. Frankly, someone needs to immediately remove forever their ability to spread the lies and carry out the deceptions or there will not be an America left to live in and raise our children.

And then there's this new cult of surrender sweeping our nation. The way this cult worships is by bending the knee (kneeling) at the feet of the most dangerous enemy of our civilization. All across America civilians, cops, soldiers and politicians are fucking getting down on their knees and submitting to rioters, looters, rapists, murderers and other assorted savages, all of whom are currently attacking American people, property, culture, heritage and history. Again, let's be frank. When our leaders, warriors; our educators, professionals, clergy and just about everyone else kneels before the enemy, well my fellow Americans, then there is no fucking America left and it is time end our history and start writing a new one, a history that begins with the sweeping, utter defeat and fall of our country.

Finally, as an American, as a soldier who has served his nation for over twenty-nine years, I ask all of you to refuse to kneel before the enemy at all costs—even to save your own lives. I ask you not to vote for the enemy of our nation, the enemy of all mankind. Please join me in taking a stand against the pure human evil rising like a foul, viscous tide from coast to coast and sea to shining sea. Stand strong. Never give up, never give in. If it comes down to it, please go out of this life on your feet, not down on your knees. Stay safe and God bless you.
The democratic party has appointed itself the enemy of all American People and has, beyond any shadow of a doubt, become the gravest direct threat to American Civilization. A vote for any democrat candidate at any level is a vote against our country, our civilization and the survival of the human race. Anyone who votes democrat in any current or coming election sides with and provides aid and comfort to the enemy. Unfortunately, this includes all of our friends, co-workers, family members and the rest of those people we know and love best. I understand that many of us Americans who love our nation, who have honorably served our nation, who want to see our nation survive will want to make excuses for those we love and cherish who vote democrat. Will want say that our democrat loved ones were brainwashed or deceived or even mentally ill at the time they voted democrat and supported the enemy. However, I am quite unhappy in having to inform you all that it is too late; too late for those who have and will vote democrat to be "awakened" or "saved" or to have some sense talked into them—they've become agents and helpers of pure human evil.

So there's that and then there's the endless, blatant lying by both democrat politicians and just about the entire mainstream media. By lying I mean lying in plain sight. By deception I mean the tendency of democrat politicians and media to create nationwide crises themselves, again, in plain sight—and to then twist the facts of whatever situation and lay whatever crisis at the feet of someone else, most often either the President of the United States or people possessed of lighter skin tones. What I am getting at is the democrats and their media lackeys know who is really guilty in whatever situation or criminal enterprise yet still openly report that someone else is to blame. That is their new modus operandi and it is destroying the very fabric and foundations of our nation. Frankly, someone needs to immediately remove forever their ability to spread the lies and carry out the deceptions or there will not be an America left to live in and raise our children.

And then there's this new cult of surrender sweeping our nation. The way this cult worships is by bending the knee (kneeling) at the feet of the most dangerous enemy of our civilization. All across America civilians, cops, soldiers and politicians are fucking getting down on their knees and submitting to rioters, looters, rapists, murderers and other assorted savages, all of whom are currently attacking American people, property, culture, heritage and history. Again, let's be frank. When our leaders, warriors; our educators, professionals, clergy and just about everyone else kneels before the enemy, well my fellow Americans, then there is no fucking America left and it is time end our history and start writing a new one, a history that begins with the sweeping, utter defeat and fall of our country.

Finally, as an American, as a soldier who has served his nation for over twenty-nine years, I ask all of you to refuse to kneel before the enemy at all costs—even to save your own lives. I ask you not to vote for the enemy of our nation, the enemy of all mankind. Please join me in taking a stand against the pure human evil rising like a foul, viscous tide from coast to coast and sea to shining sea. Stand strong. Never give up, never give in. If it comes down to it, please go out of this life on your feet, not down on your knees. Stay safe and God bless you.
Jesus fucking christ you are a piece of shit
The democratic party has appointed itself the enemy of all American People and has, beyond any shadow of a doubt, become the gravest direct threat to American Civilization. A vote for any democrat candidate at any level is a vote against our country, our civilization and the survival of the human race. Anyone who votes democrat in any current or coming election sides with and provides aid and comfort to the enemy. Unfortunately, this includes all of our friends, co-workers, family members and the rest of those people we know and love best. I understand that many of us Americans who love our nation, who have honorably served our nation, who want to see our nation survive will want to make excuses for those we love and cherish who vote democrat. Will want say that our democrat loved ones were brainwashed or deceived or even mentally ill at the time they voted democrat and supported the enemy. However, I am quite unhappy in having to inform you all that it is too late; too late for those who have and will vote democrat to be "awakened" or "saved" or to have some sense talked into them—they've become agents and helpers of pure human evil.

So there's that and then there's the endless, blatant lying by both democrat politicians and just about the entire mainstream media. By lying I mean lying in plain sight. By deception I mean the tendency of democrat politicians and media to create nationwide crises themselves, again, in plain sight—and to then twist the facts of whatever situation and lay whatever crisis at the feet of someone else, most often either the President of the United States or people possessed of lighter skin tones. What I am getting at is the democrats and their media lackeys know who is really guilty in whatever situation or criminal enterprise yet still openly report that someone else is to blame. That is their new modus operandi and it is destroying the very fabric and foundations of our nation. Frankly, someone needs to immediately remove forever their ability to spread the lies and carry out the deceptions or there will not be an America left to live in and raise our children.

And then there's this new cult of surrender sweeping our nation. The way this cult worships is by bending the knee (kneeling) at the feet of the most dangerous enemy of our civilization. All across America civilians, cops, soldiers and politicians are fucking getting down on their knees and submitting to rioters, looters, rapists, murderers and other assorted savages, all of whom are currently attacking American people, property, culture, heritage and history. Again, let's be frank. When our leaders, warriors; our educators, professionals, clergy and just about everyone else kneels before the enemy, well my fellow Americans, then there is no fucking America left and it is time end our history and start writing a new one, a history that begins with the sweeping, utter defeat and fall of our country.

Finally, as an American, as a soldier who has served his nation for over twenty-nine years, I ask all of you to refuse to kneel before the enemy at all costs—even to save your own lives. I ask you not to vote for the enemy of our nation, the enemy of all mankind. Please join me in taking a stand against the pure human evil rising like a foul, viscous tide from coast to coast and sea to shining sea. Stand strong. Never give up, never give in. If it comes down to it, please go out of this life on your feet, not down on your knees. Stay safe and God bless you.
Thank you for yet ANOTHER fantastic post. So heartfelt and SO true. It's FRIGHTENING what the Democratic Party has become. Frightening and so very sad.
The democratic party has appointed itself the enemy of all American People and has, beyond any shadow of a doubt, become the gravest direct threat to American Civilization. A vote for any democrat candidate at any level is a vote against our country, our civilization and the survival of the human race. Anyone who votes democrat in any current or coming election sides with and provides aid and comfort to the enemy. Unfortunately, this includes all of our friends, co-workers, family members and the rest of those people we know and love best. I understand that many of us Americans who love our nation, who have honorably served our nation, who want to see our nation survive will want to make excuses for those we love and cherish who vote democrat. Will want say that our democrat loved ones were brainwashed or deceived or even mentally ill at the time they voted democrat and supported the enemy. However, I am quite unhappy in having to inform you all that it is too late; too late for those who have and will vote democrat to be "awakened" or "saved" or to have some sense talked into them—they've become agents and helpers of pure human evil.

So there's that and then there's the endless, blatant lying by both democrat politicians and just about the entire mainstream media. By lying I mean lying in plain sight. By deception I mean the tendency of democrat politicians and media to create nationwide crises themselves, again, in plain sight—and to then twist the facts of whatever situation and lay whatever crisis at the feet of someone else, most often either the President of the United States or people possessed of lighter skin tones. What I am getting at is the democrats and their media lackeys know who is really guilty in whatever situation or criminal enterprise yet still openly report that someone else is to blame. That is their new modus operandi and it is destroying the very fabric and foundations of our nation. Frankly, someone needs to immediately remove forever their ability to spread the lies and carry out the deceptions or there will not be an America left to live in and raise our children.

And then there's this new cult of surrender sweeping our nation. The way this cult worships is by bending the knee (kneeling) at the feet of the most dangerous enemy of our civilization. All across America civilians, cops, soldiers and politicians are fucking getting down on their knees and submitting to rioters, looters, rapists, murderers and other assorted savages, all of whom are currently attacking American people, property, culture, heritage and history. Again, let's be frank. When our leaders, warriors; our educators, professionals, clergy and just about everyone else kneels before the enemy, well my fellow Americans, then there is no fucking America left and it is time end our history and start writing a new one, a history that begins with the sweeping, utter defeat and fall of our country.

Finally, as an American, as a soldier who has served his nation for over twenty-nine years, I ask all of you to refuse to kneel before the enemy at all costs—even to save your own lives. I ask you not to vote for the enemy of our nation, the enemy of all mankind. Please join me in taking a stand against the pure human evil rising like a foul, viscous tide from coast to coast and sea to shining sea. Stand strong. Never give up, never give in. If it comes down to it, please go out of this life on your feet, not down on your knees. Stay safe and God bless you.
I've been saying the same thing for awhile. The Democratic Party within the last few years has become a hostile force working against the American people and for anything and anyone that undermines us. They have been usurped by very powerful, very evil people who want control of this country at any cost. If you vote Democrat you are voting for the demise of this country.

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