Let's debunk a right wing media (and Trump admin) myth, shall we.


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
There's a theory being promoted, not just by RWM but by members of the admin, that COVID is a man-made virus that "escaped from the lab." The implication being from at least some quarters that China intentionally unleashed the virus on the world (and themselves) for nefarious purposes. Oddly, at least one member of the admin has spoken out of both sides of his mouth as to COVID's origin.

Let's flush this out.

First, what does science say about whether it's man-made or not?

No, the coronavirus wasn’t made in a lab. A genetic analysis shows it’s from nature

"The coronavirus pandemic circling the globe is caused by a natural virus, not one made in a lab, a new study says.

The virus’s genetic makeup reveals that SARS-CoV-2 isn’t a mishmash of known viruses, as might be expected if it were human-made. And it has unusual features that have only recently been identified in scaly anteaters called pangolins, evidence that the virus came from nature, Kristian Andersen and his colleagues report March 17 in Nature Medicine."

So, not man-made.
At this point is gets a bit weird. Because what the "escaped from the lab" theory actually seems to imply is the Chinese were experimenting on viruses and COVID got out. The language is important here since the word "escaped" suggests the Chinese didn't let the virus spread intentionally. Rather, "escaped" suggests it was a horrible mistake. A scenario whereby a scientist working in the lab was infected and unwittingly infected people outside. There is no evidence of this. Also, I wanted to add that if you believe China did this intentionally you must admit is was monumentally stupid of them to release it so close to a lab. Why not 1K miles away from a lab to throw the international community off their tracks?

The more probable scenario is..............
The coronavirus likely came from China’s wet markets. They’re reopening anyway.
Under either scenario a case can be made for China being negligent. Wet animal markets have long been recognized as a potential incubator for these types of viruses. If the virus "escaped" from the lab near Wuhan then they again bear responsibility for being negligent. Additionally, there is no dispute that under any circumstance the Chinese government is culpable for not informing the world about what was happening in China when the virus began to spread. That is unequivocal.
However, the admin and its media lackeys needs to be more precise about what China is being accused of relative to why the virus began to spread. Chinese authorities are undoubtedly guilty of carelessness and of covering up COVID's early spread. For political purposes, China's culpability is being exploited by the admin in seeking a scapegoat for its own inadequate, inconsistent, and generally bungled response. But for the sake of accuracy, the evidence so far shows the COVID pandemic came about as the result of a tragic sequence of events, not on purpose.
There's a theory being promoted, not just by RWM but by members of the admin, that COVID is a man-made virus that "escaped from the lab." The implication being from at least some quarters that China intentionally unleashed the virus on the world (and themselves) for nefarious purposes. Oddly, at least one member of the admin has spoken out of both sides of his mouth as to COVID's origin.

Let's flush this out.

First, what does science say about whether it's man-made or not?

No, the coronavirus wasn’t made in a lab. A genetic analysis shows it’s from nature

"The coronavirus pandemic circling the globe is caused by a natural virus, not one made in a lab, a new study says.

The virus’s genetic makeup reveals that SARS-CoV-2 isn’t a mishmash of known viruses, as might be expected if it were human-made. And it has unusual features that have only recently been identified in scaly anteaters called pangolins, evidence that the virus came from nature, Kristian Andersen and his colleagues report March 17 in Nature Medicine."

So, not man-made.
At this point is gets a bit weird. Because what the "escaped from the lab" theory actually seems to imply is the Chinese were experimenting on viruses and COVID got out. The language is important here since the word "escaped" suggests the Chinese didn't let the virus spread intentionally. Rather, "escaped" suggests it was a horrible mistake. A scenario whereby a scientist working in the lab was infected and unwittingly infected people outside. There is no evidence of this. Also, I wanted to add that if you believe China did this intentionally you must admit is was monumentally stupid of them to release it so close to a lab. Why not 1K miles away from a lab to throw the international community off their tracks?

The more probable scenario is..............
The coronavirus likely came from China’s wet markets. They’re reopening anyway.
Under either scenario a case can be made for China being negligent. Wet animal markets have long been recognized as a potential incubator for these types of viruses. If the virus "escaped" from the lab near Wuhan then they again bear responsibility for being negligent. Additionally, there is no dispute that under any circumstance the Chinese government is culpable for not informing the world about what was happening in China when the virus began to spread. That is unequivocal.
However, the admin and its media lackeys needs to be more precise about what China is being accused of relative to why the virus began to spread. Chinese authorities are undoubtedly guilty of carelessness and of covering up COVID's early spread. For political purposes, China's culpability is being exploited by the admin in seeking a scapegoat for its own inadequate, inconsistent, and generally bungled response. But for the sake of accuracy, the evidence so far shows the COVID pandemic came about as the result of a tragic sequence of events, not on purpose.

You're a good little commie bootlicker....Bet you have your local tattletale number on speed dial too, huh?

YOU ARE RETARD ON STEROIDS -- WHICH MEANS YOUR USELESS TO TELL WHY THIS POST IS FULL of shit , Weak minds want to follow and believe even weaker -ussies....... The weak always try to string along their fellow sheep because dumb k--ts want others to be just as stupid. lmfao you velieve this pushed hyped about Trump gawd dam those of you who still post this shit trash lie on him cann't believe how fkn nretarded you stupid fks are. YOu certainly deserve all you assholes got coming at least nature can take care of the real losers.
There's a theory being promoted, not just by RWM but by members of the admin, that COVID is a man-made virus that "escaped from the lab." The implication being from at least some quarters that China intentionally unleashed the virus on the world (and themselves) for nefarious purposes. Oddly, at least one member of the admin has spoken out of both sides of his mouth as to COVID's origin.

Let's flush this out.

First, what does science say about whether it's man-made or not?

No, the coronavirus wasn’t made in a lab. A genetic analysis shows it’s from nature

"The coronavirus pandemic circling the globe is caused by a natural virus, not one made in a lab, a new study says.

The virus’s genetic makeup reveals that SARS-CoV-2 isn’t a mishmash of known viruses, as might be expected if it were human-made. And it has unusual features that have only recently been identified in scaly anteaters called pangolins, evidence that the virus came from nature, Kristian Andersen and his colleagues report March 17 in Nature Medicine."

So, not man-made.
At this point is gets a bit weird. Because what the "escaped from the lab" theory actually seems to imply is the Chinese were experimenting on viruses and COVID got out. The language is important here since the word "escaped" suggests the Chinese didn't let the virus spread intentionally. Rather, "escaped" suggests it was a horrible mistake. A scenario whereby a scientist working in the lab was infected and unwittingly infected people outside. There is no evidence of this. Also, I wanted to add that if you believe China did this intentionally you must admit is was monumentally stupid of them to release it so close to a lab. Why not 1K miles away from a lab to throw the international community off their tracks?

The more probable scenario is..............
The coronavirus likely came from China’s wet markets. They’re reopening anyway.
Under either scenario a case can be made for China being negligent. Wet animal markets have long been recognized as a potential incubator for these types of viruses. If the virus "escaped" from the lab near Wuhan then they again bear responsibility for being negligent. Additionally, there is no dispute that under any circumstance the Chinese government is culpable for not informing the world about what was happening in China when the virus began to spread. That is unequivocal.
However, the admin and its media lackeys needs to be more precise about what China is being accused of relative to why the virus began to spread. Chinese authorities are undoubtedly guilty of carelessness and of covering up COVID's early spread. For political purposes, China's culpability is being exploited by the admin in seeking a scapegoat for its own inadequate, inconsistent, and generally bungled response. But for the sake of accuracy, the evidence so far shows the COVID pandemic came about as the result of a tragic sequence of events, not on purpose.

since your comment contradicts itself no less than 3 times in the first paragraph all I can do is laugh at you and mock any further comments,,,
There's a theory being promoted, not just by RWM but by members of the admin, that COVID is a man-made virus that "escaped from the lab." The implication being from at least some quarters that China intentionally unleashed the virus on the world (and themselves) for nefarious purposes. Oddly, at least one member of the admin has spoken out of both sides of his mouth as to COVID's origin.

Let's flush this out.

First, what does science say about whether it's man-made or not?

No, the coronavirus wasn’t made in a lab. A genetic analysis shows it’s from nature

"The coronavirus pandemic circling the globe is caused by a natural virus, not one made in a lab, a new study says.

The virus’s genetic makeup reveals that SARS-CoV-2 isn’t a mishmash of known viruses, as might be expected if it were human-made. And it has unusual features that have only recently been identified in scaly anteaters called pangolins, evidence that the virus came from nature, Kristian Andersen and his colleagues report March 17 in Nature Medicine."

So, not man-made.
At this point is gets a bit weird. Because what the "escaped from the lab" theory actually seems to imply is the Chinese were experimenting on viruses and COVID got out. The language is important here since the word "escaped" suggests the Chinese didn't let the virus spread intentionally. Rather, "escaped" suggests it was a horrible mistake. A scenario whereby a scientist working in the lab was infected and unwittingly infected people outside. There is no evidence of this. Also, I wanted to add that if you believe China did this intentionally you must admit is was monumentally stupid of them to release it so close to a lab. Why not 1K miles away from a lab to throw the international community off their tracks?

The more probable scenario is..............
The coronavirus likely came from China’s wet markets. They’re reopening anyway.
Under either scenario a case can be made for China being negligent. Wet animal markets have long been recognized as a potential incubator for these types of viruses. If the virus "escaped" from the lab near Wuhan then they again bear responsibility for being negligent. Additionally, there is no dispute that under any circumstance the Chinese government is culpable for not informing the world about what was happening in China when the virus began to spread. That is unequivocal.
However, the admin and its media lackeys needs to be more precise about what China is being accused of relative to why the virus began to spread. Chinese authorities are undoubtedly guilty of carelessness and of covering up COVID's early spread. For political purposes, China's culpability is being exploited by the admin in seeking a scapegoat for its own inadequate, inconsistent, and generally bungled response. But for the sake of accuracy, the evidence so far shows the COVID pandemic came about as the result of a tragic sequence of events, not on purpose.

Thanks for your cut and paste post with zero original thought behind it, BWK.
There's a theory being promoted, not just by RWM but by members of the admin, that COVID is a man-made virus that "escaped from the lab." The implication being from at least some quarters that China intentionally unleashed the virus on the world (and themselves) for nefarious purposes. Oddly, at least one member of the admin has spoken out of both sides of his mouth as to COVID's origin.

Let's flush this out.

First, what does science say about whether it's man-made or not?

No, the coronavirus wasn’t made in a lab. A genetic analysis shows it’s from nature

"The coronavirus pandemic circling the globe is caused by a natural virus, not one made in a lab, a new study says.

The virus’s genetic makeup reveals that SARS-CoV-2 isn’t a mishmash of known viruses, as might be expected if it were human-made. And it has unusual features that have only recently been identified in scaly anteaters called pangolins, evidence that the virus came from nature, Kristian Andersen and his colleagues report March 17 in Nature Medicine."

So, not man-made.
At this point is gets a bit weird. Because what the "escaped from the lab" theory actually seems to imply is the Chinese were experimenting on viruses and COVID got out. The language is important here since the word "escaped" suggests the Chinese didn't let the virus spread intentionally. Rather, "escaped" suggests it was a horrible mistake. A scenario whereby a scientist working in the lab was infected and unwittingly infected people outside. There is no evidence of this. Also, I wanted to add that if you believe China did this intentionally you must admit is was monumentally stupid of them to release it so close to a lab. Why not 1K miles away from a lab to throw the international community off their tracks?

The more probable scenario is..............
The coronavirus likely came from China’s wet markets. They’re reopening anyway.
Under either scenario a case can be made for China being negligent. Wet animal markets have long been recognized as a potential incubator for these types of viruses. If the virus "escaped" from the lab near Wuhan then they again bear responsibility for being negligent. Additionally, there is no dispute that under any circumstance the Chinese government is culpable for not informing the world about what was happening in China when the virus began to spread. That is unequivocal.
However, the admin and its media lackeys needs to be more precise about what China is being accused of relative to why the virus began to spread. Chinese authorities are undoubtedly guilty of carelessness and of covering up COVID's early spread. For political purposes, China's culpability is being exploited by the admin in seeking a scapegoat for its own inadequate, inconsistent, and generally bungled response. But for the sake of accuracy, the evidence so far shows the COVID pandemic came about as the result of a tragic sequence of events, not on purpose.

Is anyone really shocked that the Democrats are on China's side?
China owns the Dems, including PedoJoe Biden
There's a theory being promoted, not just by RWM but by members of the admin, that COVID is a man-made virus that "escaped from the lab." The implication being from at least some quarters that China intentionally unleashed the virus on the world (and themselves) for nefarious purposes. Oddly, at least one member of the admin has spoken out of both sides of his mouth as to COVID's origin.

Let's flush this out.

First, what does science say about whether it's man-made or not?

No, the coronavirus wasn’t made in a lab. A genetic analysis shows it’s from nature

"The coronavirus pandemic circling the globe is caused by a natural virus, not one made in a lab, a new study says.

The virus’s genetic makeup reveals that SARS-CoV-2 isn’t a mishmash of known viruses, as might be expected if it were human-made. And it has unusual features that have only recently been identified in scaly anteaters called pangolins, evidence that the virus came from nature, Kristian Andersen and his colleagues report March 17 in Nature Medicine."

So, not man-made.
At this point is gets a bit weird. Because what the "escaped from the lab" theory actually seems to imply is the Chinese were experimenting on viruses and COVID got out. The language is important here since the word "escaped" suggests the Chinese didn't let the virus spread intentionally. Rather, "escaped" suggests it was a horrible mistake. A scenario whereby a scientist working in the lab was infected and unwittingly infected people outside. There is no evidence of this. Also, I wanted to add that if you believe China did this intentionally you must admit is was monumentally stupid of them to release it so close to a lab. Why not 1K miles away from a lab to throw the international community off their tracks?

The more probable scenario is..............
The coronavirus likely came from China’s wet markets. They’re reopening anyway.
Under either scenario a case can be made for China being negligent. Wet animal markets have long been recognized as a potential incubator for these types of viruses. If the virus "escaped" from the lab near Wuhan then they again bear responsibility for being negligent. Additionally, there is no dispute that under any circumstance the Chinese government is culpable for not informing the world about what was happening in China when the virus began to spread. That is unequivocal.
However, the admin and its media lackeys needs to be more precise about what China is being accused of relative to why the virus began to spread. Chinese authorities are undoubtedly guilty of carelessness and of covering up COVID's early spread. For political purposes, China's culpability is being exploited by the admin in seeking a scapegoat for its own inadequate, inconsistent, and generally bungled response. But for the sake of accuracy, the evidence so far shows the COVID pandemic came about as the result of a tragic sequence of events, not on purpose.

I don't give a flying fuck if the virus came from the butts of flying rainbow-colored unicorns. It still came from Communist China, it's still the Communist Chinese Wuhan Virus, and the blame still rests squarely on the CHICOMs.

President Trump and the right-wing media had nothing to do with it, and it's you liberals who overreacted by shutting everything down and destroying the American economy.
There's a theory being promoted, not just by RWM but by members of the admin, that COVID is a man-made virus that "escaped from the lab." The implication being from at least some quarters that China intentionally unleashed the virus on the world (and themselves) for nefarious purposes. Oddly, at least one member of the admin has spoken out of both sides of his mouth as to COVID's origin.

Let's flush this out.

First, what does science say about whether it's man-made or not?

No, the coronavirus wasn’t made in a lab. A genetic analysis shows it’s from nature

"The coronavirus pandemic circling the globe is caused by a natural virus, not one made in a lab, a new study says.

The virus’s genetic makeup reveals that SARS-CoV-2 isn’t a mishmash of known viruses, as might be expected if it were human-made. And it has unusual features that have only recently been identified in scaly anteaters called pangolins, evidence that the virus came from nature, Kristian Andersen and his colleagues report March 17 in Nature Medicine."

So, not man-made.
At this point is gets a bit weird. Because what the "escaped from the lab" theory actually seems to imply is the Chinese were experimenting on viruses and COVID got out. The language is important here since the word "escaped" suggests the Chinese didn't let the virus spread intentionally. Rather, "escaped" suggests it was a horrible mistake. A scenario whereby a scientist working in the lab was infected and unwittingly infected people outside. There is no evidence of this. Also, I wanted to add that if you believe China did this intentionally you must admit is was monumentally stupid of them to release it so close to a lab. Why not 1K miles away from a lab to throw the international community off their tracks?

The more probable scenario is..............
The coronavirus likely came from China’s wet markets. They’re reopening anyway.
Under either scenario a case can be made for China being negligent. Wet animal markets have long been recognized as a potential incubator for these types of viruses. If the virus "escaped" from the lab near Wuhan then they again bear responsibility for being negligent. Additionally, there is no dispute that under any circumstance the Chinese government is culpable for not informing the world about what was happening in China when the virus began to spread. That is unequivocal.
However, the admin and its media lackeys needs to be more precise about what China is being accused of relative to why the virus began to spread. Chinese authorities are undoubtedly guilty of carelessness and of covering up COVID's early spread. For political purposes, China's culpability is being exploited by the admin in seeking a scapegoat for its own inadequate, inconsistent, and generally bungled response. But for the sake of accuracy, the evidence so far shows the COVID pandemic came about as the result of a tragic sequence of events, not on purpose.

I don't give a flying fuck if the virus came from the butts of flying rainbow-colored unicorns. It still came from Communist China, it's still the Communist Chinese Wuhan Virus, and the blame still rests squarely on the CHICOMs.

President Trump and the right-wing media had nothing to do with it, and it's you liberals who overreacted by shutting everything down and destroying the American economy.

We agree the virus came from China. That wasn't in dispute.

The US response was botched. Shutting down the economy was absolutely necessary. On those points we disagree.
YOU ARE RETARD ON STEROIDS -- WHICH MEANS YOUR USELESS TO TELL WHY THIS POST IS FULL of shit , Weak minds want to follow and believe even weaker -ussies....... The weak always try to string along their fellow sheep because dumb k--ts want others to be just as stupid. lmfao you velieve this pushed hyped about Trump gawd dam those of you who still post this shit trash lie on him cann't believe how fkn nretarded you stupid fks are. YOu certainly deserve all you assholes got coming at least nature can take care of the real losers.
Take a breath girl..in...out..it'll be ok! :itsok:
Let no one ever say that you aren't passionate. If they do? They're a liar!
There's a theory being promoted, not just by RWM but by members of the admin, that COVID is a man-made virus that "escaped from the lab." The implication being from at least some quarters that China intentionally unleashed the virus on the world (and themselves) for nefarious purposes. Oddly, at least one member of the admin has spoken out of both sides of his mouth as to COVID's origin.

Let's flush this out.

First, what does science say about whether it's man-made or not?

No, the coronavirus wasn’t made in a lab. A genetic analysis shows it’s from nature

"The coronavirus pandemic circling the globe is caused by a natural virus, not one made in a lab, a new study says.

The virus’s genetic makeup reveals that SARS-CoV-2 isn’t a mishmash of known viruses, as might be expected if it were human-made. And it has unusual features that have only recently been identified in scaly anteaters called pangolins, evidence that the virus came from nature, Kristian Andersen and his colleagues report March 17 in Nature Medicine."

So, not man-made.
At this point is gets a bit weird. Because what the "escaped from the lab" theory actually seems to imply is the Chinese were experimenting on viruses and COVID got out. The language is important here since the word "escaped" suggests the Chinese didn't let the virus spread intentionally. Rather, "escaped" suggests it was a horrible mistake. A scenario whereby a scientist working in the lab was infected and unwittingly infected people outside. There is no evidence of this. Also, I wanted to add that if you believe China did this intentionally you must admit is was monumentally stupid of them to release it so close to a lab. Why not 1K miles away from a lab to throw the international community off their tracks?

The more probable scenario is..............
The coronavirus likely came from China’s wet markets. They’re reopening anyway.
Under either scenario a case can be made for China being negligent. Wet animal markets have long been recognized as a potential incubator for these types of viruses. If the virus "escaped" from the lab near Wuhan then they again bear responsibility for being negligent. Additionally, there is no dispute that under any circumstance the Chinese government is culpable for not informing the world about what was happening in China when the virus began to spread. That is unequivocal.
However, the admin and its media lackeys needs to be more precise about what China is being accused of relative to why the virus began to spread. Chinese authorities are undoubtedly guilty of carelessness and of covering up COVID's early spread. For political purposes, China's culpability is being exploited by the admin in seeking a scapegoat for its own inadequate, inconsistent, and generally bungled response. But for the sake of accuracy, the evidence so far shows the COVID pandemic came about as the result of a tragic sequence of events, not on purpose.

Let us all know when you actually have something other than China based talking points.
There's a theory being promoted, not just by RWM but by members of the admin, that COVID is a man-made virus that "escaped from the lab." The implication being from at least some quarters that China intentionally unleashed the virus on the world (and themselves) for nefarious purposes. Oddly, at least one member of the admin has spoken out of both sides of his mouth as to COVID's origin.

Let's flush this out.

First, what does science say about whether it's man-made or not?

No, the coronavirus wasn’t made in a lab. A genetic analysis shows it’s from nature

"The coronavirus pandemic circling the globe is caused by a natural virus, not one made in a lab, a new study says.

The virus’s genetic makeup reveals that SARS-CoV-2 isn’t a mishmash of known viruses, as might be expected if it were human-made. And it has unusual features that have only recently been identified in scaly anteaters called pangolins, evidence that the virus came from nature, Kristian Andersen and his colleagues report March 17 in Nature Medicine."

So, not man-made.
At this point is gets a bit weird. Because what the "escaped from the lab" theory actually seems to imply is the Chinese were experimenting on viruses and COVID got out. The language is important here since the word "escaped" suggests the Chinese didn't let the virus spread intentionally. Rather, "escaped" suggests it was a horrible mistake. A scenario whereby a scientist working in the lab was infected and unwittingly infected people outside. There is no evidence of this. Also, I wanted to add that if you believe China did this intentionally you must admit is was monumentally stupid of them to release it so close to a lab. Why not 1K miles away from a lab to throw the international community off their tracks?

The more probable scenario is..............
The coronavirus likely came from China’s wet markets. They’re reopening anyway.
Under either scenario a case can be made for China being negligent. Wet animal markets have long been recognized as a potential incubator for these types of viruses. If the virus "escaped" from the lab near Wuhan then they again bear responsibility for being negligent. Additionally, there is no dispute that under any circumstance the Chinese government is culpable for not informing the world about what was happening in China when the virus began to spread. That is unequivocal.
However, the admin and its media lackeys needs to be more precise about what China is being accused of relative to why the virus began to spread. Chinese authorities are undoubtedly guilty of carelessness and of covering up COVID's early spread. For political purposes, China's culpability is being exploited by the admin in seeking a scapegoat for its own inadequate, inconsistent, and generally bungled response. But for the sake of accuracy, the evidence so far shows the COVID pandemic came about as the result of a tragic sequence of events, not on purpose.

Is anyone really shocked that the Democrats are on China's side?
China owns the Dems, including PedoJoe Biden

You musta read my mind lol annd they just can't figure out where it's all coming from bahahah.

YOU ARE RETARD ON STEROIDS -- WHICH MEANS YOUR USELESS TO TELL WHY THIS POST IS FULL of shit , Weak minds want to follow and believe even weaker -ussies....... The weak always try to string along their fellow sheep because dumb k--ts want others to be just as stupid. lmfao you velieve this pushed hyped about Trump gawd dam those of you who still post this shit trash lie on him cann't believe how fkn nretarded you stupid fks are. YOu certainly deserve all you assholes got coming at least nature can take care of the real losers.
Take a breath girl..in...out..it'll be ok! :itsok:
Let no one ever say that you aren't passionate. If they do? They're a liar!
:laughing0301: :twirl::re:

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