Lets call this anything but privledge, black man gets probation for rape


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2014
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In response to the other thread about whitey getting 6 months, here is one about blackey getting probation. Talk about black privilege.

State District Judge Jeanine Howard gave Sir Young 5 years of deferred adjudication probation after he pleaded guilty to sexual assault.

He faced up to 20 years in prison.

He did 45 days in jail. Damn black privilege.

Judge gives man 5 years deferred adjudication probation for raping fellow Booker T. Washington High School student during school

Lets not forget he was 18 and the girl was 14, so damn black privilege allowed him to rape a child and get 45 days.
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In response to the other thread about whitey getting 6 months, here is one about blackey getting probation. Talk about black privilege.

State District Judge Jeanine Howard gave Sir Young 5 years of deferred adjudication probation after he pleaded guilty to sexual assault.

He faced up to 20 years in prison.

He did 45 days in jail. Damn black privilege.

Judge gives man 5 years deferred adjudication probation for raping fellow Booker T. Washington High School student during school

Anyone that commits rape ( no matter their sex, race or religion ) should get the maximum sentence allowed and nothing less.
I plan on raping myself to retire in the penal system...

Don't you mean the penile system?

And lets not forget, absolute silence from the left on this child rapist getting probation.
Horrible rape story. But ClosedCaption just got owned.
Anyone that commits rape ( no matter their sex, race or religion ) should get the maximum sentence allowed and nothing less.
I think rapists should get the death penalty.

Well you and I can agree on that but many will feel that our government should not be in the business killing those disgusting pieces of filth...
Horrible rape story. But ClosedCaption just got owned.
Closed caption's post must have been deleted.
Moron probably posted his typical drive by outrageousness and the mods finally had had enough.
Well you and I can agree on that but many will feel that our government should not be in the business killing those disgusting pieces of filth...
Many also think Global Climate Change isn't a myth, taxing businesses creates jobs somehow, and that attacking the oil and coal industries will lower the price of gas and electricity. It's okay for many to be wrong.
Oooooohhhhhh......shit.....but...but....this totally destroys ClosedCaptions argument.


Well...that was respectable of him to admit as much as retract his "privilege" thread wasn't it?
In response to the other thread about whitey getting 6 months, here is one about blackey getting probation. Talk about black privilege.

State District Judge Jeanine Howard gave Sir Young 5 years of deferred adjudication probation after he pleaded guilty to sexual assault.

He faced up to 20 years in prison.

He did 45 days in jail. Damn black privilege.

Judge gives man 5 years deferred adjudication probation for raping fellow Booker T. Washington High School student during school

Lets not forget he was 18 and the girl was 14, so damn black privilege allowed him to rape a child and get 45 days.
If you look at the details of the case the victim was found to have lied in her testimony which led to the BS sentence. Not an excuse, but an explanation. Legal hurdles are stupid, but it's better than letting him off easy because the "judge doesn't want to have a severe impact on the attacker." Anyways the loser is currently a fugitive on the run for violating pretty much everything the court ordered him to do. At least as of early May. Let's hope he's caught and punished correctly.

Btw it's kind of sick to use this story to defend a guy who dragged an unconscious girl behind a dumpster and bloodily had his way with her.
Well you and I can agree on that but many will feel that our government should not be in the business killing those disgusting pieces of filth...
Many also think Global Climate Change isn't a myth, taxing businesses creates jobs somehow, and that attacking the oil and coal industries will lower the price of gas and electricity. It's okay for many to be wrong.
taxes never stopped anyone in this country from not operating a business...
Oh ClosedCaption must have missed this......bump
I plan on raping myself to retire in the penal system...

Don't you mean the penile system?

And lets not forget, absolute silence from the left on this child rapist getting probation.

Sheesh, calm down big guy, no one has heard of this case. The judge in the other case said he was given a light sentence because jail would "severely impact him".

That's the difference. He should've gotten time no doubt. Are you saying the same about both cases?
I'm not sure if OP is trying to say that both cases are bad or both cases are fair?
I'm not sure if OP is trying to say that both cases are bad or both cases are fair?

No he saying that your thread about white privilege was retarded because blacks get slaps on the wrist for rape....or robbery or attempted murder....all the time.

It's the running joke in most cities. "Why isn't he in jail" with a rap sheet as thick as War and Peace.
There are major differences between this case and the Stamford case. This young man did not deny his crime and refuse to acknowledge what he had done. He admitted he raped the girl and that he should not have done that. Brock Turner mounted a vigorous defense of the charges which and further victimized his victim by having his lawyer expose every detail of her personal live, have the jury view pictures of her genitals and injuries, encouraging people like Tipsey to blame, shame and humiliate her.

For these reasons, he deserves a lesser sentence than Brock Turner, because there are degrees, even of rape. Turner's sentence should be the harshest because of the level of violence involved, and because of his refusal, even after conviction, to acknowledge his crime or show remorse for what he had done, he deserves the maximum sentence.

That being said, no rapist should ever be given probation. Ever.
In response to the other thread about whitey getting 6 months, here is one about blackey getting probation. Talk about black privilege.

State District Judge Jeanine Howard gave Sir Young 5 years of deferred adjudication probation after he pleaded guilty to sexual assault.

He faced up to 20 years in prison.

He did 45 days in jail. Damn black privilege.

Judge gives man 5 years deferred adjudication probation for raping fellow Booker T. Washington High School student during school

Lets not forget he was 18 and the girl was 14, so damn black privilege allowed him to rape a child and get 45 days.
"A blackey"? "A blackey"? Are you fucking serious? "A blackey"?

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