Lefties new hero calls Bernanke advisor a "whore" ...


She is a K Street whore.

Right, and the official republican health care plan is to not get sick or die quick if you ........:cuckoo:

If a republican called a gay man in that position a whore ? omgtheoutrage ......
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Right, and the official republican health care plan is to not get sick or die quick if you ........:cuckoo:

If a republican called a gay man in that position a whore ? omgtheoutrage ......
Pretty much.

Then why did Grayson apologize if that's what she really is ? ..........:eusa_whistle:
That one's not a deep thinker. Can't think past the end of her nose. Just reactions - nothing of substance.
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The FrankenDemocratstein Monster

The Face of Al Franken, the incoherence of Obama off Teleprompter, the mouth of Alan Grayson and the brains of Joe Biden
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I didn't ask him, i asked you. You're defending this moonbats words more than he's defending his own words .........:cuckoo:
Here's some words to understand: In my opinion, he's right.

Does that clear things up?
If he's right, then she's not a whore. But YOU said she was.

Which is it, idiot? Or, are you just insane?
I believe he meant it, he just had to tame it down for the easily offended pearl clutchers, and you know it.

Everyone knows: She's a K street whore. And so are most politicians, to some degree.

Welcome to Politics 101.
Lemme see if i remember how this works ....

Republicans attack Grayson because they fear him.
Lemme see if i remember how this works ....

Republicans attack Grayson because they fear him.

Libruls love Grayson because he makes Rangel look honest, Obama civilized and Biden smart
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Here's some words to understand: In my opinion, he's right.

Does that clear things up?
If he's right, then she's not a whore. But YOU said she was.

Which is it, idiot? Or, are you just insane?
I believe he meant it, he just had to tame it down for the easily offended pearl clutchers, and you know it.

Everyone knows: She's a K street whore. And so are most politicians, to some degree.

Welcome to Politics 101.
I know it? Sorry, I haven't the capability to read vacuous minds (or any mind for that matter).

And, women who promote denigrating terms do as much damage to the women's movement as any misogynist.

You are a moronic sell-out.
Lemme see if i remember how this works ....

Republicans attack Grayson because they fear him.

Libruls love Grayson because he makes Obama seem civilized and Biden smart

I love him because shows first hand that a lot of you righties can dish it out but you sure as hell can't take it.

I think he reminds them too much of themselves, and it scares the ever loving shit out of the flame throwers.

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