Let us play, Truth, Justice, and the American way! Either party is welcome to post!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
What is this game, Truth, Justice, and The American way?

It is about pointing out what is said what WILL happen if someone gets elected, and conversely, what will NOT happen if someone gets elected; not to mention, what is actually happening while that person/group, is in power. In essence, which political party is trying to inform you more of the truth, and which party is misinforming you in an attempt to either gain, or hold power. Now the Left may think I am setting them up, but I am not! I want this to be about pocketbook issues, social issues, and foreign policy issues. Let us see what both sides said, and then what actually happened to discover what is actually going on!

1. When Trump got elected, was it not foretold by an award winning economist that the stockmarket would crash, and never see those highs until...........I can not remember how long he said, but it was a very long time, and Democrats repeated this over and over..

Did that happen?

After an initial drop, the stockmarket came roaring back, and was very happy with the new policies. Leftists lied!

2. We were told that Trump could never get the border wall built.

Was that true?

Sort of. After the Democrats blocked him at every turn, he rejiggered the money and got it under way. It would have been done, but Biden stopped it when he took office. Conclusion: Tie with with GOP leaning more towards actual facts.

3. Trump said that Mexico was going to pay for the wall. Democrats/Leftists said, "no way, Jose." Not going to happen.

Who was correct?

That depends on how you look at it. Trump got Mexico to pay for 28,000 troops to protect the border while the wall was being built. His actions dropped illegal immigration to an all time low, and yes, Mexico was a large part by paying their military to protect our border while everything was in motion. But, for accuracy, no Trump did NOT get Mexico to pay for the wall, so he was not accurate, score 1 for the Dems by default!

4. Trump was in bed with Russia-Russia-Russia. He was a traitor, deserved to be removed from office, and in fact, he should be prosecuted for treason!


Even the Washington post has backtracked in one of the most Left wing papers in America. New York Times has changed their tune also. No matter what you think about Trump, it has now been proven that the whole story was a red herring, and anyone who pushes the herring now looks foolish and uninformed at best, downright dumb at worst. CONCLUSION: Democrats lied through their teeth!

5. Trump is/was a white crazy that hated minority's.

Was that true?

Well, who knows what anyone thinks to themselves, but his policies put more minorities to work and lifted them out of poverty. His unemployment rate amongst minorities was the lowest ever recorded, and did far more than any social program had done in the last 40 years for them. CONCLUSION: If Trump does hate minorities in his heart, he is pretty bad at it; and if he does, imagine if he didn't, lol. CONCLUSION: Left lied again and was/is using their tried and true racial politics.

6. Trump policies would mess up the enviroment.

Was it true?

Well, last year we found out that we had the cleanest air and water in the last 40 years. CONCLUSION: Leftist lied.

7. Trump would start a war with North Korea.

Was that true?

CONCLUSION: Are we at war with the NK? You answered your own question! Democrats misjudged the situation, or they lied. Take your pick!

8. Because of Trump, Europe hates us, doesn't trust us, dislike us.

Was that true?

Probably! He forced them to pay their fairshare of NATO, started stopping them from unfair trade practices with the USA, and virtually forced them to get on board for his Iran policy. CONCLUSION: Gotta give this one to the Democrats, if they are DUMB enough to claim their take for the reasons as a win.

9. Trump would NEVER get an infrastructure bill.

Was that true?

Yes it was. We can blame the Left all we want, and maybe rightfully so, but it is what it is. CONCLUSION: Trump failed on this one. We can blame whoever/whomever we want, but politically, he did not deliver this.

10. Trump tax cuts were all for the wealthy.

Was that true?

Depends, are you talking about wealthy people, or wealthy corporations? They are NOT mutually exclusive! The CEO of GM is NOT the owner, he just runs the corporation, so by giving GM a tax break, does NOT mean you are giving the CEO a tax break. Actually, the shareholders of GM are the owners, and many of them are middle class, so the question is very cloudy indeed. Add to that, if raising taxes paid by corporations is passed down to their customers, then by logic the reverse is true as market forces are put in place by competitors to force the lowering of prices as they try to take advantage of their lower costs to pick up market share. CONCLUSION: Depending upon your definition of wealthy, this one can go either way. Some businesses will, or WILL be forced to pass the savings on, some will say hell no. Unemployment dropped massively, so if the tax policy was bad for the country, this would not have happened. And yet, that is NOT the question! You can go either way with your answer, and have at least 1 leg to stand on, so reluctantly, I call it a wash. STILL, for me if the economy did better with it, we are winners; but I can not roll that into tax cuts did NOT benefit the wealthy.

Now for Biden!

1. If Biden is elected, the border will reopen.

True or false?

Do you need even ask, the numbers say it all.

2. If Biden is elected, he will impose the green new deal, and he said he would not.

True or false?

Been paying attention, because if not, this is no thread for you! He lied, or to be as nice as possible, he, or someone, changed his mind.

3. Bidens policies would drive oil up, along with fossil fuels.

True or false?

Do you drive? Then you have answered your own question.

4. Biden has always been on the wrong side of foreign policy decisions.

True or false?

Well, I can not go that far, but I can tell you that since being President, according the owners of the country; The American People, he hasn't got much right yet since being President. CONCLUSION: May not be 100% accurate, but since being President, he has failed miserably by any metrics of measurement.

5. Biden is a Socialist.

True or false?

Do not know! He may not be! His policies say though whomever is controlling him is at the very least, mighty close. CONCLUSION: What he is or is not is not pertinent here. How he governs and his policies are. Leftists get a pass because they can feign ignorance, one way or the other.

6. If Biden is elected, he will try and pack the court, he claims no.

True or false?

He has entertained the idea, which means he lied, the Left lied, and in typical doublespeak, they will say where is the packed court, so he didn't, lol.

7. If Biden is elected he will raise taxes on the middle class, he said no.

True or false?

CONCLUSION: His party is trying as hard as they can. Did you see the NEW TAX on natural gas to heat your home? Did you see the new corporate tax hikes that will be passed on to you! Did you know that inflation is a hidden tax? Now, until Biden has the bill on his desk and signs it; IF it gets there, Biden in literal terms did NOT lie, because his personal actions besides inflation, have NOT caused a rise in your taxes. And yet, that is semantics on the Lefts part, lol. If you can not yet bring yourself yet to declare that Biden lied on this issue, you certainly can admit the Democratic party did!

8. If Biden is elected, he will create 2 more states so he can pack the Senate. He said he would not.

True or False?

CONCLUSION: If you want to take the Democrat excuse that it is false because it hasn't happened yet, so be it. They are trying, and in fact if you look on this board, you will see their paid mouthpieces advocating for it in many threads. The Left lied!

9. If Biden is elected, they will try to get rid of the Electoral college.

True or false?

CONCLUSION: Absolutely TRUE, no question about it. They are trying end arounds to get states, no matter how the states population voted, to ignore their own vote, and go with the popular vote, which essentially dismantles the EC.

10. If Biden is elected, he will try and do a mass amnesty, he claims he would not.

True or false?

CONCLUSION: He lied! That is EXACTLY what they are trying to do. You can read it everywhere, and in fact, some of it is in the build back better program. It is right there!

There are many other things that could be added, and I have no qualms should the left want to make their own case with their own examples. The only thing I ask from both sides, is that we make important issues, not he said, she said. Bread and butter, kitchen table issues along with foreign policy is great.

For me.........and I am only speaking for ME, it is obvious that semantics and lies is used to drive one side, and semantics and truth are used to drive the other, lol. Hey, at least they both have semantics-)

The one thing that I hope..........from my perspective......that moderates and independents get is-------->that for 4 years, you were lied to about Russia-Russia-Russia, to bring down the President of The United States. Now I am not going to deny you the American right to dislike his politics, or personally hate the man for whatever reason you see fit to do so. But I ask you------->is that how our country is supposed to work? And if people in power can do that to a President, what chance have you got? And remember, even though it did not work fully in these just past elections, they tried to invoke Trump for the reason NOT to vote GOP in Virginia and New Jersey. That is how confident they were that their gaslighting worked for the last 4 years!

Well all, I hope most of you come up with other instances to prove 1 way or the other who is misleading Americans. Good luck!
Which "either" party. I belong to the American Despot Party, (come to think of it I'm the only one), are we included or not?
No, the DemoRATS and the rethugs believe you need to conform to their myopic ideals Neither party has anything to offer folk like me.

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