Lethal Threat to our Democray--- Universal Mail in Ballots


Senior Member
Aug 29, 2020

David J. Freed, U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, announced on Thursday afternoon that his office had opened an inquiry into the disposal of nine military mail-in ballots in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.

“Of the nine ballots that were discarded and then recovered, seven were cast for presidential candidate Donald Trump. Two of the discarded ballots had been resealed inside their appropriate envelopes by Luzerne elections staff prior to recovery by the FBI and the contents of those 2 ballots are unknown.”

But mail in voting is perfectly secure....Right? BS. The ONLY vote that is safe and secure is the one you cast in the voting both, in person, on election day. The claims that it is unsafe to vote in person due to Covid 19 are also BS. Every single day since the beginning of this pandemic, individuals have been out in public, standing in lines at grocery stores, attending protests and riots shoulder to shoulder. Currently most states are in phase 3 or 4 which means people are out and about most everywhere , with a mask, going about their business. Voting should be, and is, no different. Yet the Dumb-o crats and liberal socialists would have you believe it is somehow deathly unsafe to go and vote in person at the polling places.
Why you ask? Because they haven't yet figured out how to have non-citizens vote for them in person. Because they haven't yet figured out how to discard an in person vote cast for their opponent. Mail in voting is vulnerable to and will be rife with tampering, fraud and corruption. Yes, there are specific and special circumstances which require absentee ballots. Mass mailing of "convenience ballots" and absentee ballots is Apples and Oranges. These absentee ballots protect the rights of a citizen with SPECIAL needs that prevent them from going to the polling place on election day. It is NOT meant to make voting convenient because you are to lazy to get off your fat arse (or skinny for that matter) and go IN PERSON once every 4 years to select the leader of our Democratic Republic. These absentee ballots are mailed ONLY upon request, to a SPECIFIC person whose signature can be VERIFIED when returned just like it would be VERIFIED at the polling place to ensure the person casting the vote is who they say they are and has the RIGHT to vote. They are not just sent out like some piece of 3rd class junk mail to each and every postal address marked "Occupant". You are worried about foreign interference (Russia, Russia, Russia) in our elections? Imagine this scenario if we were to go to mass mail out-in ballots. Just prior to an election, in an attempt to sway an election one way or another, a foreign nation (Russia, Russia, Russia) floods our nation strategically in battle ground states, putting up in vacant apartments, operatives that are instructed to vote for a specific candidate of it's choice. With bulk mailed ballots going to each and every address, and with no signature verification upon return, the election outcome could EASILY be controlled by that Nation.
There IS election fraud. I know it to be a FACT. Individuals in my local community have been convicted of it and have GONE TO JAIL for it. SO DON"T TELL ME IT DOESN'T EXIST. And before you say it is so few and far between, save your breath and grow up. Just as with most everything else, we only know about the ones that get caught. Just because it hasn't been caught, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Lots of spouse cheat, but unless they get caught, we think they are loyal partners. Grow up, wake up, and smell the coffee.
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David J. Freed, U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, announced on Thursday afternoon that his office had opened an inquiry into the disposal of nine military mail-in ballots in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.

“Of the nine ballots that were discarded and then recovered, seven were cast for presidential candidate Donald Trump. Two of the discarded ballots had been resealed inside their appropriate envelopes by Luzerne elections staff prior to recovery by the FBI and the contents of those 2 ballots are unknown.”

But mail in voting is perfectly secure....Right? BS. The ONLY vote that is safe and secure is the one you cast in the voting both, in person, on election day. The claims that it is unsafe to vote in person due to Covid 19 are also BS. Every single day since the beginning of this pandemic, individuals have been out in public, standing in lines at grocery stores, attending protests and riots shoulder to shoulder. Currently most states are in phase 3 or 4 which means people are out and about most everywhere , with a mask, going about their business. Voting should be, and is, no different. Yet the Dumb-o crats and liberal socialists would have you believe it is somehow deathly unsafe to go and vote in person at the polling places.
Why you ask? Because they haven't yet figured out how to have non-citizens vote for them in person. Because they haven't yet figured out how to discard an in person vote cast for their opponent. Mail in voting is vulnerable to and will be rife with tampering, fraud and corruption. Yes, there are specific and special circumstances which require absentee ballots. Mass mailing of "convenience ballots" and absentee ballots is Apples and Oranges. These absentee ballots protect the rights of a citizen with SPECIAL needs that prevent them from going to the polling place on election day. It is NOT meant to make voting convenient because you are to lazy to get off your fat arse (or skinny for that matter) and go IN PERSON once every 4 years to select the leader of our Democratic Republic. These absentee ballots are mailed ONLY upon request, to a SPECIFIC person whose signature can be VERIFIED when returned just like it would be VERIFIED at the polling place to ensure the person casting the vote is who they say they are and has the RIGHT to vote. They are not just sent out like some piece of 3rd class junk mail to each and every postal address marked "Occupant". You are worried about foreign interference (Russia, Russia, Russia) in our elections? Imagine this scenario if we were to go to mass mail out-in ballots. Just prior to an election, in an attempt to sway an election one way or another, a foreign nation (Russia, Russia, Russia) floods our nation strategically in battle ground states, putting up in vacant apartments, operatives that are instructed to vote for a specific candidate of it's choice. With bulk mailed ballots going to each and every address, and with no signature verification upon return, the election outcome could EASILY be controlled by that Nation.
There IS election fraud. I know it to be a FACT. Individuals in my local community have been convicted of it and have GONE TO JAIL for it. SO DON"T TELL ME IT DOESN'T EXIST. And before you say it is so few and far between, save your breath and grow up. Just as with most everything else, we only know about the ones that get caught. Just because it hasn't been caught, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Lots of spouse cheat, but unless they get caught, we think they are loyal partners. Grow up, wake up, and smell the coffee.
View attachment 392716 View attachment 392717 View attachment 392719
I'm not really worried about it. I'm still going to mail my 5 votes in.

David J. Freed, U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Pennsylvania, announced on Thursday afternoon that his office had opened an inquiry into the disposal of nine military mail-in ballots in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.

“Of the nine ballots that were discarded and then recovered, seven were cast for presidential candidate Donald Trump. Two of the discarded ballots had been resealed inside their appropriate envelopes by Luzerne elections staff prior to recovery by the FBI and the contents of those 2 ballots are unknown.”

But mail in voting is perfectly secure....Right? BS. The ONLY vote that is safe and secure is the one you cast in the voting both, in person, on election day. The claims that it is unsafe to vote in person due to Covid 19 are also BS. Every single day since the beginning of this pandemic, individuals have been out in public, standing in lines at grocery stores, attending protests and riots shoulder to shoulder. Currently most states are in phase 3 or 4 which means people are out and about most everywhere , with a mask, going about their business. Voting should be, and is, no different. Yet the Dumb-o crats and liberal socialists would have you believe it is somehow deathly unsafe to go and vote in person at the polling places.
Why you ask? Because they haven't yet figured out how to have non-citizens vote for them in person. Because they haven't yet figured out how to discard an in person vote cast for their opponent. Mail in voting is vulnerable to and will be rife with tampering, fraud and corruption. Yes, there are specific and special circumstances which require absentee ballots. Mass mailing of "convenience ballots" and absentee ballots is Apples and Oranges. These absentee ballots protect the rights of a citizen with SPECIAL needs that prevent them from going to the polling place on election day. It is NOT meant to make voting convenient because you are to lazy to get off your fat arse (or skinny for that matter) and go IN PERSON once every 4 years to select the leader of our Democratic Republic. These absentee ballots are mailed ONLY upon request, to a SPECIFIC person whose signature can be VERIFIED when returned just like it would be VERIFIED at the polling place to ensure the person casting the vote is who they say they are and has the RIGHT to vote. They are not just sent out like some piece of 3rd class junk mail to each and every postal address marked "Occupant". You are worried about foreign interference (Russia, Russia, Russia) in our elections? Imagine this scenario if we were to go to mass mail out-in ballots. Just prior to an election, in an attempt to sway an election one way or another, a foreign nation (Russia, Russia, Russia) floods our nation strategically in battle ground states, putting up in vacant apartments, operatives that are instructed to vote for a specific candidate of it's choice. With bulk mailed ballots going to each and every address, and with no signature verification upon return, the election outcome could EASILY be controlled by that Nation.
There IS election fraud. I know it to be a FACT. Individuals in my local community have been convicted of it and have GONE TO JAIL for it. SO DON"T TELL ME IT DOESN'T EXIST. And before you say it is so few and far between, save your breath and grow up. Just as with most everything else, we only know about the ones that get caught. Just because it hasn't been caught, doesn't mean it didn't happen. Lots of spouse cheat, but unless they get caught, we think they are loyal partners. Grow up, wake up, and smell the coffee.
View attachment 392716 View attachment 392717 View attachment 392719
I'm not really worried about it. I'm still going to mail my 5 votes in.

Vote early, vote often. Battle cry of the crooked left.

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