Left's Newest NPC PsyOp: Trying to Get Trump to Turn on His Most Persuasive Ally Elon Musk by Claiming That Elon Musk is the President Now

Has anyone asked Vice President Clinton what she thinks of President Musk?

The WEF/Democrats are on their way out.

This is all desperation.

Soon the epstein/diddy/covid/human traffickers will be brought to justice.

If you want to know what Democrats are sick POS, just ask any democrat here who there faves are.

Nuremberg 2.0 is near.

Left's Newest NPC PsyOp: Trying to Get Trump to Turn on His Most Persuasive Ally Elon Musk by Claiming That Elon Musk is the President Now

24 Dec 2024 ~~

Did you know that we had an election but Trump didn't win, MAGAts?
That's right, MAGAts -- Elon Musk is the real president, dummies!
Ha-ha! GOT YA!
Sounds like #ElectionDenialism to me, which I was told was the greatest disinformation threat to our precious Republic.
The Financial Times is celebrating the memes showing Trump bowing to Pope Elon.
The media are very serious people, and also, memes are terrible and stupid and brainwashing, except when leftist crank them out in a joint NPC psychological warfare operation.
The left has all the brain dead NPCs attempting this weak trolling, including, of course, credibly accused gay sexual assaulter Don LeMon.

This is funny. Low and busted, Neo-Marxist Democrats out of ideas and making fools of themselves.
Democrats have warped little brains. Trump has always enjoyed putting superior people out front. Rick Grenell comes to mind; there are many others.
They believe the cartoon version of Trump they've created in their minds instead of the real version that is standing right in front of them.
In the blink of an eye we've gone from Trump is a dope who hires terrible people to Trump is a dope because he hires people who are too good.
The newest newest Psyop is to create turmoil over the House Speakership stating that if the Speakership is vacant on Jan. 6, House members can't be sworn in, and if House members are not sworn in, then the Electoral College election results cannot be certified. No certification - Trump cannot be president.
Neo-Marxists can't build anything true, good, and beautiful. All Marxists can do is try to destroy. Try harder Marxists with your dying legacy media platforms that no-one watches.

Leftards are completely full of shit.

They're lying conniving assholes.

Never trust a leftard.
Leftards are completely full of shit.

They're lying conniving assholes.

Never trust a leftard.
If you are ever in a position where you have to hire employees, do everything you can to avoid hiring democrats. You'll thank me later or You'll wish you had listened.


Leftards are howler monkeys, they sling shit from one place to another.

Pull something out of their asses and throw it somewhere.
Is that the official Crazy MAGA cult line, or are you just trying to get noticed? You cult members say the silliest things

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